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Ash’s Recipe for a Perfect Classroom

2 Cups Acceptance
1 ½ Cup Accommodation
2 Tbsp Smiles
1 Tsp Enthusiasm
2 Tbsp Approachability
1 Cup Critical Thinking Skills
2 Cups Personal Relationships
1 ¼ Cup Organization
¾ Cup Environment

Mix the following ingredients in a large bowl.

Acceptance: I aim to teach and treat all of my students equally no matter their race, culture, religion, gender, and views. This
includes assessing them with no preconceived biases.

Accommodation: Student’s lives can become extremely busy while attempting to juggle sports, volunteering, working, and having a
social life on top of being a student. It is my goal to trust my students and allow for some flexibility when it comes to due dates and
extra help.

Smiles: I believe that happy teachers make happy students. No matter how bad my day is I will remember to smile because negative
energy benefits no one.

Enthusiasm: I want to enter the classroom with energy and enthusiasm so that my students stay focussed and engaged in my lesson.
This will help them to learn better and retain more information.

Approachability: I want students to feel comfortable when asking for clarification on a topic, accommodation, or a mentor to talk to.
I will always ask students if they need help when I see them struggling and if they are okay if it seems like they are having a bad day.
Mistakes are OK! I want to emphasize that no question is a wrong one and that it is okay to make mistakes. This is how students

Critical Thinking: I want to encourage students to think for themselves. Too often teachers get lazy or annoyed with the questions
that their students are asking them and give students the answer right away. Students don’t learn this way. I want to set my
students up for success, not failure.

I want to encourage my students to think outside of the box, push their limits, and develop their own opinions based on the
information they have researched. I don’t think that it is right to push political views, religion, opinions about global warming, etc. on
students. I want to give them the resources to form their own opinion.

Personal Relationships: I want to tell stories and have fun with my students in the classroom. I hope to share many laughs and jokes
with them. I want them to be able to trust me and consider me a friend.
Organization: Being prepared for class will help me become more confident and successful when I am teaching my students. If I am
not organized my students will suffer by not having good quality or clear lessons.

Environment: The classroom environment should make the students feel safe. I would love to provide a variety of seating options,
helpful anchor charts, and posters, good smelling, non-distracting, work environment for my students.

Bake in the oven for 50 min at 350 F. Let cool and enjoy.

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