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Progress check

1 Find the mistake Reward Pre-intermediate

Resource Pack

Student A

- - --- - -- - -- --- - - -- - -

5 I d k y v o v e my Ey&tz. I ICllnk I'R

barr'w m e Eh%h*Rm q r mt h e (rbrari.
. b 'ILe cpt a headache.Have we q ~a+q mpirw?' _---
' Jut a mirute, II(tPo&o bAdicaP Lt.'


q I'm 3% to n p e d a week in Pub. 00 t b r to come witk me?

10 G40tl I'm $eonad yu kr come. I'!P meek ycru k the rukauranf -ite t h e buo b t d i o n
at 8 o'dock.

Published by Macmillan Publishers Limited. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.

Find the mistake Worksheet Progress check
NOTE: This activity is n o t linked t o the activity o n PROCEDllRE
Worksheet Progress check 11-1 5b. 1 Divide the class into equal numbers of Student As and
Student Bs.
2 Give one copy of Student A sentences to each Student A
Pairwork: speaking
and one copy of Student B sentences to each Student B.
AIM 3 Ask the students to work in pairs of As and pairs of Bs. Tell
To identlfy and correct grammatical mistakes in sentences. them that some of their sentences are correct, while some
of them have a grammatical mistake in them. They should
GRAMMAR AND FUNCI'IONS decide whether the sentences are grammatically correct
Revision of Student's Book Lessons 11 to 15 and make corrections where necessary. The students
Verbs followed by to + infimtive should discuss the sentences in their paits but all the
Will for prediction, going to for plans students should write corrections on their own
Prepositions of place worksheets.
Countable and uncountable nouns
4 Ask the students to form pairs of Student A and Student B
and compare their sentences. Student A has the correct
VOCABULARY form of sentences which are grammatically incorrect on
Revision of vocabulary in Student's Book Lessons 11 to 15
Student B's worksheet and vice versa. This means that the
students should be able to correct one another at this
Make one copy of the worksheet for each pair of students. 5 Check that the students have identified the correct
versions of the sentences.
30 minutes


Correct. You use going to to talk about things which 6(a) Correct. You use will for a decision made at the
are arranged. moment of speaking.
Incorrect. The trip to Madeira is something which is 6(b) Incorrect.
arranged, not a decision made at the moment of
7(a) Incorrect. Maybe suggests that the speaker is still
thinking about what to cook, so going to is not
Correct. Traffic is an uncountable noun. appropriate.
Incorrect. You use how many with countable nouns. 7(b) Correct. I'llis used correctly here.
Incorrect. The correct preposition of place is behind 8(a) Incorrect. You use decide with to + the infinitive.
(without of).
8(b) Correct.
9(a) Incorrect. The correct form is Would you like to...?
9(b) Correct.
1qa) Correct. See 6 and 7 above.
Incorrect. You put to + infinitive after need.
10(b) Incorrect.

Reward Pre-Intermediate Resource Pack O Macmillan Publishers L~mited1999.

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