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Duration of Session: 2 hours

Key Understandings to be developed

 Multiple Intelligences Theory suggests that no one set of teaching strategies will work
best for all students at all times.

Learning Objectives
At the end of the session, the participants are able to:
1. define and discuss the 9 Multiple Intelligences;

2. discover their intelligences through self- assessment;

3. appreciate the importance of applying the theories learned in their profession and daily


Hand outs on Multiple Intelligences , MI Self-Assessment Tool, Case Study, MI Quick
Training and development/Learning Action Cell (LAC) Plan
PowerPoint on “Understanding Learners’ Multiple intelligences”
References: NCBTS Training for NEAP
Introductory Activity
Group the participants into four (4). In five minutes, let them share their significant and
memorable teaching experiences as teachers. Let them express these to the big group by
presenting them in different ways, e.g. song, art/drawing, dance, verse, choir, pantomime, etc.
After the presentation, ask the following questions:
 What made your teaching experiences memorable? What has been the impact of your
teaching experience on the learners?
 What made you decide to make your presentation through a song? Why not a speech
ACTIVITY (20 min.)

Activity #1- MI Self- Assessment

 Introduce the MI Self-Assesment Tool. State the purpose and the importance of
the instrument.
 Administer the MI Self-Assesment to the participants.
 Using the MI Scoring Sheet, let each of the participants determine their
intellectual inclination.

After the MI Self- Assessment, ask the following questions:

 How did you feel accomplishing the self-assessment tool?

Can you tell us something about your profile?
 Strengths and weaknesses
 What can you do to improve yourself?

Activity#2 –Case Study

 Distribute copies of the case of Thomas Alba Edison.
 Instruct them to do the following:
 Individually read the case of about Thomas Edison and answer the questions
that follow:
1. Why do you think Edison Failed in school?
2. How can you explain his enormous achievement later in his life?
3. What does the story of Edison imply, especially with regard to the nature
of intelligence and to education?
 Share your responses with your group mates.
Process the group report based on the following expected output.

Abstraction (50 minutes)

Application (50 minutes)

1. Let the participants respond to a 15- item quiz on Multiple Intelligences.

2. Instruct them to prepare a personal plan to improve intelligences, where they are weak
base on the self- assessment results with the following suggested format:
3. Convert the self- assessment MI instrument for use by the learners.

Concluding Activity (5 minutes)

 Present the material on “The functions of the Right and the left brain”.

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