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Speaking Topics

Let’s talk about CLIMATE

Conversation cards

What is climate change? Is it Do you believe in climate change? Some people claim climate
the same as global warming? If so, why do you think it is change is just part of a natural
Think about it and explain in your happening? Discuss in group. cycle and that it is not man-
words to the class. made. What do you think?

What dangers are threatening Should we be worried about Do you think climate change can
our lives and our planet? climate change? Explain. be stopped?
Discuss in group & make a list. Are you worried? What should be done?

Scientists predict that the ice ‘Cutting carbon emissions’ is an Do you use environmentally-
caps will melt. often used phrase. friendly products?
What affect could this have on What does it mean and how can Have you ‘gone green’?
life on Earth? it be achieved? Give examples.

What’s a carbon footprint? Have you changed your lifestyle Do you or your family drive an
How big is yours? to save our planet and prevent “eco car”?
How can it be reduced? climate change? Why or why not?
What have you done? Give examples of such cars.

Are governments doing enough to The world is addicted to oil. Are What do you know about the
combat climate change? there any alternatives to oil? Kyoto Protocol?
Name some measures that have Make a list of energy sources What happened in 2009 in
been so far. and their effect on nature. Copenhagen?

Could climate change destroy life Coal is still a widely used source Should poor developing countries
on Earth? of energy worldwide. Is it more be asked to make similar efforts
Discuss a best-case and a worst- or less polluting than oil? as wealthy, industrialized
case scenario. Is there a future for coal? countries? Give your view.

Match pictures and text 2
biofuel 1 4
coal mine
control panel for heater or A/C
dam - hydroelectric power plant 7
heavy industry 6
incandescent light bulb 5
nuclear power plant
petrol station or gas station
recycling could save the world
solar panel 9 11
wind turbine 10
Speaking Topics
(answers may vary) The phrase (answers may vary) (answers may vary)
r 'climate change' is now preferred to
'global warming' because it helps
convey that there are changes in
addition to rising temperatures.

climate change, pollution, (answers may vary) (answers may vary)

overpopulation, deforestation, cut carbon emissions, change our
lack of clean water, meteor lifestyle, go green, consume less
impact, terrorism etc. energy, tax polluters etc.

Possible rise of sea levels could Reduce the emission of CO2. ‘eco’ car, detergents, paper,
flood low-lying areas where Save energy, make industries bags, recycling, use public
millions live (e.g. Bangladesh, cleaner and greener, drive transport etc.
Pacific islands, Amsterdam etc.) smaller cars, etc.

Amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) (answers may vary) (answers may vary) Toyota Prius
that are emitted into the atmosphere is one of the first and most
each year by an entity such as a
popular eco-cars; unfortunately
person, household, organization, etc.
(can be direct or indirect). more expensive than normal cars

(answers may vary) solar, wind, hydro-electric, What do you know about the
nuclear energy, bio-fuels, etc. Kyoto Protocol?
What happened in 2009 in

(answers may vary) Very polluting energy source. (answers may vary)
Cheap and widely available. Carbon
capture and storage (CCS)
technology under development.

biofuel 4
coal mine 6
control panel for heater or A/C 5
dam - hydroelectric power plant 7
heavy industry 1
incandescent light bulb 3
nuclear power plant 11
petrol station or gas station 9
recycling could save the world 2
solar panel 10
wind turbine 8
Useful links & resources
 (FAQ)
 (nice and informative site for kids)
 Al Gore’s movie “An Inconvenient Truth” is great to introduce and discuss this topic.

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