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Using Audio-Lingual Approach

I. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, learners must be able to:
a. define what is the meaning of ballad;
b. appreciate the message of the poem; and
c. write and voice out their own reasoning.


a. Topic: “Ballad of a Mother’s Heart” by Jose La Villa Tierra
b. Reference:
c. Instructional materials: pictures and teacher maid visual aid


a. Routine: prayer, checking of attendance and cleanliness of the room
b. Review: Sentence Parallelism


The teacher will show sentences then students will figure out the faulty parallelism
then correct it to make the sentence parallel.


1. My uncle likes to eat in expensive 1. My uncle likes to eat in expensive

restaurants and visiting restaurants and to visit museums.
museums. 2. The frustrated customer wanted to
2. The frustrated customer wanted exchnge the article, to obtain a
to exchange the article, to obtain refund, or to speak the manager.
a refund, or she wanted to speak 3. I like swimming better than diving.
to the manager. 4. To succeed is to open a new
3. I like swimming better than to opportunity.
dive. 5. Mary is neither a Democrat nor a
4. To succeed is opening a new Republica.
5. Mary is neither a Democrat nor is
she a Republcan.
c. Pre-reading activities: Task 2. WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND?

Implementation: Show to the class a picture. Let the students observe the
picture and ask them a question regarding on it.

1. What is the most memorable moment that you can’t forget to your
2. How do you love your mother?
3. Do you remember the day that you have hurt her? When and why?

Answers may vary.

Unlocking of Difficulties: Task 3. ARRANGE ME, KNOW ME

Divide the class in two groups. Arrange the jumbled letters to form a word
with the help of provided meaning then select a representative for each
group. The answer should write on the illustration board that the teacher
provides in the class.

1. LBALDA- a poem or song narrating a story in short stanzas.

2. DEAIMN- a girl or young woman, especially an unmarried one.
3. TENTPERSIS- continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of
difficulty or opposition.
4. ROGAEND- makes a deep inarticulate sound in response to pain or despair.
5. OFND- feeling or showing love
1. Ballad
2. Maiden
3. Persistent
4. Groaned
5. Fond
d. While Reading activity:
The teacher will read the poem to the class and let them repeat on how the
teacher read the poem.

Ballad of a Mother’s Heart

by Jose La Villa Tierra

The night was dark, for the moon was young

And the stars were asleep and rare,
The clouds were thick, yet Youth went out
To see his Maiden fair.

“Dear One,” he pleaded as he knelt

Before her feet, in tears,
“My love is true, why have you kept
Me waiting all these years?”

The Maiden looked at him unmoved,

It seemed, and whispered low:
“Persistent Youth, you have to prove
By deeds your love is true.”

“There’s not a thing I would not do

For you, Beloved,” said he.
“Then go,” said she,” to your mother dear
And bring her heart to me.”

Without another word,

Youth left and went to his mother dear.
And opened her breast and took her heart.
He did not shed a tear!

Then back to his Maiden fair he ran,

Unmindful of the rain,
But his feet slipped and he fell down
And loud he groaned with pain!

Still in his hand he held the prize

That would win his Maiden’s hand;
And he thought of his mother dear
So kind, so sweet, so fond.

And then he heard voice,

Not from his lips but all apart.
“Get up,” it said, “Were you hurt, Child?”
It was his mother’s heart.

Comprehension check:

1. Who are the characters in the poem?

2. On a personal note, what do you think is the message of the poem?
3. If you were the young lover in the poem, would you do the same act of killing your own
mother for your own personal wants and desire?

e. Post-reading activity: Task 4. ACT ON IT

Implementation: Divide the class in two groups and let them act the events
that occurred in the poem.

Creativity 25 points
Content 20 points
Use of class time 5 points
Total 50 points


Read the poem “The Bargain of Forest and Stream” by A.G. Jackson

Prepared by:

Student teacher

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