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NIM: 21117024


A. Background
Violence against children is all forms of physical or emotional hurtful acts, sexual abuse,
trafficking, neglect, exploitation which results in injury or real or potential harm to the
health of the child, the child's survival, child development or dignity of the child, carried
out in the context of responsibility responsibility, trust or power.

Violence against children can occur at any time and anywhere including at home, at
playgrounds and even at school. Where school is a place where children receive moral,
ethical and academic education, and even become a second home for children. However,
the reality is that in some schools violence cases occur. Whether done by a gamemate,
senior, teacher or school janitor.

Article 54 of Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection states that children within
and within a school environment must be protected from acts of violence committed by
teachers, school managers or friends in the school concerned, or other educational
institutions, other than that in Article 72 says the community and educational institutions
to play a role in protecting children, including 2 in carrying out efforts to prevent
violence against children in their environment.

The rate of violence against children in schools continues to increase. Based on national
newspaper coverage summarized by the Indonesian Child Protection Commission
(KPAI) during 2007, of the 555 violence against children, 11.8% of violence occurred in
schools. In 2008 the same method was applied, the percentage increased to 39%. 4 Then
throughout 2012, the level of violence in schools also increased to 87.6% where children
claimed to have experienced violence in the school environment in various forms. Of the
87.6%, 29.9% of violence was perpetrated by teachers, 42.1% was committed by
classmates, 28.0% were committed by other classmates.

Cases of violence against children do not only occur in big cities, even in small cities.
Based on data from the Agency for Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and
Family Planning (BP3AKB) in Central Java Province shows that there is an increase in
the number of cases of violence against children in the city of Tegal. In 2013 there were 8
victims and 12 perpetrators. Whereas in 2014 there were 19 victims and 21 perpetrators.
Of the 19 victims, the majority were 13-18 years old, 18 people.6 Indeed, the violence
against children is greater than the available data. This is because there are still many
who do not report the acts of violence that they get. In addition, from these data there are
no significant data showing about violence that occurs in schools. Whereas violence that
occurred in school 3 was ranked second after violence at home, which is about 25% of all
cases of violence. Children get violence in schools in various forms. In addition to
physical violence, there is also a lot of psychological violence. Therefore, researchers
will conduct research in the school environment and research subjects are high school
and vocational students because at that age physical, psychological, and social changes
occur so as to support the emergence of violent behavior. In addition, high school
learning methods (curriculum) are more theoretical while vocational high schools
practice more that prioritizes psychomotor aspects so that there may be different forms of

Based on the above background, the researcher wants to find out what kind of
violence happens in the school environment by raising the title "Comparison of
Characteristics of Violence Occurring Against Children in Schools in High Schools and
Vocational High Schools in Tegal City" so that with the results of this study expected to
know about the characteristics of violence that occurs in schools.

a. The impact of violence on children on mental health

Children who suffer persecution tend to lack confidence and distrust in adults. They may
not be able to express their true feelings, so they experience interference in controlling
emotions. The longer the persecution continues, the more serious the impact. In some
situations, this difficulty can continue into adolescence and even adulthood. Violent
trauma is a risk factor for anxiety disorders and chronic depression. Some possible side
effects of child abuse on their mental health can include:
1) Anxiety disorders and depression
2) Dissociation (withdrawal; isolation)
3) Traumatic flashback (PTSD)
4) difficult to focus
5) difficulty sleeping
6) eating disorders
7) Uncomfortable with physical touch
8) Self-injuring tendency
9) Suicide attempt
b. The impact of violence on children on their physical health
Identifying the physical impact of violence can be very important in knowing there is
abuse and taking further steps in protecting children from violence and neglect. Signs of
violence on children are easier to recognize than other types of violence, such as neglect
or emotional abuse. The existence of a sign of physical violence against a child does not
always mean that a child is suffering from abuse. However, being aware of a sign of
violence in children can signal the need for further observation. Some signs of physical
violence can include:
1) Bruised, swollen
2) Sprains or broken bones
3) Burns
4) Difficulty walking or sitting
5) Pain, bruising or bleeding in the reproductive area
6) sexually transmitted diseases
7) Poor hygiene
Signs of violence against children are not always obvious, and a child may not tell
anyone what happened to them. Children may feel afraid that the offender will find out,
and fear that the violence they experience will get worse. Or they might think that there is
nothing they can tell or that they will not be trusted. (

c. Causative factor
Factors causing child abuse are caused by stress in the family. Stress in the family can
come from children, parents (husband or wife), or certain situations. Stress comes from
children such as children with physical, mental and behavioral conditions that look
different from children in general. Stress from a husband or wife, for example, with
mental disorders (psychosis or neurosis), parents as victims of violence in the past,
parents are too perfect with too high expectations for children, parents who are
accustomed to discipline. Stress comes from certain situations such as being exposed to
spouses affected by layoffs (termination of employment) or unemployment, moving
neighborhoods, and families often fight. Other main causes are poverty, social relations
problems both in the family or community, social behavior deviations (psychosocial
problems). Weak primary social control of society and law and the influence of social
cultural values in certain social environments

d. Purpose
1) Knowing the factors that cause child abuse.
2) Knowing the effects experienced by child victims of violence.
3) Can stop the bad habits of applying violence against children.
4) Knowing the efforts that can be done to reduce the level of violence against children.
5) Knowing the impact of violence on the family, the surrounding environment, and the
child itself

e. Keyword: Violence Of Children.

f. References:



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