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the art and science of opera

ting balloons for sport or air
 The term mountaineering describes
the sport of mountain climbing, including ski
mountaineering. Hiking in the mountains can also be a
simple form of mountaineering when it
involves scrambling, or short stretches of the more basic
grades of rock climbing, as well as crossing glaciers.
 Mountaineering is often called Alpinism,
especially in European languages, which implies
climbing with difficulty such high mountains as
the Alps. A mountaineer with such great skill is
called an Alpinist. The word alpinism was born in
the 19th century to refer to climbing for the
purpose of enjoying climbing itself as a sport or
recreation, distinct from merely climbing while
hunting or as a religious pilgrimage that had been
done generally at that time

 Fishingis the activity of trying to catch fish. Fishing

sometimes takes place in the wild. Techniques for
catching fish include hand
gathering, spearing, netting, angling and trapping.

 Cycling, also called bicycling or biking, is the use

of bicycles for transport, recreation, exercise or spor
t. Persons engaged in cycling are referred to as
"cyclists", "bikers", or less commonly, as
"bicyclists". Apart from two-wheeled bicycles,
"cycling" also includes the riding
of unicycles, tricycles, quadracycles, recumbent and
similar human-powered vehicles.
 Cycling is widely regarded as a very effective and
efficient mode of transportation optimal for short to
moderate distances.
 Bicyclesprovide numerous benefits in comparison
with motor vehicles, including the sustained physical
exercise involved in cycling, easier parking,
increased maneuverability, and access to both
roads, bike paths and rural trails.
 Cycling also offers a reduced consumption
offossil fuels, less air or noise pollution, much
reduced traffic congestion. These lead to less
financial cost to the user as well as to society at
large (negligible damage to roads, less road area
required).[8] By fitting bicycle racks on the front
of buses, transit agencies can significantly
increase the areas they can serve.

A ropes course is a challenging outdoor personal

development and team building activity which
usually consists of high and/or low elements. Low
elements take place on the ground or only a few
feet above the ground. High elements are usually
constructed in trees or made of utility poles and
require a belay for safety.

 Rafting and white water rafting are

recreational outdoor activities which use an
inflatable raft to navigate a river or other
body of water. This is often done on
whitewater or different degrees of rough
water, and generally represents a new and
challenging environment for participants.
 Camping is an elective outdoor recreational activity.
Generally held, participants leave developed areas to
spend time outdoors in more natural ones in pursuit
of activities providing them enjoyment. To be
regarded as "camping" a minimum of one night is
spent outdoors, distinguishing it from day-tripping,
picnicking, and other similarly short-term
recreational activities.
 Camping may involve sheltering in the open air,
a tent, or primitive structure

 Shooting is the act or process of

discharging firearms or
other projectile weapons such as bows or crossbows.
Even the firing of artillery,rockets, and missiles can
be called shooting. A person who specializes in
shooting is a marksman. Shooting can take place in
a shooting range or in the field in hunting,
in shooting sports, or in combat.
A kite is a toy object with very thin surface, which is
flown in the air for entertainment or festivals. A kite
consists of wings, tethers, and anchors. Kites have a
bridle to guide the face of the kite at the correct
angle so the wind can lift it. A kite may be with fixed
or moving anchors. There are natural and synthetic
kites. Kites have a long and varied history and there
are many types of kites that are flown individually
and at festivals worldwide.

 Hunting is the practice of killing or trapping any animal, or pursuing it with

the intent of doing so. Hunting wildlife or feral animals is most commonly
done by humans for food, recreation, or trade. In present-day use, lawful
hunting is distinguished from poaching, which is the illegal killing, trapping or
capture of the hunted species. The species that are hunted are referred to
as game and are usually mammalsand birds.
 Kayaking is the use of a kayak for moving across
water. It is distinguished from canoeing by the sitting
position of the paddler and the number of blades on
the paddle. A kayak is a low-to-the-water, canoe-like
boat in which the paddler sits facing forward, legs in
front, using a double-bladed paddle to pull front-to-
back on one side and then the other in rotation. Most
kayaks have closed decks, although sit-on-
top and inflatable kayaks are growing in popularity as
 Equestrianism (from Latin equester, equestr-
, horseman, horse) more often known
as riding, horseback riding (American English)
orhorse riding (British English) referring to the skill
of riding, driving, steeplechasing or vaulting
with horses. This broad description includes the use
of horses for practical working purposes,
transportation, recreational activities, artistic or
cultural exercises, and competitive sport.

 Ultimate, originally known as ultimate frisbee, is a

non-contact team field sport played with a flying disc.
Points are scored by passing the disc to a teammate in
the opposing end zone. Other basic rules are that
players must not take steps while holding the disc, and
interceptions, incomplete passes, and passes out of
bounds are turnovers.
 Scuba diving is a mode of underwater diving in which
a scuba diver uses a self-contained underwater
breathing apparatus(scuba) to breathe underwater.
 Unlike other modes of diving, which rely either
on breath-hold or on breathing gas pumped from the
surface, scuba divers carry their own source
of breathing gas, usually compressed air, allowing them
greater freedom of movement than with an air
line or diver's umbilical and longer underwater
endurance than breath-hold.

 Boating is the leisurely activity of travelling

by boat, or the recreational use of a boat
whether powerboats, sailboats, or man-powered
vessels (such as rowing and paddle boats), focused
on the travel itself, as well as sports activities,
such as fishing o rwaterskiing. It is a popular
activity, and there are millions of boaters
 Bungee jumping also spelt "Bungy" jumping] is an activity
that involves jumping from a tall structure while connected
to a large elastic cord. The tall structure is usually a fixed
object, such as a building, bridge or crane; but it is also
possible to jump from a movable object, such as a hot-air-
balloon or helicopter, that has the ability to hover above
the ground. The thrill comes from the free-falling and the
rebound. When the person jumps, the cord stretches and
the jumper flies upwards again as the cord recoils, and
continues to oscillate up and down until all the kinetic
energy is dissipated.
 Surfing is a surface water sport in which the wave
rider, referred to as a surfer, rides on the forward
or deep face of a moving wave, which is usually
carrying the surfer towards the shore. Waves
suitable for surfing are primarily found in
the ocean, but can also be found inlakes or
in rivers in the form of a standing wave or tidal
bore. However, surfers can also utilize artificial
waves such as those from boat wakes and the waves
created in artificial wave pools.

 Snorkeling (snorkelling) is the practice

of swimming on or through a body of water while
equipped with a diving mask, a shaped tube called
a snorkel, and usually fins. In cooler waters,
a wetsuit may also be worn. Use of this equipment
allows the snorkeler to observe underwater
attractions for extended periods with relatively little
effort and to breathe while face-down at the
 Snorkeling is a popular recreational activity,
particularly at tropical resort locations. The primary
appeal is the opportunity to observeunderwater
life in a natural setting without the complicated
equipment and training required for scuba diving. It
appeals to all ages because of how little effort
there is, and without the exhaled bubbles of scuba-
diving equipment. It is the basis of the two surface
disciplines of the underwater sport of finswimming.

 Parachuting, or skydiving, is a method of exiting an

aircraft and returning to Earth with the aid of gravity,
then slowing down during the last part of the descent by
using a parachute. It may or may not involve a certain
amount of free-fall, a time during which the parachute
has not been deployed and the body gradually
accelerates to terminal velocity.

 Rock climbing is an activity in which

participants climb up, down or across
natural rock formations or artificial rock walls.
The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or
the endpoint of a usually pre-defined route
without falling.

A picnic is an excursion at which

a meal is eaten outdoors ideally taking
place in a beautiful landscape such as a
park, beside a lake or with an interesting
view and possibly at a public event such
as before an open-air theatre
performance, and usually in summer.
 Picnicsare often family-oriented but can also be an
intimate occasion between two people or a large
get-together such as company picnics and church
picnics. It is also sometimes combined with a
cookout, usually a form of barbecue;
eithergrilling (griddling, gridironing,
or charbroiling), braising (by combining a charbroil
or gridiron grill with a broth-filled pot),baking, or a
combination of all of the above.

 Windsurfingis a surface water sport that

combines elements of surfing and sailing.

 Skateboarding is an action sport which

involves riding and performing tricks
using a skateboard. Skateboarding can
also be considered a recreational
activity, an art f.orm, a job, or a method
of transportation.
 Water skiing is a surface water sport in which an individual
is pulled behind a boat or a cable ski installation over
a body of water, skimming the surface on two skis or one
(slalom) ski. The sport requires sufficient area on a smooth
stretch of water, one or two skis, a tow boat with tow rope,
three people, and a personal flotation device. In addition,
the skier must have adequate upper and lower body
strength, muscular endurance, and good balance. Skiing is
a fun pastime that allows people of all skill levels and ages
to enjoy. There is no minimum age necessary to water ski.

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