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- Telephone Operator

UKK-Telephone Operator

Tugas :

Mr. Andrew White menghubungi eDotel pada pukul 10.00. Ia minta disambungkan dengan Mr.John
Robert di kamar 201,akan tetapi setelah operator berusaha menghubungi kamar 201 tidak ada jawaban.
Operator menjelaskan bahwa kemungkinan Mr. John Robert sedang tidak berada di kamar. Kemudian
Mr. Andrew White meninggalkan pesan agar Mr.John Robert bisa datang pada acara reuni di hotel
Nirwana malam ini pukul 19.00.

Tugas anda adalah mencatat pesan yang ditinggalkan untuk Mr.John Robert sesuai dengan SOP.

Jawab :

Ket :

A : Mr.Andrew White

B : Mr.John Robert

C :Telephone Operator

Kring.. Kring.. Kring.. (The telephone ringing for three times and the T.O pick up it)

C : “Good morning. eDotel Hotel. Alit speaking. How may I help you? “

A : “Good morning. I want to speak with my friends. “

C : “Yes,of course. May I know your friend’s name and the room number Sir? “

A : “ I Don’t know his room number but his name is Robert. John Robert. “

C : “Alright Sir. I’ve check that your friend’r room number is on 201. So,may I have your complete name
and your address Sir?”

A : “Yes. My name is Andrew White from Canada,USA. “

C : “Well,wait a minute Mr.White. I will connect you to Mr.Robert on 201.

In several minute..

C : “ Hello Mr.White. I’ve contacted you to the room 201,but unfortunately there is no answer. I thought
that he is not in the room right now. Do you want me to call Mr.Robert again or do you want to leave a
message? “

A : “Oh,it’s no problem. I want to leave a message for him please “

C “ Yes sure Mr. White. What is the message? “

A “ Just tell him to attend the reunion program at Nirwana Hotel this evening exactly at 19.00”

C : “Alright Mr. White, I want to repeat your message. You want to invite Mr.John Robert to attend the
Reuinion program at Nirwana Hotel this evening exactly at 07.00 Pm. Is that correct Mr.White? “

A : “Yes,that’s absolutely correct “

C. “ Anything eles that can I do for you Mr.White?”

A : “ No,that’s all “

C : Alright Mr.White. Thank you so much for calling Us. Have a nice holiday. Good bye “

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