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ICT in our Lives

Information, Communication and Technology or widely known as ICT has been a

huge impact in our daily lives. I bet you won’t even had a chance to read this essay
without it. But ever since technology influenced how we live our daily basis, our lives
had been very easy and convenient, while continually developing as years pass by.

By simply opening up a Coca-cola bottle with a bottle opener, chatting your

friends through social media, being updated to the latest news like the recent NBA
scores (GSW vs TOR) or simply writing down notes using your pen is already ICT taking
place. Unlike long time ago where our ancestors living a hard life like doing things in a
hard way. Even communication earlier is bit hard to execute especially in a very long
distance. They had to wait months until you receive your sender’s message or vice
versa. Where as now we could just call each other at anytime of the day for free using
Skype, Messenger, Discord etc. Going to school at a distance of a kilometer and arriving
in just under 10 minutes is one of those examples why we are living in a convenient
way. If technology wasn’t discovered that affecting our lives, we could’ve been
behaving as apes right now or could’ve been worse. Because technology itself pushed
human skill potential that changed the world or the way we live in the world. It has
been a huge factor in the way we living recently. But technology does not always bring
us positivity, it also gives negative effect on us humans if used not in proper manner.
Just like an example of most students failing in their tests because they focused more
on their devices instead of studying. At this rate we are just letting technology absorb
our humanity. That is why we should also maintain the reason we exist and our own
importance to our existence not just purely dependent on technology. Yes, it made our
lives easier and very convenient and yes, it carries a lot of positive benefits to
humankind but if it used in a wrong manner or should I say, abusive manner, instead of
letting it help you in your needs, it instead just bring you down become very dependent
on technology

As a matter of fact, we are the ones controlling it, not the other way around. As I
said it had dealt a very huge positive impact in our daily basis for a lot of reasons and it
can also deal a huge negative impact of your life if used it inefficiently. In the end of
the day, we are the ones responsible for our own lives.
Jose Cornelio C. Gonzales
11 – STEM 2

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