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Christian Walker

Maggie Nelson
Portfolio Final Draft

Mission: Our mission is to collect and evaluate data through surveys completed by program
participants and class staff.
Why we chose these surveys: We chose to do an on-site survey so we can target the students
directly after they complete the program so the event is still fresh in their memories and we can
get the most accurate answers. These surveys will be quantitative and each of the questions will
reflect our program’s goals. This will make it easier to evaluate the answers and figure out if this
program was successful. The class-staff survey will target the individual goals given by their
groups. Having the whole class analyze how they performed in each group will give us more
honest feedback about the performance of each group instead of just analyzing their own group’s
performance. We chose to do a survey as our method of evaluation because the statistical data is
easy to read and evaluate. In addition, we chose to do a quantitative survey instead of qualitative
because we were given numbers for our answers and were able to derive an average of the
answers given.
How we will analyze the surveys: We will review the answers given on the surveys and
calculate the average for each answer. Each answer is on a number scale raging from one to five.
One is strongly disagreed with the question and five is strongly agreed with the question. The
closer each average is to five, the better. Any average that is four and above will deem that
objective a success. We will also pass along the student’s suggestions about what events they
want to see in the future to Kelley Ashe.
~Participant Survey~
(Circle the number that best corresponds with how you feel.)
1.You enjoyed the activities at the College Themed Ultimate Game Night.
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5
2. You me someone that you did not know prior to this event.
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5
3. You are now familiar with Cheney Parks and Recreation.
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5
4. You are aware of more than one college/university in this region.
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5
5. What else would you like to see in the future for community events for your age group
here in Cheney? Please provide any suggestions below!

~Staff Survey~
(Circle the number that best corresponds with how you feel.)
1.This event transitioned smoothly from one activity to another.
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5
2. The safety of the students was maintained throughout the entire event.
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5
3. There were enough students at this event for the activities provided.
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5
4. The budget was used efficiently.
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5
5. There was effective communication between the groups and the leaders (Alyssa and
Chelsi) throughout the quarter.
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5
6. Your group had all the necessary supplies needed to effectively perform your tasks.
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

1 2 3 4 5
7. Overall, do you think this event was successful? If so, why? If not, what could we do to
further improve this event for the future? Please answer honestly below.

Participant Data Analysis:

1. You enjoyed the activities at the College Themed Ultimate Game Night: The program
goal for this question was “positive experience”.
- The average answer to this question was 4.53 and the mode was 5.
2. You met someone that you did not know prior to this event: The program goals were for
this question were “social development and peer interaction”.
- The average answer to this question was 4.06 and the mode was 5.
3. You are now familiar with Cheney Parks and Recreation: The program goal for this
question was “create community awareness”.
- The average answer for this question was 4.18 and the mode was 5.
4. You are aware of more than one college/university in this region: The program goal for
this question was “collegiate awareness”.
- The average answer for this question was 4.41 and the mode was 5.
5. What else would you like to see in the future for community events for your age group
here in Cheney: The answers provided below are for Kelley Ashe.
- Two responses wanted organized hikes
- Five students mentioned that the event was good and fun
In summary, based on the information collected and analyzed from the participant survey, this
event was successful and met all of the program’s goals.

Staff Data Analysis:

1. This event transitioned smoothly from one activity to another: This question pertained to
the facilitation group.
- The average answer to this question was 4.5 and the mode was 5.
2. The safety of the students was maintained throughout this event: This question pertained
to the risk management group.
- The average answer to this question was 4.88 and the mode was 5.
3. There were enough students at this event for the activities provided: This question
pertained to the marketing group.
- The average answer to this question was 4.69 and the mode was 5.
4. The budget was used efficiently: This question pertained to the budgeting group.
- The average answer to this question was 4.44 and the mode was 5.
5. There was effective communication between the groups and the leaders (Alyssa and
Chelsi) throughout the quarter: This question pertained to the leaders.
- The average answer to this question was 4.81 and the mode was 5.
6. Your group had all the necessary supplies needed to effectively perform your tasks: This
question pertained to the operation group.
- The average answer to this question was 4.81 and the mode was 5.
7. Overall, do you think this event was successful? If so, why? If not, what could we do to
further improve this event for the future?
- Twelve out of sixteen responses said “yes”.
- There were no “no” responses.
- There were four responses that were blank or did not answer the question.
- Key comments from the responses: “there were more kids than expected”,
“participants had fun”.
In summary, based on the information collected and analyzed from this survey, this event was
successful. All of the groups met their goals and were successful. Overall, the event surprised
most of the classmates with its success and participant’s participation.

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