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An internship report submitted to the
P.G. Department of Psychology, Utkal University as
requirement for master’s degree of Arts in Psychology.
Submitted by
Saptanjali Subudhi
Roll No-12007V154046

P.G. Department of Psychology

Utkal University, Vani Vihar
May 2017

I hereby declare that this piece of internship report
titled “an internship report on the learning clinic
( Sisu Manovigyan Kendra) submitted by me, Saptanjali
Subudhi, to the the P.G. department of psychology,
Utkal University, Vani Vihar, Bhubaneswar is of my own
and has not been submitted or published any time

Saptanjali subudhi
M.A. in Psychology
Utkal University
Chapter 1- About the Organisation
Scope of learning provided by
the Organisation
Chapter 2- Training duration
Chapter 3 – Learning Experiences
Observation of Cases
Case History
Test Administration
Intervention Given
Chapter 4- My Opinion about the

The learning clinic (TLC) is situated in Saheed nagar, plot no-237, Bhubaneswar.
Dr.J.P. Das,(Former Director and Research Prof. J.P. DAS, Developmental
Disabilities centre, university of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada) had started this
clinic for the benefit of children having special needs . The clinic was
established in 17th February, 1997. Dr. Namita Mohanty (Reader in Psychology,
Utkal University) has contributed her sincere effort and interest for the initial
growth of TLC and worked as the Director of TLC for a period of 8 years at a
stretch .And how it is functioning with a team of clinical psychologists, leading
by Sambit Nanda (Director)

The Learning Clinic is a psycho educational testing service for intelligence,

learning difficulties with remediation and cognitive behaviour therapy.

Now there are five clinical psychologists working for TLC.TLC does with the
children with autism, ADHD, Slow learners, Delayed Development, Language
and social problems .This clinic focuses on the children’s cognitive assessment
system(CAS) to diagnose the intellectual impairment of the child. It measures
four aspects of cognition that are planning, attention, simultaneous and
successive .Processing of a child ages 5-17. But the children who are unable to
take the CAS test, even after the age 5, for them Seguine form board (SFB) is
used just to measure their mental age quickly .And it can be used for children
of any age.

After the assessment, “Individual Education Plan (IEP)” is done. This plan
decides what kind of therapy the child should be given to overcome the special
needs. In TLC two important interventions programs are given developed by Dr
J.P. Das, called PASS reading enhancement program (PREP) and cognitive
enhancement program (COGENT).After a particular period of time, may be
with a gap of 5 to 6 months, sometime in some cases once in a year a post test
is done to know the improvement of the clients. The primary goal of TLC is to
help the children in developing the cognitive and social personal level, which
will help him/her to lead a better day-to-day rational life.


Special education is a plan and coordinates service. The goal is here to deceiver
accessive high quality intervention and support services for children with
special needs and their families through an integrated service delivery
approach .services and support are intended to promote children’s healthy
development maximize quality of life, assist families in their role as primary
caregivers and support fully to these children.

The remedial classes based on the techniques with



These are two important intervention programs are used in remedial classes.
They are PREP and COGENT modules. These modules are used in forms of
picture cards and objects. These are given to the children as activities to
improve their planning skill and increasing their attention span in doing a
particular task. There are different forms of activities in each module.

PREP-PREP remedial classes focus on the child’s simultaneous and successive

processing of information. These are certain modules used in improving the
simultaneous .Processing like ;Tracking shape and object(here two sets of
objects are given with some options belonging to them and there will be one
distracter) sentence verification(here two or three pictures are given with one
sentence, which is related to one of the pictures and the child has to find out
the picture)shape, design (here the child will show 2 or 3 objects with
different shapes in a particular sequence and asked to make the design by
memorizing the picture) etc.

In successive processing the module likes window sequencing(here different

letters are written in 3 rows and the child is asked to find meaningful words in
a particular direction that may be corner to corner) connecting letters(here the
child have shown different letters tangled with each other and asked to
connect those letter to form meaningful words by following particular colour
line connecting the letters) joining shapes(here the child is asked to join the
particular shapes from different other shapes, line; joining only triangle or
circles) and related memory (here the child is shown some words with last
letter missing and asked to fill in the blank to from a meaningful word by using
the letters given as options) are given.

PREP remedial classes help the child in improving planning, attention problem
solving ability, concentration, phonology, reading, vocabulary, reasoning
ability, short term memory, stimulation in cognitive and intellectual process.

COGENT:- There are 5 COGENT modules used in the remedial classes .They are
squeeze and say(here when the therapist shows a flower picture, the child
has to squeeze the palm and say it flower are when there is a picture of animal
the child release his palm saying animal),Clap and Listen ,Funny Relatives,
Name Game(here the child has shown different pictures and asked to name
them whether it is a flower or animal or fruit or vegetable) and shape ,size and
colour( here the child has shown different coloured shapes like circle, square
,trapezium ,hexagon, triangle and put them in appropriate places with accurate

COGENT remedial classes help the children in their motor development by

squeezing and releasing their palms, it also helps to learn phonological
processing of words, analysis and discriminating the sound and begin reading,
increase working memory story telling knowledge about the world, improves
spelling and writing and it helps the child to use the speech in appropriate way
to control one’s own behaviour.

Indore games like Ludo, Chess and Carom are given to help these children in
improving their attention span.

Black white board activities are done to decrease the stage fear of the child, as
many children feel nervous to write on the black board in their classroom. So
this activity is very much useful for them.

Picture Books make the activities interesting for the children. The books consist
of different things like counting numbers with picture in a box, knowing about
the different colours etc.

Flash cards of many types are used like flowers, animals, fruits, vegetables,
action cards like drinking waters, throwing the ball, shutting the door, and
other flash cards like relating the pictures of different weathers to the months

they belong, finding the opposite card of a given card like if there is a thin boy,
then find out the fat boy likewise.

Many kinds of puzzles and manipulative games are also used. It will help the
child in improving the problem solving skill, planning and attention span.

The Learning Clinic offering various services with the help and support of a
team of professional psychologists.


Training Duration

I started my internship in the Learning Clinic, Bhubaneswar, for a period of 10th

January to 10th April 2017.I has worked there for three months. I came to the
clinic on Monday ,Tuesday ,Wednesday, Thursday from 2.30pm to 5.30 pm .I
have worked with children having Autism, ADHD, and LD, Slow Learners and
Delayed Development kids.

Learning Experiences
For the first month, I have to observe each child. Each child comes to the clinic
with one of the parents, and the session goes on for duration of one hour.
Some parents feel uncomfortable initially to allow the interns to observe their
children. The therapies given to the children very according to the diagnosis,
condition and need of the child. Those children who come to TLC for remedial
classes also go for other therapies like sensory Integration therapy and speech

Different Intervention Programs are used according to the age and need of
the child. For AD child, they work on the child’s attention part .They engage
him/her on a task for a particular period of time to improve the attention
level .For a child with autism, the therapist’s works on developing the
child’s eye contact. But they don’t force the child to do the eye contact
.Because it may make the child irritated and the child’s don’t focus on the

Therapy classes includes teaching on categorization, classification, odd one,

same, colour concept, big (small, shape) size concept etc. Tracking-lining-
Tracking is also used for fine-motor development. Different PREP Cognitive
Task like connecting letters, joining shapes, window sequencing , Tracking
shape Design, and sentence verification are used. COGENT tasks like squeeze
and say, Clap and Listen, Funny Relatives, Name Game, and shape, size, colour,
are used .These help the clients in developing attention span, phonological
processing, reading words, spelling etc. A client’s session starts and ends with
the greeting that is “Namaskar”.

The therapists also encourage the children who have done all the tasks
properly ,by clapping for them or by giving them reinforcements like
chocolates .The parents were also present during the therapy session to know
what tasks are given to their child. And they were asked to do the tasks with
their child in home by using different vegetables or fruits with different shape.
It helps the child to learn in the homely environment. Sometimes the children

with ADHD are uncontrollable. So the therapists have to be a little strict in
their loud voice but with an aim, so that the child can do the work properly.

2nd month:-In this month, I continued to observe the clients. For this period of
two months, I got a chance to work under the supervision of renowned
professor Dr. Jagannath Prasad Das the founder of PASS model of intelligence
.I have learned how to take the case history of a new client .While taking a
case history certain specific questions are asked, like the child’s birth time
complication, family situation, neighbourhood ,language and other
developments delayed or fast, about the child’s intellectual development
,other diseases or disorders present or not, having sleeping problem or not,
whether the child is doll or hyperactive ,socialized or solitary, imitates or
actions or not. Then the therapist decides which test should be given to the
child for accurate diagnosis of suspected disorder. I also attended an
assessment session of a new client or Dr. Das tell us how to do it. I have done
the assessment by using SFB and found the client’s IQ level.

Then sir gave suggestions to the parents what to do next.

3rd month:- In the last month of my internship work, I have assisted in the
therapy sessions to 3 clients with Autism ,AD,AD with mild autism and slow
learner under the supervision of Nibedita Madam and Sagarika madam. While
observing the therapists, I thought that it is easy to give a therapy. I felt it was
very difficult. But we have to have patience to deal with them effectively .The
Psychologists, under whom I worked, are very helpful and friendly. They
helped me to be friendly with children and parents. Sambit sir always suggests
the parents to take their children to the parks on regular basis which will help
them in socializing and to be friendly with other children.

After working on TLC, I learned about the case history of clients, using CAS
questionnaire for collecting data about the client, doing the assessment by
using SFB. I learned about giving therapy to the clients, handling them with
patience and to be friendly with them.

Before coming to TLC, I don’t have enough idea how to deal with the children
with special needs properly .But from TLC I have learned the PATIENCE is the
key factor to deal with these children. I also learned that, the parents should
encourage their children’s success and support them in their innovations and
interests .It will help their children to cope with their difficulties easily
.punishments, criticisms and unhealthy comparisons should be avoided as all
these have adverse effects on the mental growth of the child. positive
feedback may increase their motivation and arousal level.

I attend the three clients in the learning clinic .They are:-

Name- Ashis Agarwal


Class – Play School


Age-5.3 years

Language known-Odia

Reason for referral-

Need for an assessment of developmental status.

Background information –Ashis lives in joint family.

There are two cousin sisters in his family with whom he plays and enjoy.
Sometimes he quarrels with their cousins. He shows negative behaviour in the
presence of guest at home and becomes very difficult to handle this time .He
was not attentive in class. He hurts always attentive in class. He hurts his
classmates and punish by the teacher .He was not able to copy from board. His
weakness are towards holy faiths, lockets etc.

Observation in clinic:-

Ashis has been regularly attending the “Remedial classes’’ in the learning clinic
to develop his cognitive processing as well as to improve his attention ability.
But with specific engagement he is able to control his hyper-activeness better.
He has started following instructions .His behaviour and activities are reflected
the sign of good intelligence Our assessment and observation reveal that he is
suffering from attention, socialization problems .with systematic and
structured guidelines he can be trained better for his personal social and
academic developmental both school and home set up.

Test Administered:-

We have assessed him by administering Denver Scale and CAS test on him.

Summary of test result:-

Denver’s developmental screening test was administered on him to assess his

developmental status.

 Gross motor Development-Normal

 Fine motor Development-Normal (little better)
 Language Development- 4 to 4.6 years
 Personal- social development- 3.6 to 4 years

His CAS score -

 Planning-100-average
 Attention-88-low average
 Simultaneous-123-superior
 Successive-84-low average
 Full scale score- 99- average


 He is a very intelligent child as his cognitive profile reflects.

 He has attention deficit problems.
 He is overactive to some extent.
 He has very good abilities in the simultaneous processing includes
reasoning, grasping, comprehending etc.
 He is little lagging behind in language development.
 He has also lagging behind in personal social developments.


 Parents should get both physically and mentally prepared to give him
proper guidance and required training as per our guidelines with
 He needs to lead a systematic and structured routine life with much
language stimulation in the home on regular basis.
 Talk a lot to your child. Tell them what you are doing as you do it.
 Teachers in his classroom should have a friendly relation with him with
motivating attitude & positive spirit.
 A periodic assessment may be once in a year will always beneficial for
him as well as for parents to get aware regarding the growth rate of
different developmental fields.
 Distract all his repetitive and stereotyped behaviour and speech and he
needs individual attention.
 Talk a lot to your child. Tell them what you are doing as you do it .stick
to Odia language primarily at home when you are inter acting with him.
 He should be encouraged to speak initially short and complete
sentences for his daily needs and wants .Parents have to give maximum
language stimulation.
 The parents and other should tell interesting short stories to the child
for 0 to 30 minutes each day.
 Punishments, criticisms and unhealthy comparisons are strictly to be
avoided as all these have adverse effect on the growing self.

Second client-

Name- Rakesh Patnaik



Age-6 years

DOB - 28.1.2006

Language known- Odia

Reason for referral:-

Diagnosis of the restlessness and undesirable behaviour.

Background Information:-

Rakesh is the younger child of his parents with a normal birth history.
Developmental milestones were delayed in his case. The language
development is delayed maximum in his case .Rakesh lives in a nuclear family
.As per his parents information, his language is not developed appropriately to
his age at present .He has acquired the toilet training .He started his schooling
very lately .As per his parents information he is hyperactive and often becomes
more restless at home .He is totally dependent on his mother for most of his
daily personal-social activities .He has no more a friend circle in his
surroundings at present.

He likes to watch cartoon shows in TV, so also other serials. He has

no Interest in reading and writing at present. Parents are very concerned for
his further developments in all angles.

Observation in the clinic:-

Rakesh visited learning clinic with his parents for the diagnosis of his present
attention, language and behavioural problems .He is a good looking child with
a charming appearance. He has less eye contact. He was a bit restless. As my
observation reveals that he is little immature in his personal social behaviour
and activities with comparison to his present age. During his stay in the clinic,
he exhibited the hyper activeness and undesirable behaviour .He has been
deprived of appropriate required training for the development of all
developmental domains(field) in his early childhood.

Test Administered:-

Denver’s Developmental Screening test was administered on him to assess his

developmental status of various fields .SFB (Seguine Form Board) was
administered with him to find out his mental age as he could not able to take
the CAS test.

Summary of Test Result:-

Denver’s Result

 Gross motor Development - Around 4 - 4.6 years

 Fine Motor Development - 2.6 - 3 years
 Language Development - 2.6 - 3 years
 Personal Social Development - 2.6 - 3 years
According to the Denver scale report he is lagging behind by around 3 to
3.6 years in all the developmental domains namely fine motor(eye-hand
coordination),language and personal social development fields .But he is
backward in gross motor(physical development) only by 1.6 years. Thus,
he is lagging behind in all the developmental areas.

SFB test reveals that his present mental age appears to in between 3 years.

Evaluation and Analysis:-

 In all his developmental areas he is functioning at present in the

backward level.
 Due to the delayed language in his case he has been performing at the
backward stage in both the language and personal social developmental
 But his slow development in his fine motor development, which
indicates that with the regular structured training and practice he can
develop further his eye-hand coordination skill.


 Parents should get prepared to give him proper guidance and required
training by accepting the child’s limitations.
 He is advised to attend the remedial class in the learning clinic, in which
he will get exposure to cognitive stimulation programme which will
help him in reducing his hyperactive problem, modifying his
undesirable behaviour as well as get exposure to research based ’pre-
school readiness programme.’
 He should be given much language stimulation at home on regular basis.
 Encourage and habituate him for imaginative play on regular basis.
 Regular schooling will help him in acquisition of language and personal
social development.
 Distract all his repetitive and stereotyped behaviour and speech and he
needs individual attention.
 Talk a lot to your child. Tell them what you are doing as you do it .stick
to Odia language primarily at home when you are inter acting with him.
 He should be encouraged to speak initially short and complete
sentences for his daily needs and wants .Parents have to give maximum
language stimulation.
 The parents and other should tell interesting short stories to the child
for 0 to 30 minutes each day.
 Punishments, criticisms and unhealthy comparisons are strictly to be
avoided as all these have adverse effect on the growing self.


Name- B. Mandeep Raj


Class - Kidzee playschool


Age-4.3 years

Reason For Referral-Delayed language, ADHD, Meaningless speech.

Background Information-

In his early childhood he was expose to maximum time TV and mobile .After
his birth he has been brought off in Sikim for almost four years .So in his early
childhood he has expose to multi language environment .He has been deprived
of playing/interacting with agements in his first four year .During this period
the development of socialization process was affected.

Observation in Clinic:-

Mandeep attending the remedial classes in the TLC to develop his language
and attention. As I have observed he is exhibiting attention problems but now
developing. Our assessment and observation reveal that he is just little behind
his age appropriate developments. At present he is attending play school,
cognitive therapy, speech therapy, and SI therapy for the last two months with
systematics structured guideline he can be trained better for his personal
social development both at school and home set up.

Test Administered:-

Denver’s developmental screening test was administered on him to assess his

developmental status of various fields. SFB (Seguine Form Board)

Was administered with him to find out his mental age as he could not able to
take the CAS test.

Summary of Test Result:-

Denver’s result:-

Gross Motor Development:-3 to 6 years

Fine motor Development:- 4 years

Language Development:-16 to 18 months

Personal Social Development:-15 to 18months

Seguine form Board:-

1st trial- 85sec

2nd trial- 53 sec

3rd trial- 44 sec

mental age- 4.6years


 Mandeep is lagging 1 year in his developmental domains in comparison

to his agements.
 He has attention problem, speech problem and also language problem.
 He is lagging 2-2.5 year’s language and personal social development.
 As he is improving in attending therapy session he must continue all his
therapies with attending school and park on the regular basis.


 Parents should get prepared to give hi proper guidance and required

training by accepting the child’s limitations.
 He is advised to attend the remedial class in the learning clinic, in which
he will get exposure to cognitive stimulation programme which will
help him in reducing his hyperactive problem, modifying his
undesirable behaviour as well as get exposure to research based “pre-
school readiness programme”.
 He should be given much language stimulation at home on regular basis.
 Encourage and habituate him for imaginative play on regular basis.
 Regular schooling will help him in acquisition of language and personal
social development. -Parents should get both physically and mentally
prepared to give him proper guidance and required training as per our
guidelines with patience.
 He needs to lead a systematic and structured routine life with much
language stimulation in the home on regular basis.
 talk a lot to your child. Tell them what you are doing as you do it.
 Teachers in his classroom should have a friendly relation with him with
motivating attitude & positive spirit.
 A periodic assessment may be once in a year will always beneficial for
him as well as for parents to get aware regarding the growth rate of
different developmental fields.


CAS (Cognitive Assessment System)

The test was developed by Jack A Naglieri and Dr. J P Das in the year 1994.

CAS sub tests:-

 Matching Numbers
 Planned Codes

Planned Connections

 Nonverbal matrices
 Verbal spatial relations

Figure Memory

 Expressive Attention
 Number Detection

Receptive Attention

 Word Series
 Sentence Repetition




Gross Motor Developmental Test

Fine Motor Developmental Test

Language Developmental Test

Personal Social Developmental Test

TEST 3:-



CARS-Childhood Autism Rating Scale

How Case study Taken?

The Case study is the record of the client’s life history. It allows a psychologist
to know about the client’s personal status such as where the client is come
from, history of client’s life and family background, mental and physical states
of the client and also the current problem of the client.

In the learning clinic the case history of a client collecting through the Intec
form. Intec is a standardized format in which to know the client’s problems
.Before collecting the case history of my client I was established report with
their parents.

Intec is taken under the following headings:-

 personal and family history

 Developmental Mild stones
 Educational Attainment
 Social Involvement
 Voice of The Child
 Diagnosis
 Test Administered

My own experience about the organisation:-
The learning clinic offers assessment of ADHD, Learning Disabilities and other
cognitive, emotional and behaviour difficulties for children. In my opinion TLC
is the best clinic for learning disability children. Because in TLC are therapists
are always trying for their children’s development. Learning occurs when we
are able to gain a mental or physical grasp of the subject. Make sentence of a
subject, event or feeling by interpreting it in to our own words or actions and
the learning clinic therapists are very cooperative and they wants the clients
better development .They treats like father and mother .A learning disability
child were face many problems sir and madam will handle them appropriately.
They have high expectations of their client and encourage everyone to always
work at their best level. They are very friendly with their client and also their
parents. It is very difficult for the learning disability child to survive in the
society because these children were some of the difficulties in their day to day
life; because they have some problems, it must be cure by parental and social
support. If there are some other learning clinics and the school will be opened
for the learning disabilities children it will be benefitted for all the disabilities
children and their future will be safe.


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