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1. What is the importance of communication in the organization? (10 points)

Communication is a very important tool for all the members to better understand one
another. It is an ingredient for the success of a certain goal because if there is understanding
among everyone, the desired outcome will always be achieved. In addition, it also helps
the organization to be open for suggestions and recommendations coming from the
different members for improvement and they can work harmoniously and accordingly.
Misunderstandings could also be avoided if there is a proper communication.

2. For you, what is the most useful type of communication? (10 points)
The most useful type of communication is verbal because words do not just help us in
communicating our feelings and ideas; they can also interfere, not only in understanding
others and ourselves, but also in others in getting to understand us. I believe that there are
nonverbal languages that sometimes still need to be accompanied by verbal languages for
reinforcement. Through spoken words, I can better understand a message rather than being
gestured or acted.

3. What barriers of communication do you experience in your organization? Explain. (10

During my first year of teaching, I had experienced the semantic barrier. It refers to
anything related to the meaning of words that distorts or masks a message and confuses the
listener. Since I was still new before, there are still unfamiliar concepts related to my
profession that I have to learn. Physical is also one of the barriers every time there was
power interruption. My students could not concentrate listening to the topic because of the
severe hot weather.

4. Suggest other effective strategies in communication. (10 points)

For better communication, it is a MUST to use appropriate language and make the delivery
of the message clear. The construction of sentence also affects the meaning wanted to be
conveyed, therefore there is really a need to check the grammar. Considering the people
you are talking to is also one of the strategies.

5. Draw the Communication Diagram (10 points)

1.1.3. GetChekedOut
1.2. Display 1.1.4. isMediaOverdued

1. InquireBorrower 1. 1.1. CanBorrow

:UI : Transaction

1.1.5. amount 1.1.1. create

1.1.2. CallFines

: Fine

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