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Paoay National High School

Junior High School Department







Education is the process of developing the capacities and potentials of the individual

to be successful in a specific society or culture. Education is serving primarily as an

individual development function, education begins at birth and continuous throughout life. It

is constant and on-going

Academic performance between males and females at the high school level have

become apparent in recent years. Females have steadily out-performed males in academic

subject areas. The differences between male and female academic performance in secondary

education are really noticeable at the level. In particular, how do male and female students in

secondary academically compete with each other? Academic performance is the quality and

quantity of knowledge, skills, techniques and positive attitudes, behavior and philosophy that

students achieve or acquire. The achievement is evaluated by the mark or grade that students

attain in a term or education cycle. The quality of grades and the number of students that pass

in the various grades determine the level of academic performances.

Paoay National High School
Junior High School Department


Nowadays, the basis of teachers in determining the differences between the academic

performance of males and females is on how do they participate in a particular activities.

There are many factors, which account for the good or poor academic performance in

secondary schools like; the quality of students admitted the type of scholastic materials

available in the school and home environment, the methods of teaching, the nature of

administration and teacher’s involvement in academic matters. However, it seems the most

important factor to the academic performance of students is the impact of sex differences on

students; academic matters.

Statement of the Problem

This study primarily aims to correlate the gender on Performance of Grade 9 students

in Science and Mathematics

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What are the study habits of male respondents?

2. What are the study habits of female respondents?

3. What are the interests of male respondents in mathematics?

4. What are the interest of female respondents in mathematics?

5. What are the interest of male respondents in science?

6. What are the interests of female respondents in science?

Paoay National High School
Junior High School Department


7. What is the academic performance of male respondents in:

a. Math

b. Science

8. What is the academic performance of females respondents in:

a. Math

b. Science

9. What is the correlation between the performance in Science and Mathematics

among male and female students?

Significance of the Study

This aim of this study is to determine the Correlation of Gender on Performance of

Grade 9 Students in Science and Mathematics:

This research study is specifically significant to the following:

To the students, they can tell their different perceptions on both subjects (Science

and Mathematics) and their performance in it.

To the researchers, who will find useful data that could inspire them to undertake

more studies for improvement and these to be generated assess further knowledge for us

Paoay National High School
Junior High School Department


Scope and Delimitations

This study will be conducted from S.Y: 2018-2019 in Paoay National High School,

Barangay #20 Paratong, Paoay, Ilocos Norte.

The researchers will use a questionnaire to gather data that can give answers to this


Definition of Terms

Correlation- The state or relation of being correlated.

Female- Characteristics of Girls or Women

Gender- Sex

Male- A Man or a Boy

Mathematics- Mathematicians seek and use patterns to formulate new conjectures; they

resolve the truth or falsity of conjectures by mathematical proof. When mathematical

structures are good models of real phenomena, then mathematical reasoning can

provide insight or predictions about nature.

Performance- The action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task, or


Science- The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the

structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and

Paoay National High School
Junior High School Department


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