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World Organizations that promote peace

(United Nations, Commonwealth)

United Nations role in globalization

It plays a role in finding solutions that preserve the benefits of globalization while
protecting those who suffer or have been left out. The UN should play a more important
role. It has the role of political mediator.

United Nations support/enhance globalization

Globalization also involves things like the globalization of norms and ideas, we can see
that the UN has even more of a role to play.

In purely economic terms, the UN and its associated organizations do a great

deal to promote trade between nations. Organizations such as the IMF, the World Bank,
and the World Trade Organization work closely with the UN. They promote trade between
countries and they promote policies within countries that would make it easier for them to
trade with one another. By doing this, they promote economic globalization.
However, the UN also has a role to play in other aspects of globalization. Most
specifically, the UN is very active in trying to promote democracy and open
governance. This is a form of promoting the globalization of ideas and values. The same
is true of the UN’s efforts to do things like promote international law and international
human rights.
The UN can also be empowered only when the major powers agree to return to it
its legitimate role in policy making and programs in economic and social matters. the
World Bank, IMF and WTO may have important roles to play, but these roles must be the
appropriate ones promoting the right policies, and their current oversized roles have to
shrink to appropriate sizes and functions.

The United Nations provides important underlying infrastructure that makes

globalization possible.

It provides a talking shop that can resolve international disputes, and it supplies
peace-keeping forces in war zones. This conflict reduction is essential to trade in goods
and services, migration, and travel. Globalization relies on a degree of world peace.
As a global institution, the United Nations creates a forum in which people from
across the world can exchange ideas. It works closely with other organizations in the area
of global philanthropy. Having, for example, doctors from Europe and North America
travel to Africa to help with epidemic diseases is an example of a positive aspect of global
cooperation and communication.
Next, UNESCO is a UN organization tasked to "build peace through international
cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture." In doing so, it increases cultural
globalization and exchange of ideas.
Tools to enhance globalization

Globalization is a process shaped by growing world trade and new technologies

simplifying communication and transport. Technological tools improve how goods are
produced and make them available to citizens across the globe. Transportation
technologies have removed barriers involving distance and speed and lowered transport
costs. New networks of transportation have improved the flow of goods and services.
Communication technologies connect geographically dispersed workers and
support effective collaboration between markets and business locations. Along with
technology, another tool enhancing globalization is the growth of foreign direct investment
(FDI). Businesses use new technologies to open branches in foreign markets and to
communicate with foreign investors. The internationalization of business activity has
expanded trade, while new international regulations support an open market and a unified

Why is our nation better off because of globalization?

Economic globalization
 has helped us largely because it has given us access to sources of cheaper
labor. What this has done is to give us a higher standard of living. It has allowed
us to have more material goods and to pay less money for them. It has allowed
us to have higher-quality goods since there is more competition between
companies from around the world. These are clearly good things.

Political globalization
 has meant that more of the countries of the world are coming to share basic
political ideas. Mostly, this has meant that there is more of a move towards liberal
democracy around the world. This has, to some degree, helped us by making
much of the world safer. The larger number of countries with similar political
systems makes for less conflict than there used to be.

Social and cultural

 We are in closer contact with more countries of the world. This has helped to
enrich our cultural lives. We now have more options in entertainment and
literature and other areas of cultural and social life.

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