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Events and Descriptions

 One team member will be a recorder for each event.

 Remaining team members must compete in at least one event each.
 Every team will enter four team members per event.

Longest Throw: Player throws from goal line of football field. Distance measured to
where disc lands. Distance is measured in a straight line on the field. Each cone
represents 20 yards.

Air Time: When ready, the competitor throws the disc. Time is started upon release, and
stopped when the disc lands on the ground.

Field Goals: Competitor attempts to throw a Frisbee through the uprights. Cones will be
laid out in ten yard-increments. Each competitor gets three throws. A successful throw
receives a score equal to the distance. (i.e.- 30 yards = 30 points)

Frisbee Archery: Three large circles will be laid out on the ground in the form of a
bulls-eye. The smallest center circle is worth 30 points, second circle worth 15, and
largest circle worth 5 points. Each competitor gets three throws. Points are awarded only
if entire disc is inside the circle. (does not count if any part of the disc is touching the

Carnival Frisbee: A stack of 10 cups set on each other in the shape of a pyramid.
Competitor stands at a distance of 15 feet (marked by a cone). Throws Frisbee at
pyramid. Each cup that falls is worth one point. After first throw, competitor sets cups
back up and throws again. Again the number of cups knocked down is counted. Repeat
one more time.

How to score results:

 Each event worth 18 points

1st place: 10 points

2nd place: 5 points
3rd place: 3 points

 Points contribute to overall season team points.

 Winner of Frisbee Olympics receives an additional 15 points

Adapted with permission from Chris Bortnem (2000)

From Complete Guide to Sport Education by Daryl Siedentop, Peter A. Hastie,
and Hans van der Mars, 2004, Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Frisbee Olympics Team Score Card
Team Name:
Event Recorder:
Longest Throw: 1 3
2 4

Air Time: 1 3
2 4

Field Goals: 1 3
2 4

Frisbee Archery: 1 3
2 4

Carnival Frisbee: 1 3
2 4

Adapted from Chris Bortnem (2000)

From Complete Guide to Sport Education by Daryl Siedentop, Peter A. Hastie,
and Hans van der Mars, 2004, Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

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