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My Physical Activity

My physical exercise for this week was jogging. I ensured to go for a jog for at least three

kilometers every day. People jog for a variety of reasons for fun, health or preparation for a

competition. For me, the main reason I chose jogging as my activity is because of the health

benefit associated with the exercise. In addition, it does not cost a lot and I could participate in it

at any time of the day. I also found that activity to be enjoyable. For me, I choose to participate

in the morning hours. I believe morning jogging is the best way for me to ensure being in the

right mood for the day. I have always been interested in cutting some weight and I found jogging

to be the ideal exercise for that.

Jogging benefited me in various ways, firstly it helped me to have stronger bones. It is because

the exercise is weight-bearing. Strong bones are essential for a healthier and productive life. The

second benefit of the activity is stronger muscles that help one to remain healthily. The third

benefit was an improvement in cardiovascular fitness. During the exercises, my cardiovascular

activities would increase that raised its ability to sustain pressure. I was also able to burn a lot of

kilojoules during the exercise, it was important for me to have a healthy weight. I now feel that

my weight has reduced a bit.

There are various factors that have prevented me from jogging earlier. My main barrier to

jogging is lack of time I often have a lot of work that prevents me from jogging. That is why I

fitted the exercise in the morning before other activities that would prevent me from jogging. The

other reason why I was not able to jog is motivation. Thinking about the health benefits made me

decide to take up the challenge. Previously I saw jogging as a waste of time activity but when I

learned it health benefit I have never felt like stopping. I also did not have suitable clothing and

shoes for jogging. I invested in those requirements that have made me participate in the activity.
I was also felt like I did not have a lot of weight that needed to be lost but has realized that there

is greater health benefit of the activity than losing weight.

From now on I will start to jog me on a daily basis. I will put on the schedule of the things that

were supposed to do every day. To ensure that I do not stop I look for a partner in my locality

who jogs. The partner will help me to avoid missing my exercises and constantly reminding me.

I will also get a dog that will be giving me a company in case my partner is not available. Those

steps will ensure that the activity is enjoyable and I will always be looking forward to it.

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