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-- K3 --

 Daniel A. Crowl & Joseph F. Louvar Chemical

Process Safety: Fundamentals with Applications 2nd
 CCPS, “Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures”,
 Kletz,T.,‘What Went Wrong’
Other References:
 Lees, Frank P., “Loss Prevention in the Process Industries”,
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996.
 Kletz, Trevor A., “Learning from Accident”, Butterworth-
Heinemann, 1994
 Kletz, Trevor A., “What Went Wrong? Case Histories of Process
Plant Disasters”, Gulf Publishing, 1994
 Sanders, Roy E., “Chemical Process Safety: Learning from Case
Histories”, Butterworth-Heinemann
 Kletz, Trevor A., “Process Plants: A Handbook for Inherently
Safer Design”,Taylor and Francis
 Jurnal dan buku lainnya terkait safety
Materi Kuliah
 Week 1: Pengantar K3
 Week 2: Identifikasi Bahaya
 Week 3: Risk Assessment
 Week 4: Risk Assessment
 Week 5: Process Safety Management
 Week 6: Tata Letak dan Penempatan Pabrik
 Week 7: Inherently Safer Design
 Week 8: Desain Sistem Bertekanan
 Week 9: Bahaya & Kereaktifan Bahan Kimia
 Week 10: Faktor Manusia dalam K3
 Week 11: Kebakaran, Ledakan & Lepasnya Material Berbahaya
 Week 12: Investigasi Kecelakaan
 Week 13: Audit & Aksi Koreksi
 Week 14: Perencanaan Keadaan Darurat
 Project/Tugas
= 10 - 20%
 UTS/UAS = 80 - 90%

 Matikan/silent HP di dalam kelas

Kondisi unsafety (hazard) mana yang Anda temukan pada
gambar berikut dan beri penjelasan mengapa kondisi tersebut
tidak aman
TAKE : One minute to write a safety rule
One hour to hold a safety meeting
One week to plan a safety program
One month to put it in operating
One year to win a safety award
One life time to make a safe worker

But it takes only

One second to destroy it all with an

Kurangi ongkos
produksi, naikkan

Turunkan Efek keuntungan kesehatan dan
pada lingkungan keamanan
Peran Chemical Engineers - Safety?
Industri kimia → chemical engineers
dibutuhkan dalam perkembangan & safety
Contoh safety technology:
 Model hidrodinamika aliran 2 fase melalui
vessel relief
 Model dispersi → sebaran toxic vapor yang
dilepaskan dari pabrik
 Teknik matematika untuk memprediksi cara
proses mengalami fail dan probality fail
Tujuan safety??
 Fundamental tools → mendesain /
mengelola / mengoperasikan
industri kimia secara safe
 Accident/kecelakaan: rangkaian kejadian →
tidak diharapkan (luka, kematian, kerusakan
 Safety: strategi → mencegah kecelakaan
 Loss prevention: pencegahan → luka fisik,
kerusakan lingkungan, loss of equipment, stok
dan produksi
 Hazard: proses kimia, biologi, fisika → potensi
menyebabkan accident
 Significant chemical plant hazards: flammable,
explosive, reactive & toxic
 Resiko: probability & konsekuensi kecelakaan
 Incident: loss
control of material/energy
 Scenario:rangkaian kejadian hazard →
menyebabkan kecelakaan
 Incident outcome: manifestasi fisik

S – Management System
 A – Attitude
 F – Fundamentals
 E – Experience
 T – Time
 Y - You
• Fires
• Explosions
• Toxic releases
Incident Utama Industri
Incident outcomes Consequences
• Fatalities
 Fire • Injuries/luka
 Explosions • Kerusakan lingkungan

 Toxic
Kerusakan bangunan
• Evakuasi
releases • Business losses
• Plant closings
• Fines/denda, lawsuit
Key Questions
 Why – accident occur?
 How – accident occur?
 What – must we do to keep them from
 When?
Why – Accident occur?
 Handle proses berbahaya →
material dan energi:
✓Produk diharapkan
 Handle → potensi loss event ada

Sesuatu bisa dilakukan untuk mengurangi likelyhood

dan severity sampai level negligible atau tolerable
How – accident occur?
Nature of accidents
Nature of accidents
Urutan - Kecelakaan Kerja

INISIASI Kejadian mula-mula/pemicu

Kejadian penyebab ekspansi

PROPAGASI accident

Kejadian berhenti pada

TERMINASI accident
Mencegah Kecelakaan:
 Grounding & bonding
 Inerting
 Explosion proof electrical
 Guardrails & guards
 Maintenance procedures
 Hot work permits
 Human factors design
 Process design
 Awareness of dangerous properties chemicals
Mencegah Kecelakaan:
 Emergency material transfer
 Reduce inventories of flammable materials
 Equipment spacing & layout
 Nonflammable construction materials
 Installation of check & emergency shutoff
Mencegah Kecelakaan:
 Firefighting equipment & procedures
 Relief systems
 Sprinkler systems
 Installation of check & emergency shutoff valves
What – must we do to keep them from

 Process design
 Management of process
 Operation process
 Regulations
Crowl’s Lion Farm
 Hazard: lions
 Incident: driver loses control of pick-up truck
 Scenario:
o Truck drives thru lion cage fence
o Lions walk thru hole in fence
o Lions prowl around community
 Incident outcome: local community is alarmed,
people are attacked, several dogs disappear
Typical Process Life Cycle Stages
Typical Process Life Cycle Stages
 Process safety must be integrated →
entire life-cycle plant, from conceptual
design → decommissioning
Significant Disasters
• Discuss in your team for 4 significant disasters
in the world:
– Flixborough, England
– Bhopal, India
– Seveso, Italy
– Pasadena, Texas
• Discuss for the following issues:
– Process description?
– Causes?
– Effects?
– How to prevent & protect from accident

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