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Lesson Plan in Science 3

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

a. Identify the different types of clouds;
b. Show four days condition cloud in the locality;
c. Participate actively in the discussion.

II. Subject Matter

Unit: Weather

Topic: Types of clouds

References: Science and health p.167-169

K-12 guide in Science and Earth


Different pictures of clouds, cotton,glitters to represent rain,paper,scissor

and glue.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupils Activity

A.Preparatory Activities

Goodmorning class! Goodmorning ma’am.

How’s your day class? It’s good ma’am.

Ok before we start a new lesson we will have Yes ma’am

a review first about our previous lesson.Are
you ready class?

What are the four types of weather class? Sunny, windy, cloudy, and
Very good. stormy.

What is the color of the clouds?

Very good.
Blue, white and gray ma’am.

How about the shape of the clouds?

Very good.
Curly and fluffy ma’am.
Let’s play charade class.
Yes ma’am
Sunny day
Windy day Sunny day
Rainy day Windy day
Clouds Rainy day
Stormy day Clouds
Stormy day

What have you noticed in our charade

class? They are kinds of weather and
Very good. What have you noticed with the things that can be seen up in
clouds when there is a rain? the sky.
Very good. The clouds turn to gray ma’am.
Why do you think clouds become gray?
It because of the rain ma’am.
If the clouds are thick enough all the light
above does not make it through that’s why it
turns into gray. Now class that you have an
idea about how clouds turn to gray our
today’s lesson is all about Types of clouds.

C. Lesson Proper

There are 3 Types of clouds. These are

Cirrus, Cumulus and Stratus.

Cirrus clouds

Cirrus are thin curly wispy and white.They

are located high in the sky and are the most
entirely made up of ice particles.These types
of clouds often are seen before rain or snow.

Cumulus clouds
White,fluffy and round.They are seen on nice

Stratus clouds

Low hanging clouds that are in layers that

look like a gray blanket.They look like haze in
the sky.These types of clouds can become
fog if they get low enough in the air. They
can produce rain and snow.

Nimbus Clouds
Nimbus clouds often mean that
a thunderstorm is brewing: there may soon
be thunder and lightning. Nimbus really just
means a cloud that already has rain falling
out of it

Types of clouds ma’am.
What is our topic for today?
Very good! Cirrus, cumulus, stratus, nimbus
What are they?
Very good!.
Cirrus ma’am.

What type of clouds is thin wispy and white?

Very good. Cumulus ma’am.

How about white, fluffy and round?

Very good. Stratus ma’am.

How about low hanging clouds that are in

layers that look like a gray blanket?
Very good. Nimbus ma’am.

Lastly a cloud that already has rain falling

out of it?
It provides protection from the
What do you think is the importance of sky?
Very good. We will see the things outer
space, We are directly expose in
What do you think will happen if we don’t the sun.
have sky?

Pick the words from the box that describe
the following types of clouds.

Wispy and white , seen on nice

located high in the sky, made up of
ice Strat Cirr Nimbu
Low hanging usclouds,canus
rain, a thunderstorm is brewing
IV. Evaluation

A. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. These types of clouds can become fog if they get low enough in the air.

2. White, fluffy and round.


3. They are seen on nice days.


4. These types of clouds often are seen before rain or snow.


5. Low hanging clouds that are in layers that look like a gray blanket.

V. Assignment

Make a model of clouds chose atleast one among the three types use
cotton,paper,scissor,crayons and glue.

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