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Prepared by
Samporna, Aslima
Sayyed, Sitty Aliyah
Mangontra, Aliyah
Rombra-an, Adlee
Palawan, Amen
Abdulcarim, Alifahmie
Rapporteur : Samporna, Aslima
Moderator : Rombra-an, Adlee
Time Keeper : Sayyed, Aliya
Panel Members : Mangontra, Aliyah
Abdulcarim, Alifahmie
Palawan, Amin

We we’re given a tasked by our subject teacher in Practical Research in which

we will present or discuss a specific problem of the Qualitative Research we
wish to undertake in our Senior High School Track. So we carried the tasked and
prepared for our speech in which we will discuss together with the other member
of the Panel Discussion.

Time Keeper (SAYYED) : Start.

Moderator (ROMBRA-AN) : Good Afternoon and Assalamu Alaicum
Warahmatollahi Wabarakatoh, I am Rombra-an,
Adlee moderator of Group 6. We are here today to
present or discuss with you our problrms.
Especially, problems STEM students usually
encounter. I can assure you that you encounter this
kind of problems or you will encounter this problems
maybe today, tomorrow, next day, next next day,
next week, or next year. So help me welcome the
first presentor or the Rapporteur of our Group Ms.
Samporna, Aslima.
Time Keeper (SAYYED) : Press the Bell (sign that the time start)
Rapporteur (SAMPORNA) : Thank you Mr. Rombra-an, so before I start I want
to greet you all who are present here today a Good
Afternoon and Asslamu Alaicom Warahmatollahi
Wabarakatoh. My topic is all about Terminology in
Problem Solving. The most frequent and significant
challenges that we STEM students face are the
background in Math and Science. Some highschool
students who have taken advance in Math,
Chemistry and Physics courses are much more
likely to be successful in the gateway courses
required by the STEM disciplines.
One thing that we as student’s encounter in Math
and Science is the problem solving. Problem solving
is fundamental to STEM.
Sometimes, we are not sure what formula to use
when Math and Science are mixed as they have
different contents.
In the language of Math and Science, terms
sometimes means slightly different things. For
examples, the term “factor” when used in Science
might refer to something that contributes to a result,
such as a catalyst in chemical reaction. In
Mathematics, a factor is a number (or a algebraic
expression) that is multiplied together with another
number to produce a given product.
Another example is the calculation of volume. When
we asked to calculate volume we get confused of
what formula we’re going to use.
In Science, volume normally refers to liquid capacity
and is measured in units like liters, milliliters, quarts
and ounces. In Math, volume is generally described
as the amount of space an object take up, or the
number of cubic units needed up to fill that space,
as measured in cubic centimeters or cubic inches.
Have you seen the difference?
This become complicated when some STEM
students tried to apply their understanding to solve
a problem using Math Formula and some students
tried to apply their understanding to solve a problem
using Science Formula. And of course the answers
were different because one used Math Formula and
other used Science Formula. Thank you, that’s all.
Time Keeper (SAYYED) : Press the bell and record the time.
Moderator (ROMBRA-AN) : Thank you Ms. Samporna, and now the three
panel member will discuss their problems too. Help
me first welcome Ms. Mangontra, Aliyah. You may
now start. Your time limit is 5 minutes.
Time Keeper (SAYYED) : Press the Bell (sign that the time start)
Panel Member (MANGONTRA) : Good Afternoon. We, as a student, always
encounter many challenging situations, specifically
this so called problem. Other students think that
STEM class is very easy to the students because
they have a good background in Math. But they
didn’t know that not all STEM students, or us have a
good background in Math and Science.
I’m here today to discuss to you one of the
problems we STEM students usually encounter. As
I said a while ago that this course is more on Math
and Science but what specific programs we find it
As for me, it is Academic Requirements. This kind
of problem is somehow connected to Financial
Problem. But aside from money, we find it hard
because sometimes the given requirements are to
be made with Power Point, Written Report, Video,
or encoding. Some are not fond of using PC’s or not
aware of using Microsoft Apps like Microsoft Words,
Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Publisher and
Microsoft Excel. Some also don’t know how to edit
their video they made. And we find it hard when we
are tasked to do requirements at different subject at
the same time.
So, I think you all understand what problem I’m
referring to, right? Thank you.
Time Keeper (SAYYED) : Press the bell and record the time.
Moderator (ROMBRA-AN) : Thank you Ms. Mangontra, and now the second
Panel Member Mr. Abdulcarim, Alifahmie. You may
now start.
Time Keeper (SAYYED) : Press the Bell (sign that the time start)
Panel Member (ABDULCARIM) : The Problem in Using Multimedia.
Multimedia, we are all aware of Multimedia. And we
can’t deny that we already used it and we are still
using it. They say all the things have an opposite,
just like Multimedia. Yes, multimedia helped us a lot
but of course it can also ruin us.
So how come that multimedia become one of the
Major problem in the world and especially we as
students? Before answering that question let’s
define Multimedia. According to Meriam Webster, it
stated that Multimedia is the using of involving
several forms of communication or expression.
Communication is good because it helps us
understand and communicate with other. Without
communication there is no peace. But every good
becomes bad when it is too much. Those too much
are when we as students or to be specific STEM
students focus on using social media instead of
focusing on our studies. We can use it when we
have a research but if you use it minute to minute to
communicate with others you may come to the
situation that you’ll be having failing grades.
Students are focusing on their Facebook account
instead of listening to the discussion of their
teacher. Yes, I know some of here are doing this.
Facebooking while the teacher is discussing. This
causes the students not to focus on their studies
and not even participating on activities. Some or
most of the students, including us cannot wake up
early in the morning and the reason of it is busy in
the midnight using social media. In that case there
is a tendency to get bored to prepare themselves in
going to school because they lack of sleep so they
will be late in their classes.
We the students of STEM of Datu Mamintal Adiong
Sr. Memorial National High School must stop or not
stop, if you can manage your time. Manage it to
study hard not to overuse Multimedia because it will
affect your studies. Remember everything is good
but it will only become bad when you don’t know
your limits and when it is too much. Thank you and
God Bless.
Time Keeper (SAYYED) : Press the bell and record the time.
Moderator (ROMBRA-AN) : Thank you Mr. Abdulcarim, and now the last panel
member Mr. Palawan, Amin. You may now start,
you time limit is 5 minutes.

Time Keeper (SAYYED) : Press the Bell (sign that the time start)
Panel Member (PALAWAN) : Good Afternoon. I’m Amen Palawan, the last panel
member of this group who will speak today. My
topic is failing grades. We encounter this when are
student and most of the time; we got this on our
major subject. Even if we tried our best to study
hard, sometimes there are distr

Time Keeper (SAYYED) : Press the bell and record the time.
Moderator (ROMBRA-AN) : Thank you Mr. Palawan. So, since the discussant
done discussing their problem the question and
answer portion is now open. The time limit is 5

Time Keeper (SAYYED) : Press the Bell (sign that the time start)
Moderator (ROMBRA-AN) : May I have a question to Ms. Mangontra does your
problem challenge you to study hard?
Panel Member (MANGONTRA) : Of course yes, because this kind of problem is not
only prior to STEM students but also to the other
Moderator (ROMBRA-AN) : So I would like to have a question for Mr. Palawan.
What is the reason of having failing grades?

Panel Member (PALAWAN) : The reason of having failing grades is the lack of
studying and focusing unimportant businesses.

Moderator (ROMBRA-AN) : I have a fallow-up question, so how will you

overcome this kind of problem?

Panel Member (PALAWAN) : First thing first, study hard and don’t do things that
will distract you from your studies.

Rapporteur (SAMPORNA) : I would like to address this question to Mr.

Abdulcarim. How can a student manage their time?

Panel Member (ABDULCARIM) : How? Think of your goal. We are here because we
all have a goal so if you don’t want to manage your
time it is like your just wasting your time here.

Rapporteur (SAMPORNA) : I see. Thank you for the answer.

Time Keeper (SAYYED) : Press the bell and record the time.
Moderator (ROMBRA-AN) : I think there is no more question. So rapporteur
you may now present the summary of the salient
points of the panel discussion.

Rapporteur (SAMPORNA) : As for the summary of the salient point of this

Panel Discussion for the first topic, it focuses on the
student’s background in Math and Science. She
focused one of the Major problems in Math and
Science which is the terminologies of Problem
Solving. Actually, students specially STEM, find it
hard to solve problem solving especially when they
encounter numbers on it or variables like x and y
because they think first that it is hard. And others
get confused on what formula they’re going to use.
Actually this kind of topic always happens in
student’s life especially when the teacher focuses
only on Math and Science. That’s why students get
confused of the formula.

For the second topic, it is all about Academic

Requirement. Requirements, is the very basic
problem that we students always encounter. This
becomes a problem to us when the subject teacher
gives us hard task. And we are tasked to do
requirement at different subject at the same time.
One of those hard tasks is making Power Point,
video and even encoding. We can’t deny that we
are not that really or we are not exposed in using
computer. So what will happen if we are tasked at
different subjects at the same time and we are not
that exposed in computers?

For the third topic which is Multimedia. Multimedia

becomes our problem when we don’t focus on our
studies and that will be a reason that you’ll be
having failing grades. As Fahmie said, every good
becomes bad when it is too much.

For the last topic which is failing grades. Actually

failing grades depends on the behavior of the
students. If they are lazy to study that will be the
reason they’ll have failing grades. That’s all for the

Moderator (ROMBRA-AN) : So as for my comment, I’m just not more

convinced, I mean I’m confused of what is the best
solution to every problem each one of you

Rapporteur (SAMPORNA) : Thank you for the comment. So as for your

question my answer is this: First, the Terminology in
Problem Solving actually this kind of problem
depends on the teacher. If the teacher teaches only
Science or only Math he/she have to be sure that
he/she collaborates with a teacher in the other
fields. He/ She has to be aware of the possible
conflicts in terminologies and be sure he/she is
using the correct “teacher talk” in discussing
Science and Math content with students. And for the
solution of the second topic which is Academic
Requirement is to ask someone who is
knowledgeable about editing a video, making Power
Point, and encoding. And of course, if we are tasked
to do a requirement in different subject at the same
time just relax and manage your time.

And for the third topic which is Multimedia, the best

solution to this is know your limit. Think of your goal
and manage your time. Don’t distract your studies
because of unimportant businesses.

And for the last topic which is failing grades, the

only best solution to this is study hard.

Moderator (ROMBRA-AN) : Thank you for answering. So I would like to ask

one of our Panel members of his insights and
learning in the Panel Discussion, Mr. Palawan?

Panel Member (PALAWAN) : As for my insights and learning. First is the

Terminology in Problem Solving. Yes, actually
problem solving is so hard to solve especially when
we encounter a lot of number’s involved with
variables like x and y but it becomes harder when
we get confused of what formula to use. And for the
Academic Requirements, yes requirements give us
headaches especially when we are tasked to do
requirements at different subject at the same time
but it becomes harder when we don’t know how to
edit, encode, make video and make Power Point
presentation. And for the third topic which is
Multimedia. Yes, everything is good but there is also
an opposite of good which is bad. And that bad
happens when we don’t know our limit and when it
is too much. Just like Multimedia, it helps us a lot
but it can also ruin us. And last, the failing grades. I
can only say study hard if you don’t want to see red
marks. That’s all for my insights and learning.

Moderator (ROMBRA-AN) : Thank you. As for the summary of all those

insights and learnings that was given form our
discussants, we all know that it was all about the
student’s life. Those given topic problems that we
encounter will help us guide us so that we can
handle every matters in our life not just a student
but as an individual. As a student we may encounter
a lot of problems on being a student’s such as
having failing grades, problem in academic
requirements, addiction in using gadgets and
problems in solving Math and Science problems.
But no matter how hard the problem you’ve
encounter, you must look for solutions to your
problem. We may feel tired in handling problems
you have but no one could solve it but only you and
you also. Thank you and that’s all.

Time Keeper (SAYYED) : As for my record book. Ms. Samporna, Aslima

spoke two minutes and thirty-one seconds. Ms.
Mangontra, Aliyah spoke two minutes and thirty-five
seconds. Mr. Abdulcarim, Alifahmie spoke two
minutes and fifty-six seconds. Mr. Palawan, Amin
spoke two minutes and fifty-one seconds. And for
the question and answer portion, it takes three
minutes and fifteen second.

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