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Corporal Punishment

They say, "People learn from their mistakes." So is it safe to say that we learn
from the punishment we got whenever we commit mistakes? 'Cause punishments are
twins with mistakes, yeah?
Corporal punishment or physical punishment is a punishment intended to cause
physical pain on a person. It is most often practiced on minors, especially at home and
school settings. Here's the question, is it really required to get physical when punishing?
Especially a young kid that just spilled a coffee on you file. Are you really that
heartless to? to hurt that little ball of sunshine that doesn't even commit a "crime". Do
you get what I mean?
If no, then here. What I'm saying is, yes, you can punish a child when he commits
mistake, you discipline him. But can you do it by simply talking to him or explaining to
him what he did was wrong, and why is it wrong. At least on that way he really learned
from the mistake that he committed. He won't do something wrong not just for the sake
of him being punished after, but for the fact that he has knowledge about what is right
and what is wrong.
Punishments are like teachers. They are not just scary, they have lessons too.

Absenteeism is a habitual pattern of absence from a duty or obligation without

good reasons. This problem is most common in schools.

Studies have shown that students with poor attendance records are found to be at a
disadvantage both academically and socially. How? They don't go to school so they
missed the lessons at school. Plus, they lack the opportunity to meet new people and
make friends. Worst, they are also at risk of having more restricted opportunities in
terms of further education and employment, and are likely to experience social and
emotional problems in adulthood.
But of course, there are reasons why this problem happen. A study argued that
there are positive and negative reinforcement regarding this matter. The positive one is
the student who often miss the class gets benefits from not going to school. While the
negative one is simply students avoids school. For they avoid fear, anxiety problems, or
escape from social situations.
But how can we avoid absenteeism? We can't avoid it but there is a step by step
process on how to treat this problem. By simply identifying the absences, knowing the
reasons behind it, work with family about this topic and offer positive reinforcement if
Late Comers
Late comers are the ones who always don't come on time,
obviously. In fact, they are the real geniuses. Why? They can think of
many alibis from being late.
In school, it is important to come on time so you won't miss half
of the lesson. You know it's really fun to learn wheb you're hearing
the beginning of the lesson up to its very end.
Many people are late for some reasons: traffic, waking up late
and even the innocent alarm clock takes the blame. But it is a matter
of giving importance and love to what you're doing, especially in
As the saying goes, love what you do and do what you love. It is
easy ti do something when you put your heart to it, not literally of
course. You're motivated, inspired and willing to make your task
Late comers misses half of all the opportunities that are being
offered to early-birds. They are left with leftover, so ending, they can't
choose what to take, 'cause they're left with no choice.

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