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Unit 1 – Introduction to Chemistry

Time Frame 2 weeks

C1. Identify chemistry processes in daily life.
C2. Appreciate the achievements of Filipino and foreign scientists in the development of
chemistry and related technology.
C3. Demonstrate understanding of mathematical concepts in chemistry.


Time Frame

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the session, the students must gain appreciation for the importance of
Chemistry to the daily life. They should be able to:
1.Gather information on chemistry processes around them;
2.Recognize chemistry processes in daily life;
3.Describe the role of chemistry to society and industry; and
4.Cite contributions of chemistry to other sciences.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Chemistry in the household, in medicine, in the environment, and in
B. References
1.Department of Education, Culture and Sports. (1991). Science and
Technology III. Quezon City: Book Media Press, pp. 1-13
2.Brown, Theodore l., LeMay, H. Eugene Jr., and Bursten, Bruse E.,
Chemistry the Central Science, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2000, pp. 1-4
3.Hill John W., and Kolb, Doris K., Chemistry for Changing Times, 7th
Edition, London: Prentice Hall International, pp.1-29.
C. Materials
Pictures of the different chemistry-related activities (from magazines, brochures,
III. Learning tasks
A. Motivation
What would our lives be like if we did not have things like toothpaste, soap,
shampoo, plastic, paper, batteries, gasoline, medicine, food preservatives,
galvanized iron, rubber tires, glass and dyes? What do these materials have to do
with the science that we are about to learn this year?
B. Lesson Proper
1. Activity: “One Day in My Life” ( SAS 1-01)
Students are asked to act out an activity that will describe a typical day in
their life. Begin with one student who will act out what he/she does upon
waking up. Another student acts out what happens next, and so on. The
other students try to guess the activity and note it down on the board.
2. Discussion/ Concept Formation
a. Does the activity involve the transformation of substances?
i. Brushing one’s teeth involves dissolving toothpaste in water
and using it to remove foodstuff that have stuck to the teeth.
ii. Taking a bath involves using soap to remove dirt and to kill
iii. Eating breakfast involves changing the food to materials
(compounds/ chemicals), which the cells can use.
iv. Taking a vehicle to the school involves the burning of fuel.
v. Walking involves the burning of fuels in our body to provide
us with energy.
vi. Writing with a ballpen involves the absorption of ink on paper.
vii. Cooking with gas stove involves the burning of LPG.
viii. Cooking rice involves the inclusion of water into the starch, so
that the hard grain ends up as a soft material.
ix. Preparing juice involves dissolving sugar and other falvorings
in water
x. Washing Clothes involves using detergent to remove dirt and
b. Relate transformation odf subatnce / matter to the idea of a chemical
i. Use of chlorox to remove stains or to bleach clothes
ii. Coating of iron to it protect from rusting.
iii. Electroplating of certain metals for protection or for decorative

3.Agreement: Does the activity involve special maetials (e.g. toothpaste,

soap, paper)? Ask the students to find out how these materials are made
(To be discussed in the next session).


4.Activity: Reporting on Agreement

5. Discussion/ Concepts Formation

c. Relate the preparation of these materials to chemical processes.
i. Soap is produced by reacting oidl with lye.
ii. Grocery bags are produced by reacting propylene with itself.
iii. Paper is produced by a series of chemical reactions: isolation of
pulp from the bark of the trees, bleaching, reconstituting the
pulp, sizing the pores of the paper, and coating the paper.

C. Generalization
a. Connect chemistry to the transformation of matter
ii. Chemistry looks at the transformation of matter so that its
identity and properties are altered, modified, or changed.
iii. The transformation usually involve involves chemical
reactions, but they may also involve physical changes such as
change of state.
b. Discuss the importance of chemistry in our lives.

D. Valuing/ Application (to be given as homework; for discussion in the next class
What would our lives be like if we did not have things like toothpaste, soap,
shampoo, plastic, paper, batteries, gasoline, medicine, food preservatives ,
galvanized iron, rubber tires, glass, and dyes?

E. Assessment (to be given as a quiz)

Give 2 evidences of chemical processes for each of the following areas: in
households, in medical applications, in society (e.g. public places, safety
concerns), and in industry.
F. Agreement
Look for achievements of one Filipino scientist and one foreign scientist in the
field of chemistry.

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