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Homework #2 Thermodynamics NAME ________________________________________

The due date is September 9

1. Gaseous CO2 is contained in a vertical piston-cylinder assembly by a piston of mass 50kg and
having a face area of 0.01m2. The mass of CO2 is 4 gramms. The CO2 initially occupies a volume of
0.005m3 and has an initial specific internal energy of 657 kJ/kg. The standard atmospheric
pressure (100kPa) is acting on the top of the piston. Heat transfer in the amount of 1.95 kJ occurs
slowly from the CO2 to the surroundings, and the volume of the CO2 decreases to 0.0025m3.
Ignore the friction and acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s2. For the CO2 alone determine:
1.1 pressure in kPa. Consider it constant for the whole process.
1.2 final specific energy in kJ/kg (you are given the internal energy only at the initial stage,
not u that you put into your equation.
2. A gas with the mass of 10lbm undergoes a process from
𝑙𝑏𝑓 𝑓𝑡 3
the state 1, where P1=50 𝑖𝑛2 , v1=5 𝑙𝑏

to the state 2, where P2=20 𝑖𝑛2 .

according to the pv1.3=const. (Hint: Using this equation you can find the missing final volume)

The relationship between pressure, volume and internal energy for this particular gas can be found from
the following expression:

u=0.2651pV – 98.436
𝑓𝑡 3
where p is in psi, and V is in 𝑙𝑏
. You will get u in Btu-s without conversion factor.

(Hint: use this equation to find the internal energy at the initial and the final stages then take the
difference for “delta u”.)

Write down the energy balance equation and answer to the questions:

2.1 What is the final volume?

2.2 What is the internal energy change?
2.3 What work is equal to?
2.4 What is the heat transfer rate in Btu-s?
3. Water is flowing inside the circular pipe with internal diameter of 2 inch. The mass flow rate is
given as 3.5 gpm at the entry of the pipe.
3.1 Find velocity of the stream in m/s if water density is 990 kg/s.

3.2 The same pipe undergoes pipe narrowing to diameter 1 inch. What is the velocity now if the
density stays the same.
4. Steam in a piston cylinder assembly undergoes a polytropic process with n=2 from an initial stage
𝑓𝑡 3
where p1=500 psi, v1=1.801 𝑙𝑏
, u1=1563.3 Btu/lb to a final stage where u2=995.58 Btu/lb.
During the process there is a heat transfer from the steam of a magnitude 342.9 Btu. The mass of
a steam is 1.35 lb. Neglecting the changes in kinetic and potential energy, determine:

4.1 work in Btu, and

𝑓𝑡 3
4.2 the final specific volume in 𝑙𝑏
5. The refrigerant is initially at p1=0.9MPa and internal energy u1=232.92 kJ/kg is contained within a
rigid closed tank. The tank is fitted with a paddle wheel that transfers energy to the refrigerant at
a constant rate of 0.1 kW.
Heat transfer from the refrigerant to its surroundings occurs following the equation:
where K is a constant in [kW/min] and t is time in [min]. After 20 minutes of steering, the
refrigerant is at p2=1.2MPa and u2=276.67 kJ/kg.
Ignore changes in potential and kinetic energy.

5.1 Find the work W in [kJ] after 20 min of steering.

5.2 The coefficient K, and

5.3 Heat transfer Q in [kJ].

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