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Duvan Eduardo bayona florez – T00042138

Kevin molano Imitola – T00042138

Juan camilo lobelo carrasquilla – T00046134
Luis David Hernández


1. drugs and the street

2. In this radio report we seek to talk about the use and consequences of grogas
and, above all, youth, we also look for the types of solutions that we can
implement in different types of community in order to consolidate this problem.
3. What can be done with the use of drugs?
Why are not more drastic measures taken in this problem?
How to imfluence young people not to fall into the path of drugs?
4. learn and improve our English
get a good grade in English 5
improve our pronunciation and our verbal fluency in this language.
5. the interview unfolds in the following context. A judge interviews a person who
usually consumes drugs. He was captured by the police and they are
interrogating him for the first time
the judge asks basic questions to determine the whereabouts of the future
recluse. the inmate tries to convince the judge to let him out
There a lot of questions and several answers to study. Each Interview
question and answer will be detailed with the team students names .

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