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Organisati onal Be ha vio ur, Emerg ing Kn owledge / Glo bal Insig hts, Fo urth Asia -Pacifi c Edition

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412 PART 3 Teom Processes

1. Usmg the 'model of conflict processes'. ide ntify t he sou rce s of conflict between the po licy tea m and the Implementat ion t eam.
2. Were Max's actions appropriate in t his situatio n? If 50, why? If not. what should he have done instead?
3. What actions should Joseph take t o ensure t hat the taskfo rce meets the government's objectives and t imellnes 7

Rita was rea lly enjoy ing this added responsibi lity of managing
STAR ENTERPRISES­ the department. She had the opportunity t o participate in se ni or
RITA'S ISSUES AT WORK} management meetings and found t hat she was able to contribute to
the d,scussions. The general manager was very supportive and would
often drop by her office to make sure she was coping well With the
BY NUZHAT LOTIA, UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE work. and was always availab le for a chat if she needed help. While
Rita has been working fo r Star Enterprises for the last 13 years. she had settled into this new role quite well. she was struggling
Star Enterpr ises 15 a medium-sized auto-parts man ufacturer and with managing the budget and finances of the department. She had
supplies parts to one of the largest car ma nufactu ri ng compan ies never dealt with departmental finances or managed budgets In her
in Austra lia. The company has 450 employees Despite t he recent pa st roles, even when she was informally acti ng on the manage, 's
financia l CrISis, Star Enterprises has not suffered great losses. This is behalf. She felt that she needed some forma l training in the area to
due to thei r commitment to quality and reliabil it y. enable her to function we ll in this aspect of t he job. She looked up
Rita started out on the factory fl oor when she began wo rking some short courses being oFfered by pro fessional deve lopment and
for Star Enterprises a5 a 20 year o ld. She has since the n worked he r training organisations and foun d one t hat she felt was perfect for
way through to her curre nt position as th e senio r supervisor in t he her needs. The course was a bit expens ive, but she fe lt t hat it would
Quality Control Department. She has been work ing in th is position be very beneficial despite the cost.
fo r the last three years. She has moved up to more se nior positions The next day, she approached the general manager with a
in the comp any because she is recogni sed as a hard-working and request for fund ing her to attend the lO-day tra in ing. Wh ile t he
dedicated worker who takes great pride in t he work t hat she does. general manager showed empathy for her situatio n, he said that he
Rita is one of the most ex per ienced workers in t he section and could not approve thiS expenditure as they ha d already advertised
the qual ity contro l manage r relies heaVi ly on her knowledge an d for the position and they would be hiri ng a manager soon, at whic h
exper ience. She knows almost everyone at the company and ha s point ~he would go back to her senior supe rvisor role. He explained
deve lope d good re lations with her co-workers, who rely on her fo r that he could not justify the expendi t ure on Rita's professio nal
support and expertise. developmen t.
Rece nt ly, Rita has been very unhappy with t he situation at work. Rita cou ld not believe what she had just heard. She had been
It all started when her boss, Mr Blake, the quality co ntrol manage r, unaware t hat the manager pOSition wa s bei ng advertised . She was
left fo r a senior pos ition in Star Enterprises' sister company. very upset and this was obvious from her face . She mumbled,
After he left, Rita was asked by the general manager if she woul d 'I understand' and qu ickly got up and left the general manager's
consider wo rking as the acting qua lity contro l manager until th e office. The truth was that she did not understand; in fact, she fe lt
position was filled . Rita was very hap py to take up t he opportunity. betrayed. She had in he r heart hoped t hat her acting role would
She had often taken on t hat position informally in t he pa st whe n eventually t urn into a permanent posit io n, as she felt that she had
Mr Blake had been away on leave or professiona l development. been doing her job really well except for the budgetary side of
She had always felt that, being the most experi e nced person in t he t hings, which she was quite willing to learn about.
department, it was her responsibility to take on t hese addit iona l After com ing out of the general manager's office, she ran to her
duties while her boss was away. She felt a sense of pride in doing so. office, locked the door and started crying. She felt very upset an d
When the offer of becoming the acting quality contro l manager angry She felt that she had always given her best to the company,
was made to her six months ago , she was very excited and felt tha t but had been let down. At that moment, she decided that if she
the company had acknowledged her contr ibuti on, her experience was going to be treated so badly then she wou ld have nothing to
and her ded ication to her work by giving her this responsibility. She do with the company. She would quit tomorrow.
was also quite happy to take on the position as it meant a pay rise That evening at home, she real ised that she could not make
as well , and she could do with the add it iona l income as she had such a rash decision as she could not afford to lose the income.
recently bought a house and was find ing it difficu lt to manage with 50, she thought to herself, I will stay, but I will show them what
her current income. they are losing out on. She continued to work in the acting quality

1 Case study prepared by NUl hat Lotla , Departmen t of Managemen t and Marketmg, Uni ve rsity of M elbourne. This case ISnot to be reproduced or dist rr buted without
392 Orga nizationa l Behavior, Sixth Edi tion

El1d of Part Case Stud,es PART 3 41

manager position, but did not take any initiative any more and just tell him what she knew and supported him initially, but then the
went about t he routine of the work. She avoided meettng with the resentment began to set in.
general manager as well. Everyone In the department noticed this When james started making changes to the qual ity control
change in Rita , but could not figure out what had happened. systems that Rita had helped design and set up, the resentment
When t he new manager, james Downer, Joined and Rita returned grew but she bottled up her fee lings. Rita would answer abruptly
to her senior supervisor position, she decided that she was not when James approached her for advice. She also started avoiding
going to help him in any way. james was new to the industry. Before him. She would often walk away to the kitchen or to the printer
taking up this position, he had been working in quality control in whe n she saw him approaching her desk or wp~l d pICk up the
il home ilppliances manufacturing company, While he had come phone and start making a call. Every now and the n, Rita would
highly recommended, he stili had to learn il lot about auto call in sick. She was on ce again beginning to con sider quitting
manufacturing. He often approached Rita for advice Rita would her job.

1. Identi fy and discuss why Rita was upset at work. Analyse the sources of confl ict in t his Situation.
2. How would you assess Rita's approach to managi ng t he confl ict that she is experiencing at work? Your answer should include a
discussion of the positive and negative aspects of her approach.
3. What do you th ink she should have done differently?

and knowledge, he completed his law degree hile In jail,

NELSON MANDELA and continued to st ud y through hi s years of imprisonment on
Robben Island. Mandela was also instrumental In e ncouraging
fellow politICa l prisoners to cont inue their education - so much
so that wa rders would sometimes refer to his prison block as
BY KANOY DAYARAM, CURTIN UNIVERSITY 'Mandela University'. Despite many years in ja il. he emerged
I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the t o become So uth Afr ica's first black president and to playa
glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the dIStan ce leading role in the dri ve for peace in other spheres of confl ict.
I ha ve come. But I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom He show ed tr ue sta tesmanship by reaching out a reconciliatory
comes responsibilities, and I dare no t linger, for my long walk hand to his oppressors. In 1993, together with his p residential
is not yet ended. p redecesso r, F. W. d e Klerk. he won the Nobe l Peace Prile.
- Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom From hiS early days observing triba l pol Itics, Nelson Mandela
learned t hat listening is often more Important than talk ing. Having
Nelson Mandela grew up in the Transke i area of South Africa as learned th is skil l, he gained a reputatio n as someone who could
a membe r of royalty within the Xhosa tribe. He was groomed to hear and be open to differing points of view, but at t he same time
counsel the rulers of t he t ribe. After his fat her dIed , he was formally maintain an unwavering commitment to his beliefs. 'Oft en , my
adopted by Chief Dalindyebo, acting regent of the Thembu people, own opin ion wi ll simply represent a consensus of what I heard in
and had many first-hand opportunities to observe the chief's t he discussIon . . a leader is like a shepherd . He stays behind the
leadership skills in action as he led tribal cou nci ls in t he community. fl ock, letting t he most nim ble go o ut ahead, whereupon the others
But Mandela chose not to follow his predeter mined path; instead, foll ow, not real ising t hat all along they are being d irected from
he left the Transkei after completing his secon d year o f studi es at behind:
Fort Hare University, and moved to Johannesburg, where he joined Mande la stepped down as presi dent after t he ANC's
the African Nationa l Co ngress (AN C). His education contin ued, and landslide victory in 1999, an d Thabo Mbek i became t he second
his struggle for free dom began. democrati ca lly e le cted president of South Africa . Since t hen,
Nelson Ma nde la re ma ms on e of the world 's most revered Mande la has become South Africa's highest profile ambassador,
statesmen, an d led t he str uggle to replace the apart heid regi me campaigning for HIY/A IDS initiatives and securi ng his country's
of South Africa with a m ulti-racial democracy. He has spent right to host t he 201 0 soccer Wo rld Cup. Former US president Bill
his entire life. includ ing 27 years in pr iso n, fighting for o cia l Clinton is o ne of his many adm irers, stating: 'Every t ime Nelson
justice. He discover d th e im portance of education as a tool Mandela walks int o a room we all fee l a little bigger, we a ll want
for understand ing the history and culture o f his o wn p ople, to stand up, we all want to cheer, because we'd like to be him on
and of other groups. Retainmg a lifelong thirst for education our best day'.

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