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The Threshold Welding Current for Large Area Closed Contacts with ‘n’ Points
of Contact for Short Duration, High Fault Currents

Paul G. Slade, FIEEE

Consultant: Circuit Interruption and Electrical Contacts

A model is developed to determine the peak current required to weld large area closed contacts with ‘n’ points
of contact when passing short duration, high fault currents. The model also predicts the threshold welding
current for parallel contact structures used to carry large currents in high current switching devices. The model
considers: (1) the total contact resistance of the closed contacts by including the expected constriction
resistance as well as the resistance resulting from the high temperature of the contact spots; (2) the effect of
the ‘blow-off’ force from the passage of the current through the contact spots; and (3) the reduction of the
hardness of the contact metal in the vicinity of the high temperature at the contact spots. A discussion of the
model shows how it can be used in practice to analyze not only welded contact structures, but also to
determine the contact force required to prevent them from welding during the passage of overload currents.


In a previous paper [1] I developed an easily usable contact material hardness data as a function of
equation to predict the threshold welding current, temperature [5] (see Fig.2). For a single region of
iW, for closed contacts as a function of the applied contact and for a current pulse of a few
contact force, F. The equation combined standard milliseconds: e.g. an ac current half cycle, see Eq.
contact equations with experimental data for the (1).
contact blow-off force [2,3,4] (see Fig.1) and
ʹܷ௠ ξ‫ܨ‬
݅ௐ ൌ ଵൗ ሾͳሻ
ଶ ଶ
ʹ ଶ቉
ቈቄߩ଴ ቂͳ ൅ ͵ ߙሺܶଵ െ ܶ଴ ሻቃቅ ߨሺͲǤͳ‫ܪ‬଴ ሻ ൅ ͶǤͶͷ ൈ ͳͲି଻ ൈ Ͷܷ௠

Fig. 2 The effect of temperature on the hardness

Fig.1 The contact force required to balance the of common contact materials [5]
blow off force during the passage of current from
2kA to 150kA: [3], [4]

978-1-4799-6068-2-14/$31.00 (c)2014 IEEE 7

Where iW, is in amperes, F in Newtons, Um is the (d) The duration of the current pulse is long
contact material’s melting voltage [6], ρ0 the enough for the contact spot to reach a high
resistivity in Ω.mm and H0 is the contact material’s equilibrium temperature: i.e. greater than two
hardness in–2 at temperature T0. Also T1 is a or three milliseconds [21].
temperature close to, but less than the contact
material’s melting temperature Tm and α is the When passing the switch’s rated current, the total
materials temperature coefficient of resistivity. contact force is Ft = F where F is the switch’s
Using Eq.(1) together with values for ρ0 H0 Um and designed contact force. For one region of contact:
α found in contact material properties [6,7] values
‫ ܨ‬ൌ ‫ܽߨܪ‬ଶ (2)
of iW, compare well with experimental values given
by Walczuk [8]. Where H is the contact material’s hardness. If
there are ‘n’ contact spots then for the same
In this paper an extension to Eq.(1) is developed
contact force:
for ‘n’ regions of contact. This has been observed
in large area contacts such as those found in ߨܽଶ ൌ ܿଵ ߨܽଶ ൅ ܿଶ ߨܽଶ ൅ ‫ ڮ‬൅ ܿ௡ ߨܽଶ (3)
vacuum interrupters [9], where two or more
parallel arcs have been seen as these contacts part i.e. ߨܽଶ ൌ σ௡ଵ ܿ௡ ߨܽଶ (4)
[10-12] and [13] where 8 initial arcs can be seen as
the contacts open. It may also apply to small area Where c1 ,c2 …….. cn are less than 1 and
contacts that have been subjected to arc erosion.
One study of such contacts has been made using ܿଵ ൅ ܿଶ ൅ ‫ ڮ‬൅ ܿ௡ ൌ ͳ (5)
Finite Element Analysis [14], the results of which
i.e. σ௡ଵ ܿ௡ ൌ ͳ (6)
are compatible with the present analysis. This
extension also applies to switching systems that If F1, F2,……, Fn are the contact forces experienced
use parallel contact paths for carrying high by contact regions 1, 2 to n respectively then:
continuous currents. Such structures are found in
many high continuous current, low voltage air ‫ ܨ‬ൌ ‫ܨ‬ଵ +‫ܨ‬ଶ +……..+‫ܨ‬௡ (7)
circuit breakers [15,16] and in high voltage SF6
circuit breakers [17]. If the Holm radius at contact region 1 is a1 then:

2. THE MODEL TO DETERMINE THE THRESHOLD ‫ܨ‬ଵ ൌ ‫ܽߨܪ‬ଵଶ ൌ ‫ܿܪ‬ଵ ߨܽଶ ൌ ܿଵ ‫ܨ‬ (8)
WITH ‘n’ REGIONS OF CONTACT. Similarly: ‫ܨ‬ଶ ൌ ܿଶ ‫ܨ‬ǡ……, ‫ܨ‬௡ ൌ ܿ௡ ‫ܨ‬ (9)

The contact resistance R1 for contact region 1 is:

The development of these equations requires
certain assumptions: ఘ ఘ గு ఘ గு
(a) Although each region of contact is made up ܴଵ ൌ ଶ௔ ൌ ଶ ට ி ൌ ଶ ට௖ ሺͳͲሻ
భ భ భி
from a number of micro contact spots, the
contact resistance is determined by an Similarly for contact regions 2 …. n
average contact spot radius ‘a’, the “Holm
Radius” [18,19]. ఘ గு ఘ గு
ܴଶ ൌ ଶ ට௖ ….. ܴ௡ ൌ ଶ ට௖ (11)
మி ೙ி
(b) The regions of contact are located a sufficient
distance apart that they can be considered
If the total circuit current is i and if the currents
independent of each other [14,20]; i.e. large
through regions 1, 2……n are i1, i2………in respectively,
area contact regions are similar to separate
contact paths in parallel.
(c) The duration of the overload or fault current ݅ ൌ ݅ଵ ൅ ݅ଶ ൅ ‫ ڮ‬൅ ݅௡ (12)
is short enough to not significantly increase
the bulk temperature of the contacts: e.g. a i.e. ݅ ൌ σ௡ଵ ݅௡ (13)
few ac half cycles.

The voltage drop across each contact region must From Fig. 1 the blow-off forces from contact
be the same so: regions 1,2 to n are:

݅ଵ ܴଵ ൌ ݅ଶ ܴଶ ൌ ‫ ڮ‬ൌ ݅௡ ܴ௡ (14) ଶ

‫ܨ‬௕ଵ ൌ ͶǤͶͷ ൈ ͳͲି଻ ݅ௐଵ N

ఘ గு ఘ గு ఘ గு

‫ܨ‬௕ଶ ൌ ͶǤͶͷ ൈ ͳͲି଻ ݅ௐଶ N
݅ଵ ଶ ට௖ ൌ ݅ଶ ଶ ට௖ ൌ ‫ ڮ‬ൌ ݅௡ ଶ ට௖ ி(15)
భி మி ೙

through ‫ܨ‬௕௡ ൌ ͶǤͶͷ ൈ ͳͲି଻ ݅ௐ௡ N (23)
Using Eqs. (13) and (15)
Then using Eqs. (20) and (23) for contact spot 1:
݅ଵ ൌ ‫ܨ‬௧ଵ ൌ ܿଵ ሺ‫ ܨ‬െ ͶǤͶͷ ൈ ͳͲି଻ σ௡ଵ ݅ௐ௡
ଶ ሻ
ξܿଵ ൅ ξܿଵ ൅ ‫ ڮ‬൅ ඥܿ௡
Similar expressions can be developed for Ft2
݅ ξܿଵ
݅Ǥ ݁Ǥ݅ଵ ൌ  through Ftn. Using the relationships shown in Eq.
σ௡ଵ ඥܿ௡ (16)
݅ ξܿଶ
݅ଶ ൌ
σ௡ଵ ඥܿ௡ ‫ܨ‬௧ଵ ൌ ܿଵ ൭‫ ܨ‬െ ͶǤͶͷ

݅ ඥܿ௡ ܿଵ ܿଶ
–Š”‘—‰Š݅௡ ൌ ሺͳ͸ሻ

ൈ ͳͲି଻ ݅ௐ ൥ ଶ ൅ ଶ൅‫ڮ‬
σ௡ଵ ඥܿ௡ ൫σ௡ଵ ඥܿ௡ ൯ ൫σ௡ଵ ඥܿ௡ ൯
When the overload or fault current flows through ൅ ଶ ൩൱ሺʹͷሻ
൫σ௡ଵ ඥܿ௡ ൯
each contact spot experiences a blow-off force Fb1,
Fb2 ……. Fbn from each contact region with the total
σ௡ଵ ܿ௡
blow-off force Fb: ‫ܨ‬௧ଵ ൌ…ͳ ൭ െ ͶǤͶͷൈͳͲǦ͹ ‹ʹ  ൥ ଶ ൩൱
൫σ௡ଵ ඥܿ௡ ൯
‫ܨ‬௕ ൌ ‫ܨ‬௕ଵ ൅ ‫ܨ‬௕ଶ ൅ ‫ ڮ‬൅ ‫ܨ‬௕௡ (17)
i.e. ‫ܨ‬௕ ൌ σ௡ଵ ‫ܨ‬௕௡ (18)
From Eq. (6), σ௡
ଵ ܿ௡ ൌ ͳ so:
Thus the total contact force at each contact spot
from Eqs. (8) and (9) is:

ͶǤͶͷ ൈ ͳͲି଻ ݅ௐ
‫ܨ‬௧ଵ ൌ ܿଵ ൭‫ ܨ‬െ ଶ ൱
൫σ௡ଵ ඥܿ௡ ൯
‫ܨ‬௧ଵ ൌ ܿଵ ሺ‫ ܨ‬െ ‫ܨ‬௕ ሻ ‫ܨ‬௧ଶ ൌ ܿଶ ሺ‫ ܨ‬െ ‫ܨ‬௕ ሻ
through‫ܨ‬௧௡ ൌ ܿ௡ ሺ‫ ܨ‬െ ‫ܨ‬௕ ሻ, (19)
Assuming that contact welding occurs when the
voltage across each contact spot reaches the
contact material’s melting voltage, Um, [6] then for
i.e.‫ܨ‬௧ଵ ൌ ܿଵ ሺ‫ ܨ‬െ σ௡ଵ ‫ܨ‬௕௡ ሻ
each contact spot:
‫ܨ‬௧ଶ ൌ ܿଶ ሺ‫ ܨ‬െ σ௡ଵ ‫ܨ‬௕௡ ሻ
ܷ௠ ൌ ݅ௐଵ ܴଵ ൌ ݅ௐଶ ܴଶ ൌ ‫ ڮ‬ൌ ݅ௐ௡ ܴ௡ (28)
through ‫ܨ‬௧௡ ൌ ܿ௡ ሺ‫ ܨ‬െ σ௡ଵ ‫ܨ‬௕௡ ሻ (20) Where iW1, iW2 through iWn, are the currents at
which each contact spot melts. So for contact spot
When contact welding occurs the total welding
current iw is given by the sum of the ‘n’ currents
passing through each of the contact spots, i.e.
݅ௐ ൌ ݅ௐଵ ൅ ݅ௐଶ ൅ ‫ ڮ‬൅ ݅ௐ௡ (21) ߩ ߨ‫ܪ‬
ܷ௠ ൌ ݅ௐଵ ൈ ඨ ሺʹͻሻ
ʹ ‫ܨ‬௧ଵ
I.e. ݅ௐ ൌ σ௡ଵ ݅ௐ௡ (22)

A similar equation can be determined for contact appreciably for a very short duration current of a
spots 2 through n. The average resistivity for a few milliseconds and α is the temperature
contact whose spot temperature is T1 close to the coefficient of resistivity.
contact’s melting temperature is [22]:
From Fig. 2 the hardness H at a temperature close
ଶ to the contact materials melting point is 0.1 x H0
ߩ்ଵ ൌ ߩ଴ ቀͳ ൅ ଷ
ߙሾܶଵ െ ܶ଴ ሿቁ (30)
where H0 is the hardness at temperature T0.Thus
substituting Eqs. (16), (27), (30) and the value for H
in Eq. (29), the expression for Um becomes:
Where ρ0 is the contact’s bulk resistivity at
temperature T0, which will not increase

݅ௐ ξܿଵ ߩ଴ ቀͳ ൅ ͵ ߙሾܶଵ െ ܶ଴ ሿቁ ߨሺͲǤͳ‫ܪ‬଴ ሻ
ܷ௠ ൌ ൈ ଶ ሺ͵ͳሻ
σ݊ͳ ඥܿ݊ ʹ ඩ ݅ௐ ܿଵ ൈ ͶǤͶͷ ൈ ͳͲି଻
ܿଵ ‫ ܨ‬െ ଶ
൫σ݊ͳ ඥܿ݊ ൯


ʹܷ௠ ൫σ݊ͳ ඥܿ݊ ൯ξ‫ܨ‬

݅ௐ ൌ ଵൗ ሺ͵ʹሻ
ଶ ଶ
ʹ ଶ቉
ቈቄߩ଴ ቂͳ ൅ ͵ ߙሺܶଵ െ ܶ଴ ሻቃቅ ߨሺͲǤͳ‫ܪ‬଴ ሻ ൅ ͶǤͶͷ ൈ ͳͲି଻ ൈ Ͷܷ௠

If ܿଵ ൌ ܿଶ ൌ ‫ ڮ‬ൌ ܿ௡ ൌ ͳൗ݊ ‫݄݊݁ݐ‬ξܿଵ ൅ ξܿଶ ൅ ‫ ڮ‬൅ ඥܿ௡ ൌ ‫ ݋ݏ‬σ௡ଵ ܿ௡ ൌ ξ݊

ʹܷ௠ ൫ξ݊൯ξ‫ܨ‬
݅ௐ ൌ ଵൗ ሺ͵͵ሻ
ଶ ଶ
ʹ ଶ቉
ቈቄߩ଴ ቂͳ ൅ ͵ ߙሺܶଵ െ ܶ଴ ሻቃቅ ߨሺͲǤͳ‫ܪ‬଴ ሻ ൅ ͶǤͶͷ ൈ ͳͲି଻ ൈ Ͷܷ௠

Thus in this case

݅ௐ ሺԢ݊Ԣܴ݁݃݅‫ݐܿܽݐ݊݋ܥ݂݋ݏ݊݋‬ሻ ൌ ξ݊ ൈ ݅ௐ ሺͳܴ݁݃݅‫ݐܿܽݐ݊݋ܥ݂݋݊݋‬ሻ (34)

(i) Two Regions of Contact

Using a similar analysis for two regions of contact with:

ߨܽଶ ൌ ܿଵ ߨܽଶ ൅ ܿଶ ߨܽଶ (35)

ʹܷ௠ ሺξܿଵ ൅ ξܿଶ ሻξ‫ܨ‬

݅ௐ ൌ ଵൗ ሺ͵͸ሻ
ଶ ଶ
ʹ ଶ቉
ቈቄߩ଴ ቂͳ ൅ ͵ ߙሺܶଵ െ ܶ଴ ሻቃቅ ߨሺͲǤͳ‫ܪ‬଴ ሻ ൅ ͶǤͶͷ ൈ ͳͲି଻ ൈ Ͷܷ௠

If ܿଵ ൌ ܿଶ ൌ ͳൗʹ then

ʹܷ௠ ൫ξʹ൯ξ‫ܨ‬
݅ௐ ൌ ଵൗ ሺ͵͹ሻ
ଶ ଶ
ʹ ଶ቉
ቈቄߩ଴ ቂͳ ൅ ͵ ߙሺܶଵ െ ܶ଴ ሻቃቅ ߨሺͲǤͳ‫ܪ‬଴ ሻ ൅ ͶǤͶͷ ൈ ͳͲି଻ ൈ Ͷܷ௠

Thus in this case

݅ௐ ሺʹܴ݁݃݅‫ݐܿܽݐ݊݋ܥ݂݋ݏ݊݋‬ሻ ൌ ξʹ ൈ ݅ௐ ሺͳܴ݁݃݅‫ݐܿܽݐ݊݋ܥ݂݋݊݋‬ሻ (38)

(ii) 3 Regions of Contact

ʹܷ௠ ൫ξܿଵ ൅ ξܿଶ ൅ ඥܿଷ ൯ξ‫ܨ‬

݅ௐ ൌ ଵൗ ሺ͵ͻሻ
ଶ ଶ
ʹ ଶ቉
ቈቄߩ଴ ቂͳ ൅ ͵ ߙሺܶଵ െ ܶ଴ ሻቃቅ ߨሺͲǤͳ‫ܪ‬଴ ሻ ൅ ͶǤͶͷ ൈ ͳͲି଻ ൈ Ͷܷ௠

If ܿଵ ൌ ܿଶ ൌ ܿଷ ൌ ͳൗ͵ then

ʹܷ௠ ൫ξ͵൯ξ‫ܨ‬
݅ௐ ൌ ଵൗ ሺͶͲሻ
ଶ ଶ
ʹ ଶ቉
ቈቄߩ଴ ቂͳ ൅ ͵ ߙሺܶଵ െ ܶ଴ ሻቃቅ ߨሺͲǤͳ‫ܪ‬଴ ሻ ൅ ͶǤͶͷ ൈ ͳͲି଻ ൈ Ͷܷ௠

Thus in this case

݅ௐ ሺ͵ܴ݁݃݅‫ݐܿܽݐ݊݋ܥ݂݋ݏ݊݋‬ሻ ൌ ξ͵ ൈ ݅ௐ ሺͳܴ݁݃݅‫ݐܿܽݐ݊݋ܥ݂݋݊݋‬ሻ (41)

Note: the same formulas result for iW if any of the usually possible to calculate a value of iW from
‘n’ contact regions are used to derive it. Eqs. 32, 36 and 39. The switch designer is forced
to use Eqs. 33, 37 and 40 where the “cn” values
(iii) Parallel Contacts are equal. Table 1 shows the sensitivity of the
The welding models for a number of contact value for σ௡ଵ ඥܿ௡ with 2 and 3 regions of contact
regions for large area contacts also apply to using a wide difference in the values of “cn”.
parallel contacts each with one contact spot. This
Table 1. The sensitivity of σ‫ܖ‬૚ ξ‫ ܖ܋‬to a variation
type of contact arrangement is common in circuit
of the values for “cn” for 2 and 3 regions of
interruption devices that have to carry high
continuous currents. Thus, if the contact force on
each contact (Fp) is the same then from Eqs. (33), c1 c2 2 Regions of Contact
(37) and (40):
ඥࢉ૚ ൅ ඥࢉ૛
0.5 0.5 1.414
iW(n // ℓℓ contacts) = √n iW (1 point contact) (42)
0.6 0.4 1.407
0.7 0.3 1.384
iW (2 // ℓℓ contacts) = √2 iW (1 point contact) (43)
0.8 0.2 1.342
0.9 0.1 1.265
iW (3 / / ℓℓ contacts) = √3 iW (1 point contact) (44)
c1 c2 c2 3 Regions of Contact
(Note: In his case the F used in Eqs. (33), (37) and ඥࢉ૚ ൅ ඥࢉ૛ ൅ ඥࢉ૜
(40) is n x Fp , 2 x Fp and 3 x Fp respectively.) 0.333 0.333 0.333 1.732
0.5 0.25 0.25 1.707
3. ANLYSIS AND DISCUSSION 0.6 0.2 0.2 1.699
0.6 0.3 0.1 1.638
In a practical world, for a single large contact the 0.8 0.1 0.1 1.527
values of “cn” are not usually known. Thus it is not

Here it can be seen that even for a gross range 5. REFERENCES
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