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Final Assessment: Modeling a Landmark


Choose a landmark (e.g., baseball field, skatepark, school) that you are familiar with. Make sure
your model can be broken down into simple geometric shapes (i.e., triangles, spheres, cubes,
etc.). Your model should include at least five different simple shapes. You will recreate the
landmark in using Geogebra’s 3D calculator. When resizing your model, use online sources to
determine the ratio you will have to size down every object (round to the nearest foot). After
completing your model, determine the area, volume, and perimeter of the actual landmark, not
your model. Use the table below to determine the cost of materials. If a specific material is not
listed that your landmark uses, please see me. Show all work using Microsoft Word symbols (not
handwritten) with your area, perimeter, and volume clearly labeled. Type one brief paragraph
about why you chose that landmark and the specific shapes that you used to complete your
model. Include a photo of the landmark at the title page. See rubric below to see breakdown of

Cost of Materials
Wood – $1.00/ft3
Concrete - $11.00/ft3
Turf - $1.00/ft2
Tile - $16.00/ft2
Steel - $36.00/ft2
Carpet - $12.00/ft2

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Constructional Model is visually Model is visually Model lacks color Model is not detailed
artistic and captures artistic and captures and/or missing and does not reflect
of Model real-life landmark real-life landmark pieces. Model real life landmark.
features. Model features. Model incorporates 3 to 5 Model contains less
incorporates at least incorporates less geometric shapes. than 2 geometric
5 geometric shapes. than 5 geometric shapes.
Mathematical All work is shown Some work is shown Work is not typed. No work is shown or
and typed. and typed. Terminology and handwritten.
Terminology Terminology and Terminology and notation are Terminology and
and Notation notation are notation are inconsistent, has notation are
consistent, has consistent, flow is flow, organization inconsistent, has no
great flow and great, organization requires work. flow, organization
neatly organized. of steps has some requires work.
Volume, perimeter, errors.
and surface area
are clearly labeled.

Write-Up Explanation is clear Explanation is clear. Explanation is hard Explanation is

and is in student's Significance of to understand. difficult to
own words. landmark is Lacks knowledge of understand/not
Provides a great satisfactory. shapes and included/not in own
analysis of the Formatted correctly. concepts. Formatted words. Formatted
significance of correctly. incorrectly.
Formatted correctly.
Timeliness Projected is Projected is Project is submitted Project submitted
submitted before submitted 1 day 2 days late. after 3 days.
deadline. late.



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