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Laundry is a noun that refers to the act of washing clothing and lines, the place where that eashing is done, and that which nees to be, is being, or has been

laundered. Laundry can be considerd a room or area, as in a home or apartment building, reserved for doing the family wash.

In the Modernization era, there is a improvement of technologies. The diffusion of technolical changes helps our economies evolve and this change afects

the lifestyle of every individual. In the older times, is usually takes two or more days before we can take back our clothes by using of hand washing and normal

washing machines. With the emergence of coin operates laundry machines, we can now do a week-load of laundry in less tham 1-2 hours.

Nowadays, there is abundant number of people are using the services of a laundry shop to clean their clothes. With these changes, laundry shop is now one

of the most stable business middle class can afford to put up. The steady growth of condominiums and apartments in the city, coupled with the ever-increasing busy

time of people, has made Laundromats a stable business to own. Laundry business is one of the popular home service in urban and rural areas. This business is built

with a purpose, to help our parents, guardians, and/or oldest member of the family as well as those who wash their clothes individually. People with other

responsibilities prefer to use the service of laundry shops to save time and effort.

According to Laurens, Henry (1917) Dry Cleaning was first introduced in the Philippines after world war II because of the influence of western countries.

The supply of water and lectricity become adequate so the Filipino people began to adopt the means of operating a commercial laundry services. Man commonly

adops the laundry services since the existence of civilization cloth care and outfits and also the fabric are more likely to be evolved because of the past faced of
fashion trends is in the attitiude of the people especially in dealing with their social life, likewise in their professions and lifestyle. Laundry shop is a kind of

business that deals with common competion such as service quality dealing with cloth and fabric and apparels, many people trust this kind of services that rendered

in such enterprise beacuse of the assurance for good handlings is guaranteed, also good services and keeping standard managerial styles are being offered and it is

being enhanced though time.

The main purpose of this feasibility study are to find out he profitability of a commercial laundry shop.

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