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3. Tari doesn’t clean her room so her mother is angry to her.

Answer : if tari cleaned the room, her mother wouldn’t be angry at her
4. Nurma does not bake some cookies because you didn’t give her the ingredients
Answer : Nurma would bake some cookies if you gave her ingredients
5. I’m not very busy because my nephew is not here
Answer : I would very busy if mynephew were here
6. Alan and Doni fight against each other. That’s why rindang is sad
Answer : if alan and doni didn’t fight each other. Rindang would not be sad
7. Mr. Setiawan did not move to japan because he did not promoted to be the manager of
the branch there
Answer : Mr. Setiawan would have moved to japan if he had been promoted to be
manager of the branch there
8. You cheated in the test so Mrs. Smith punished you
Answer : if you had not cheated in the test , Mrs. Smith would not have punished you
9. We got a bad score for an English test so we did the remedial test
Answer : if we had not got a bad score for English test, we would not have done the
remedial test
10. The toodler is not sleepy so she does not cry loudly
Answer : if the toodler were sleepy, she would cry loudly

Let’s Do it
Write a suitable conditional sentences based on each picture

Compose five more sentences in each adverbial clause studied in this section, try to
choose different conjunction for each of your sentence !

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