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Principle of Business

School Based Assessment

Investigating the major factors affecting the unemployment

of high school graduates in their community.

Candidate names: Jordia Burke, Devonique Graham,

Zaria Powell, Ginelle Smith, Shadea Carson.

Territory: Jamaica

School: Merl Grove High School

Year: 2020

Centre#: 100076

Candidates Number: 100076 , 1000761352, 100076,

1000763037, 100076 .
First and foremost, the researchers would like to thank God for giving them the strength to

complete this School Based Assessment, the researchers would also like to thank their teachers

who help to guide them throughout this assessment and their parents for giving them the support

they need. The researchers would also like to thank their teacher for helping to guide them into

completing this School Based Assessment.


In this School Based Assessment, the researchers are investigating the major factors affecting

the unemployment of high school graduates in their communities. The topic chosen is a major

situation currently affecting their community. We choose this topic because we want to see what

graduates in our community have to face when unemployed, what are the factors they have that

is not allowing them to be employed, what they have to do in their spear time while they are not

Table of Contents

Topics Pages

Project Title……………………………………………………………. 1

Objectives..……………………………………………………………. 2

Aim of Project ………………………………………………………… 3

Research Question……………………………………………………… 4

Background Overview………………………………………………..... 5

Methodology..………………………………………………………… 6

Data Collection……………………...………………………………… 7

Interview…………………………………………………………….... 8

Data Collection………………………………………………………. 10

Presentation and Analysis of Data………………………………….…..9



Project Title

The major factors affecting the unemployment of high school graduates in their communities.


 Discuss three factors that affect the unemployment of high school graduates in our


 What challenges does unemployed graduates face daily.

Aim of Project

The aim of this project is for the researchers to investigate, how does being unemployed affect

high school graduates, what are the factors that they are having which is not getting them to be

employed and what are the activities they have to do when they are unemployed. The researchers

also wish to gain knowledge about the topic and to also improve their linguistics skills. In this

investigation six (6) unemployed high school graduates will be interviewed and six (6) will be

given a questionnaire so that the researchers can gain knowledge and understanding to complete

this project.

Research Question

1. What does high school graduates have to face when not being employed?

2. What are the factors they have that is not getting them to be employed?

3. What they must do in their spear time while they are not being employed?

4. What are the consequences they must face when being home?

5. Are they satisfied with being unemployed or not attending an institution?

6.What type of jobs are willing to employ them without certain qualifications?


The objective of this project is to investigate the factors that affect the unemployment of high

school graduates. According to ‘Factors Influencing Unemployment among Graduates in

Malaysia’ the rate for high school graduates over the years has drastically increase from 2007-

2017, to at least 30%. This topic is important as it speaks about the factors high school graduates

avoid in order to gain employment.

This area is important to be studied as high school graduates gaining jobs is important to the

maintenance of being independent. It is also important to the researchers as gaining a job is a

goal in their future. At the end of this research the information can be used by graduates to

identify and correct issues causing the decline of employment as well as it can be used by the

researcher to identify and avoid similar issues.


The instruments that the researchers intend to use are questionnaires and interviews. The

questionnaire will consist of six (6) questions and the interviews will consist of three (5)

questions. They type of questions that will be asked are open ended questions for the interview

and closed ended questions for the questionnaire. The methods chosen was for two (2) group

members will hand out the questionnaire in their communities and the remaining two (3) would

do the interviews in their communities. Everyone will be interviewing or giving questionnaires to

three (3) persons.

The interviews were done on December 1, 2019 and the questionnaire were issued on December

5, 2019. The interview was done with the counsellor of each researcher’s community, the

counsellor position is to represent the people of the community and be the voice they need.

The reason being these methods were chosen, it can collect large amount of data at the same

Data Collection


1. What are the factors you have that is not getting you to be employed?

(a) Not enough CXC subjects

(b) Not having any work experience

(c) None of the above

2. Are you satisfied with being unemployed or not attending an institution?

(a) Yes

(b) No

3. What type of jobs are willing to employ you without certain qualification?

(a) Wholesales

(b) Sanitary jobs

(c) Call center

4. Is it difficult searching for a job?

(a) Yes

(b) No

5. Are you satisfied knowing you must work harder for your dream job?

(a) Yes

(b) No

6. Is going back to school an option for you?

(a) Definitely

(b) No

1. What does a high school graduate like yourself has to face when not being employed?

2. What do you have to do in your spear time while being unemployed?

3. What are the consequences you must face when being home?

4. How was you last school report was it good or bad?

5. What do you enjoy doing most, in any area?

Presentation and Analysis of Data



2 Percentage-
1.5 The mean
calculated for

0 all answers
CXC Yes/No Wholesales/ Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
subjects/not Sanitary
any work jobs/Call which were
experoence center

received is


Series1 Series 2 Series4

Analysis- It

was analyzed

that most of the responses were positive. The highest responses came from question 2 and

question 4 and the lowest responses also came from question 2 and question 4. Question 2 and

question 4 also consist of getting no response for the question which was asked with (Yes/No) as

the response.

It can be conclusive concluded that the rate of high school graduates has drastically increased

over the past few years. This topic chosen is a major situation currently affecting their

community. We chose this topic because we want to see what students in our community have to

face when not getting employed, what are the factors they have that is not getting them to be

employed and what have to do in their spear time while they are not employed.

The findings of the project concluded that there are major factors affecting the employment of

high school graduates. The data revealed that the increase of unemployed graduates increase with

the quantity of attitude towards work decrease. One recommendation is that high school

graduates should have a good attitude towards work. Based on the attitude, the employment of

more high school graduates will increase.


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