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21 Things That Happen at Every Filipino Party

By Avianne Tan

1. The tita who told you the party starts at four o'clock actually meant five o'clock.
2. But to be honest, everyone's going to be there at six. #FILIPINOTIME, di ba? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3. Except for the one token white dude, who spends the rest of the night trying to follow your lead.
4. Before anything, you better mano po your elders.
5. And leave your sapatos at the door!
6. Once you're in, everyone's like, "Halika, KAIN NA!"
7. No matter how many people are at the party, there'll always be enough food to feed the whole
8. But you can always count on a tita to tell you how much weight you've gained, like, "Ay, anak, tumaba
ka yata?"
9. Yet, that same tita will keep telling you, "Kain pa!" every five minutes.
10. Because, let's be real, who's going to finish that lechon in the middle of the table?
11. Or all that lumpia?
12. And of course, you're eating at the kids table, even if you're so "dalaga na."
13. Meanwhile, the titas and titos — half of whom you aren't even related to — remain WITHOUT CHILL.

Having your titos be all protective and say, "No boypren ha, school pirst!" when your titas are like
"How's boypren mo?" #FilipinoProblems

14. Then when it's karaoke time, there's always a group of drunk nanays who want to sing ABBA's
"Dancing Queen."
15. And if the tatays aren't joining in, they're either talking about basketball or Pacquiao.
16. After more inuman, everyone comes together for mahjong.
17. And don't forget the line dancing.
18. When it's almost midnight, it's time for a second dinner and dessert!
19. And when it's time to go home, and after you've said "bye" to all 29,495 relatives, everyone stands by
the door and starts talking again.
20. But at least may pa-uwi ka!
21. And you'll leave victorious with leftovers for daaaaaaays.

Tan, A. (n.d.). 21 things that happen at every Filipino party. Retrieved from

02 Handout 2 *Property of STI

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