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Freudian Revolution - Displacement (satisfying an impulse

with substitute object)

Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939)
- Regression (movement back in
- Viennese neuropathologist psychological time when one is stress)
- Founding father of psychoanalysis - Sublimation (satisfying an impulse with
(method for treating mental illness and substitute object in acceptable way.)
explains human behavior) - Psychosexual Stages
- Childhood have a great influence in life o Oral (mouth sucking
- Introduce word such as personality, swallowing) EGO
libido, denial, repression, Freudian slip o Anal (anus- withholding or
and neurotic. expelling faeces) EGO
- Case of Bertha Pappenheim (turning o Phallic (penis/clitoris
point of career) masturbation) SUPEREGO
- Bertha suffered from hysteria (paralysis, o Latent (little or no sexual
convulsions, hallucinations, loss of motivation present
speech) o Genital (intercourse)
- Josef Breuer (treat bertha by recall - Oedipus complex (desire in opposite sex
forgotten memories of traumatic parent)
experiences) (Freud’s teacher) (fear of - Dream analysis (royal road to the
drinking) unconscious
- Studies of Hysteria (1895) - Manifest content (based on the event
- 3 levels of mind of the day) Latent content (symbolic
- Unconscious mind (unaware) (1900, meaning of dream)
1905) conscious (focus our attention - Dream work (
now) and preconscious (can be
- retrieved from the memory)
- Eros (will to live) Thanatos (death
- The Psych (1923) psychic apparatus
- Id (Eros 1925 libido stronger and
Thanatos 1920), Ego (satisfy the
demands of id in a safe way)
- Superego (develops during early
childhood motivates morality principle
behave socially responsible and
acceptable manner
- Defense mechanism
- Repression (unconscious mechanism
employed by ego to keep disturbing
from becoming conscious)
- Denial (blocking external events from
- Projection (attributing their own
unacceptable thoughts

- Natural sciences (study natural

phenomena – biological)
- Social sciences (human behavior)
- Society (group of individuals
characterized by common interest)
- Technology (Technologia) (application
of scientific knowledge for practical
- Science (acquiring knowledge based on
scientific method)
- Science – Technology (Electricity)
- Science - Society (method to increase
production of rice)
- Technology – Society (internet)
- Science (knowing) Technology (useful)
- STS (social, political and culture affects
science and technology)
- Galileo Galilei (Father of modern
astronomy and physics)
- Albert Einstein (Father of Modern
- Nicolaus Copernicus (Heliocentric
- Johannes Kepler (Laws of Planetary
- Isaac Newton (Laws of motion)
- Early Modern Period
o Renaissance
o Scientific Revolution
o Age of Enlightenment
- Mid Modern Period
- Contemporary Period
- Egyptian Architecture (Pyramids)
- H. heidelbergenesis, H.
neanderthalanasis and H. sapiens
devise diff. toolkits (burins -engraving
- Gazette (first newspaper) (metal stone
or tablets)
- CODEX (first book)

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