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Sexual and Asexual Reproduction Study Guide

I can compare sexual and asexual reproduction.

Sexual Reproduction

1. Requires 2 parents.
2. The joining of egg and sperm is called fertilization.
3. Sexual reproduction requires each parent to contribute 23 chromosomes
4. The joining of egg and sperm creates a zygote.
5. Sexual reproduction requires the union of egg and sperm.
6. A zygote is a cell that has 46 chromosomes. Sex cells have 23 chromosomes.
7. Sexual reproduction creates variations in the offspring.
8. How are variations beneficial?
They can help a species survive if a disease breaks out. It can help them adapt
to changes in their environment.
9. Sexual reproduction requires a long gestation period.
10. Sexual reproduction can cause deformities in the offspring.
11. TRUE or FALSE: Sexual reproduction is 100% successful.

Asexual Reproduction

12. Asexual reproduction requires 1 parent(s).

13. Offspring produced through asexual reproduction are identical
in appearance.
14. An example of tubers that reproduce asexually is _potatoes.
15. This type of asexual reproduction produces an identical copy of single
celled organisms. binary fission.
16. Strawberry plants reproduce asexually by producing new plants from
17. A hydra reproduces asexually through a process called budding.
18. Onions reproduce asexually by producing bulbs.
19. Bacteria cells reproduce asexually through a process called binary fission.
20. Identify three advantages of asexual reproduction.
A. no gestation period
B. no mate needed
C. 100% successful
21. The length of time from conception to birth is called gestation period
22. The main disadvantage to asexual reproduction is no variations.

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