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Name: Mohammad Noul, Jr. M. Sayadi Date: Sept.

16, 2019

Course & Year: BSED III BIO SCI Rating:

Educational Technology

1. From the definitions of educational technology, pick one key word that usually appears in the
definitions. Explain why this particular word comes out in the definition of educational

Ans: As I've read the different meanings of educational technology, the word that
usually appears in it's definitions was Facilitate. Educational Technogy facilitate learning and
improving the performance of the students by creating and using the appropriate technological
processes. It's practical goal is facilitating every method and meduim of communication which
can contribute to development of the learner's full potential.

2. Define Educational Technology in your own words. (3 sentences)

Ans: Educational technology helps to improve the performance of instruction in the feild
of teaching. It's also used to manage the problems involves in all aspects of human learning.
With those practice, the evaluation and processes of learning improved, developed with a good
learning outcomes.

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