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April 29, 2019, UIS United Faculty (UPI Local 4100) administered a 15-question survey to the 155 faculty members
within its bargaining unit. Accessible via an online link for 10 days, the survey collected data from a total of 79
respondents, resulting in a response rate of 51%.
After obtaining informed consent from all participants (survey item 1), the survey presented 11 substantive questions to
respondents. In these items, participants were asked to report on their sense of connections to UIS, their perceptions
regarding the effectiveness of key campus leaders, and their levels of confidence in administrative decision-making at UIS.
The survey concluded with two background questions – ‘tenure status’ and ‘union membership status’ – and a single open
ended question asking respondents to provide any comments that might be useful for UPI leadership. The results for the
background items reveal that 73% of the survey’s respondents were tenured faculty, and that 73% were UPI members.


Faculty were asked three questions assessing their feelings of personal and professional connection to UIS.
Q: Using a scale of 0 to 100, please indicate how strongly you agree that:
--I feel a strong sense of belonging at UIS;
--I feel like "part of the family" at UIS;
--I would be very happy to spend the rest of my career at UIS.
The results of these survey items are reported in Table 1 below.

Table 1. Faculty's Sense of Connection to UIS

Q: Using a scale of 0 to 100,

please indicate how strongly you Stan.
agree that: Mean Median Mode Dev. % <25 % >75 n=

I feel a strong sense of belonging at UIS 45.58 49.50 0 33.24 31.58 26.32 76

I feel like "part of the family" at UIS 38.74 33.50 0 31.83 41.03 20.51 78

I would be very happy to spend

the rest of my career at UIS 42.08 50.00 0 32.62 37.97 20.25 79


Faculty next were asked to respond to four questions regarding the job performance of key leaders at UIS.
Q: Do you approve or disapprove of the way:
--Chancellor Koch is handling her job?
--Provost Papini is handling his job?
--your Dean is handling his/her job?
--your union leadership is handling their duties?

The results of these four survey items are reported in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1. Faculty Approval/Disapproval for Key Campus Leaders

Chancellor Koch Provost Papini

n=76 n=75

College Deans Union Leadership

n=76 n=78


Lastly, faculty were asked to respond to the following four questions regarding their level of confidence in
administrative leadership and decision-making at UIS:
Q: Using a scale of 0 to 100 , please indicate how confident you are that:
--UIS is being led in the right direction; --UIS Administration is committed to the practice of shared governance;
--UIS Admin is committed to transparency; --UIS Admin is effectively setting campus-level budget priorities.
Results for these items are reported in Table 2 below.

Table 2. Faculty Confidence in UIS Leadership and Decision-Making

Q: Using a scale of 0 to 100 ,

please indicate how confident you Stan.
are that: Mean Median Mode Dev. % < 25 % > 75 n=

UIS is being led in the right direction 32.89 30 0 27.57 46.84 10.13 79

UIS Administration is committed to

the practice of shared governance 25.30 12 0 28.91 58.23 8.86 79

UIS Administration is committed to

transparency 28.82 25 0 28.86 53.16 10.13 79

UIS Administration is effectively

setting campus-level budget
priorities 30.51 25 0 27.87 51.32 9.21 76

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