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Design Inputs
Parameter Values Description
Total load carried by heaviest axle
Axle load (kN), Q 811,19
1,2 x 5,08 ton x Multiplied by factor of 1,2 to account for
Wheel load (kN), P 9,81 m/s2 the effect of tandem configuration
= 60,9 (Kaufman&Ault 1977)
Calculated from Table 2 (multiplied by
Tire pressure (kPa), p 632,98
factor of 1,2)

Radius of the equivalent tire contact area (m), r 0,175

Base Course CBR (%), CBRbc 25 assumed

Assumed for sandy soil (STA 18+950 to
CBR of the subgrade soil (%), CBRsg 10
STA 78+375)
Allowable rut depth (mm), s 50 Common allowable rut depth
Factor (kPa), fc 30 Given (Giroud and Noiray 1981)
Factor (kPa), fs 75 Given (Giroud and Han 2004)
Geogrid aperture stability modulus (mN/o), J 0 0 for no geogrid used
Number of daily passes x 365 x 25
Number of axle passes, N 1642500
Bearing capacity factor, Nc unreinforced 3,14 Given (Giroud and Han 2004)
Bearing capacity factor, Nc geogrid - Given
Bearing capacity factor, Nc geotextile - given
Cu, undrained cohesion of subgrade soil 300

P(h=0) unreinforced (kN) 60,421 , P(h=0) <

Wheel Load (P) thus cover material
2. Thickness Iteration
Assumed base course thickness, h (m) 0,55 Initial base course value

limited modulus ratio, RE 0,91

modulus ratio factor, Fe 0,98

bearing capacity mobilization factor, m 0,12

required base course thickness (m) 0,550

, through iterative process

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