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Creating my Website for TDT Task 1

After reading the instructions for task 1, I clicked on all the suggested
website links to see which one I would like to use to complete this assignment. I
decided on because it looked user friendly.

I decided to create a personal website. I was prompted to choose a name

for my subdomain. I chose the name jwardenglish for the site. Once I chose the
name, a website came up that I could edit and make my own. My website address is

On the home page, I deleted the information that was on the example and
put a picture of myself, my name, my job title and a favorite quote about reading
from the famous Jane Austen. There was already a picture on the page, so I had
to click the edit picture button. Once I clicked on that, I decided to upload a
photo of myself from my computer. I also included a box that says, “contact me,”
in case my students or parents want to reach me.

My second page is called “About.” I used the same format that was there.
First, I edited the picture and replaced it. I clicked the search button and typed
in the word, “reading,” to find a picture I wanted to use. On this page, I wrote a
short paragraph about myself with a picture of a stack of books since reading is my
passion. I also included a link to one of my favorite websites,

The third page, “Journal,” is where I put a blog on how I created this
website. Before I was able to start writing the blog, I had to drag the text box
icon over to the right-hand side of the page so I could type. I will continue to post
my papers here explaining the processes I’m using to complete my tasks. I also
edited the picture. Again, I clicked on the edit picture button and did a search for
a picture of someone using a computer.

In order to create my fourth page, “Get in Touch,” I deleted the information

that was already there. I then dragged an icon, contact form, from the left side
over to the right and created a contact form that people can fill out and submit
when they need to reach me. I prefer this method of contact because I don’t need
to publicly share my email address. I also included a very cute picture of a dog
bringing someone their mail. I thought it personalized the website a bit.
Finally, I pushed the blue “publish” button on the top right-hand corner.
Lastly, I typed in my website name to see if everything worked, and thankfully, it

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