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AIESEC in Universitas Andalas

Gedung PKM Universitas Andalas Limau Manis. Pauh. 25163 | +6282286504186 |

Regular Meeting

Recorded by:
Evi Yulianti Purnama
OC Project Sales
PBoX Entrepreneur

Coaching OC Sales AESEC in Universitas Andalas was held onTuesday, May14th 2019

at Frute, Padang
Minutes of Meeting | AIESEC in Universitas Andalas

1. Attendance List
1. Evi Yulianti Purnama
2. Cindy Permata Sari
3. Belinda Nabila

2. Meeting Location
Frute, Padang

3. Meeting Countdown
Wednesday, May 17th 2017
Meeting Schedule Start : 19:00
Meeting Schedule End : 21:00

2. Meeting Process
No. Agenda Details
1 Introducing OC Sales OC sales is a person who is in charge of selling project to
get partnership or sponsor.
2 Explaing what is partner There are three kinds of partners :
Financial partner who gives us fresh money
Learning partner, for example school or community
In kind partner who gives us things for example goody
bag, key rings, etc.
3 Explaining how to sell our First we need to make market research that we need to
project submit to ERBD to get approval. Then we start to run our
selling. There aretwo kinds of selling, firstly is sales
calling. It is divided into two, cold and warm. Secondly is
sales meeting, it means we direct come to our target
When we are selling we need to wear formal attire and
bring our proposal.
The way we introduce ourselves is by telling our name
first then our organization in a brief but convincing and
also in persuading way, after that we need to explain our
project by explaining our proposal.
4 Explaining about Aftr both side agreed, we need to make LoA that need to
documents be submitted to finance peeps, and also Podio to ge the
numbers of letters. There is a template that only need a
bit changes, for example in the number of letters and
also the OC's name, the partner' name and the sales
name also the duties for each side.
5 Set agenda for selling It will be started really soon, next Thursday 9th May

Minutes of Meeting | AIESEC in Universitas Andalas

3. Meeting Result
The meeting have the conclusion:

Oc sales needs to do their job description sincerely for the sake of AIESEC UNAND INDONESIA
and for the goods of our projects.

We, the signature bearers, proclaim that EB of AIESEC in Universitas Andalas Regular Meeting has happened on
Wednesday, April 5th 2017 in Shafa, Padang.

Evi Yulianti Purnama

General Note Taker

Minutes of Meeting | AIESEC in Universitas Andalas

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