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Cristian Pavon

PSY 200

3 February 2019

Applications of psychology 3: Sleep Hygeine

My current state of sleep is “not very good” according to web MD. This is because I sleep
a lot during the weekends (until noon) and during the week days I sleep very poorly like
5 or 4 hours. This is mostly caused by university assignments, quizzes or exams that I
have to do during the week causing that I sleep very poorly from Monday to Friday,
other thing that makes my sleeping habits a mess is the fact that I procrastinate too
much during the day time and I don’t make my assignments until it’s night. Also, night
life causes me that I sleep at early morning around 2 or 3 am on weekends.

During this week I try to make a simple change in my sleeping habits. I try to sleep at 12
am or earlier rather than 2 or 3 am. While making the writings of how I slept the night
before I didn’t notice a big change because I always wake up tired. The thing I noticed is
that during the day I have more energy and didn’t fall asleep on the first hour classes.
Also, I didn’t need coffee to stay awake during the day. The most difficult part about this
experiment was not procrastinate during the day time. I didn’t have much success on
that, but I also didn’t start my assignments extremely late at night. The obvious next
step to improve my sleep is to stop procrastinating. Certainly, I can accomplish that but
with a lot of work.

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