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STI College – Kalibo

Senior High School Department

Dela Cruz Building, Capitol

Kalibo, Aklan

Online Video Game Use Survey

1. Do you spend more time than you think you should playing video games?
 Yes
 No

2. Do you feel you have a problem limiting the amount of time you spend playing video games?
 Yes
 No

3. Have any of your friends/family members complained about the amount of time you spend on your
 Yes
 No

4. Do you find it hard to stay away from the computer for several days at a time?
 Yes
 No

5. Has either your work output or personal relationships suffered as a result of spending too much time
playing video games?
 Yes
 No
6. How long do you normally play video games at a certain day?
 1-3 hours
 4-6 hours
 7 hours or more
7. During your playtime, have you experienced any difficulties or pain regarding your physical and mental
 Yes
 No
8. (Referring to the question from number 7) If yes, could you specify the type of discomfort you had
experienced because of your time span of playing? If no, please skip this question.
 Headache
 Lack of energy
 Irritability
 Sleep problems
 Others (specify)

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