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Ujian Praktikum SDIT Nurul Qur’an

The Restaurant
 Front Office (FO)
 Waiters (Wait)
 Cashier (Cash)
 Costumers (Cos)

Stage 1
Door bell… ding ..dong..ding..dong..
FO : Welcome to our restaurant sir/madam/miss/mam …
Cos : Thank you
FO : Do you have a reservation?
Cos : No I haven’t
FO : Alright then, what table do you need sir/mam? Single ,double or group?
Cos : group please
FO : Alright, would you please follow me sir/mam! (menunjukan jalan)
FO : Here is your table, and here is the menu
Cos : Thanks you
fO :Would you l like to order now or later?
Cos : Later please
FO : Alright, I’ll be right in the corner if you ready to order sir/mam
Cos : Alright then
(ngobrol dengan teman pura-pura milih menu)
Cos : Waiter!
Wait : Yes sir/mam may I help you?
Cos : Yes! I want some spaghetti and steak please and ice cream for the desserts
Wait : Alright sir/mam and how about the drink?
Cos : Hemmm…plese give me a lemon juice and fruit punch please
wait : Alright sir/mam would you please wait a moment
(ngobrol sambil menunggu makanan tiba)
Wait : Excuse me sir/ mam, we’re sorry if you re waiting too long
Cos : That’s okay thanks
(ngobrol sambil menikmati makanan)
Cos : Waiter!
Wait : Yes sir/mam?
Cos : Would you like to tell me where the toilet is?
Wait : Absolutely sir/mam, please follow me
(berdiri mengikuti pelayan)
(yang lain duduk sambil menikmati makanan sambil ngobrol)
(kembali dari toilet bergabung makan kembali)
(tidak lama kemudian berdiri semuanya, menuju kearah kasir)
Cos : I need the bills please
Cash : Alright sir/mam, and what is your table number?
Cos : It is number…..(sebutkan angka)
Cos : Alright, it is …..(sebutkan jumlah nominal uang)
Cos : Okay here it is (sambil menyerahkan uang/kartu kredit)
Cash : Thank you sir/mam
Cos : You’re welcome
(pergi meninggalkan cashier menuju pintu keluar)
FO : Thank you for coming to our restaurant sir/mam have a nice day
Yes, thank you

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