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NPM : 3334170052
JURUSAN : Teknik Metalurgi
The childhood loss of kids nowadays can be seen from the way children play today with young
children in the 90s. And the fact now, those little children already understand the things that smell of
love or commonly called courtship. There are several factors that cause a child now at the point of losing
his time. Firstly, it was caused by the non-educative TV show / show programs. And the delivery is
during the hours that are easy to watch by small children. Secondly, the number of songs about the
romance that circulated widely, and also the emergence of underage boyband / girlband which they
bring songs about romance. And the last is technological progress that increasingly rapidly, this can be
seen from electronic goods such as mobile phones, internet, games or touch tablets that offer leading
applications with low prices. So many kids today are already holding a full mobile phone for him.

Talking about the loss of childhood play today, of course our attention will lead to the screening
of movies on tv. The almost average film is non-educative and contains elements that shake the morality
of children. Examples such as the number of movies containing courts that players are also fairly small
children. So that small children who watch the film will be curious about the behavior or attitudes that
have been watched. And automatically they do what they've been watching. Today's little kids like the
movie, a short story about my little nephew who's just stepping into elementary school. At the time he
was watching the tv movie is not long then the mother dating and immediately change the tv channel.
Then, the child immediately turned his face into a scowl and immediately grabbed the remote tv from
the mother and change the channel to the previous tv movie.

But in reality now the cartoons are transformed into adult musical events. And in the music
show it certainly contains songs that contain adult romance. So even today there are a lot of little kids
who have started to sing songs that they do not deserve to sing. Moreover, many songs now that
contain the meaning of words that are not in accordance with age. And already a lot of elementary
school children who do not memorize the lyrics to the children's songs they are even more memorized
with the songs of love.
With the advancement of technology that increasingly rapidly this makes children more and
more lost their childhood. Which in those days was fun to play with his peers. And this is captured by
technological goods such as Blackberry, Tab, and Internet. It's rare nowadays children who play run
around here and there. Play traditional games that are now almost extinct like, fort, Asean, Tapak
Gunung, soccer, and so forth. Children today prefer to play in the cafe or just gather with friends while
talking about social media, it happens because since most parents have less time with their children
because they have to work, kids have replaced their parents with technology. Dad or Mom will come
back late from work and they will have less time to chat or play with the kid. So at the end of the day,
the child will find comfort in playing video games, watching television, chatting with friends on
facebook, visiting weird harmful websites online, etc. At the end of the day, these kids also consult the
internet or online strangers for help if a need arises and this too can expose them to some wrong
information which can result in problems.
For that, the parents play an active role to supervise their children, do not be given first
technological goods that have been very sophisticated at the time he was still early. Because by
memeberikan goods will make children more spoiled and not independent. Then also more attention
with tv shows that are often watched by the child

- Ramey, K. (2012). Effect Technology Children. Retrivied from

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