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 Stratified sampling (uniform and variable sampling fraction)
 Multistage sampling


 Cluster sampling
 Choice based sampling
 Systematic sampling


 Quota sampling
 Judgmental or expert samples
 Haphazard samples

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Variable (data) Type of data MEASUREMENT
Name of internet provider Nominal or categorical OF DATA
(non-numerical) From the listed variables,
explain if they are numerical
Time spend to use internet Numerical, continuous, ratio or categorical.
per week
If they are numerical,
explain if iit is discrete or
The number of email Numerical, discrete, ratio
continues and stated its
received per week
scale of measurement.

The number of online Numerical, discrete, ratio

shopping done in a month

Shoe sizes, temperature Numerical, continuous,

The lists of the months in Non-numerical, ordinal
the year, censor ratings of

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Mapping of random sampling methods

Simple random Multistage Quasi random

Stratified sampling
sampling sampling sampling methods

Cluster sampling
With a uniform
sampling fraction Systematic
With variable Choice based
sampling fraction sampling
Stratified sampling with uniform sampling
rates = proportionate sampling

 We have discussed about this last week

 Recall: the table
 The proportion in each stratum in the sample is the
same with that of the proportion in the population
 Stratified sampling Recall from the
 It is one of the SRS sampling method lecture last week
 Why we need to stratified our sample? Example of criteria for
separating a population into
strata (and the strata
Stratified sampling: themselves) are as follows:

A stratified random sample is obtained by Gender:

separating the population into mutually
Male, Female
exclusive and exhaustive sets of strata
(each member of the population must be Age

assigned to exactly one stratum) and then Under 20, 20 – 30, 31 – 40,
drawing simple random sample from each 41 – 50, 51 – 60, over 60

stratum. Occupation:

Professional, clerical, blue-

collar, other.

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Example: stratified sample with a uniform
sampling fraction (proportionate sampling)
 Q: public opinion survey to determine how many people favour the proposed changes to
the Medicare scheme.
 We can select a random sample of people from stratification of four income groups.
 Proportionate sampling: draw a random sample according to their proportions in the
Stratified sampling with uniform
𝑛ℎ 𝑁ℎ
𝑛 𝑁
Stratum Income Proportion If n=1000, If sampling fraction
categories in the then nh is f = 10%, then
population number of
population is 10,000
1 Under $15 000 25% 250 2500 (f = 10%)
2 $15 000 - $29 999 40% 400 4000
3 $30 000 - $50 000 30% 300 3000
4 Over $50 000 5% 50 500
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Stratified sampling with variable
sampling fraction= disproportionate
 A different rate is used in drawing the sample from
each stratum.
 The resulting samples will not be in the same
proportions as the strata in the population
 Steps:
Determine the
Define the The SRS is
sampling size
strata to be applied in each
required in
used stratum
each stratum
Stratified sampling with a variable sampling
fraction (disproportionate sampling)
 Basically:

Stratified sampling with

uniform fraction:
𝑛ℎ 𝑁ℎ

𝑛 𝑁

 The sampling fraction for each stratum be up to the

researcher to decide on, i.e. the successful sampling depends
on the researcher’s precision at fraction allocation.
 Note: the results may be biased due to overrepresentation or
underrepresentation of the sampling data.

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Example of stratified sampling method with
variable sampling fraction
Stratum Income Proportion If n=1000, sampling fraction f
categories in the then nh is out of the number of
population population is 10,000
1 Under $15 000 25% 400 2500 (f = 16%)
2 $15 000 - $29 999 40% 200 4000 (f = 5%)
3 $30 000 - $50 000 30% 200 3000 (f = 6.67%)
4 Over $50 000 5% 200 500 (f = 40%)

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Multistage sampling
 The sampling that at least involved two stages in the sampling
 WHY:
 This method allows researcher to avoid the need to create an
expensive sampling frame when no sample frame exists.
Multistage sampling based on administrative units: target
audience: the U.S Schoolchildren
Stage1: select States by SRS or stratified sampling.
Stage 2: Select Counties by SRS or stratified sampling
Stage 3: Select schools in those counties by SRS
Stage 4: Select students from those schools by SRS (we can get a
full sampling frame of list of students in each school)
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Example of Multistage sampling
Real Life Examples
 The Census Bureau uses multistage sampling for the U.S. National Center for
Health Statistics’ National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). A multistage probability
sample of 42,000 households in 376 probability sampling units (PSUs are usually
counties or groups of counties), which are chosen in groups of around four adjacent

The Gallup poll uses multistage sampling. For example,

they might randomly choose a certain number of area codes
then randomly sample a number of phone numbers from
within each area code.
Johnston et. al’s survey on drug use in high schools used
three stage sampling: geographic areas, followed by high
schools within those areas, followed by senior students in
those schools.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics divides cities into
“collection districts”, then blocks, then households. Each
stage uses random sampling, creating a need to list specific
households only after the final stage of sampling.

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They are methods that are close to random but are not actually

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 Cluster sampling: a simple random
sample of groups or clusters of Cluster sampling
elements. Find the differences with
the multistage sampling
 This method is a special case of method
multistage sampling, in which in the
final stage of sampling, all the
population elements in the final stage
units are selected.
 WHY?
 When it is difficult or costly to generate
complete list of the population members.
 When the population elements are widely
dispersed geographically

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Examples of cluster samples

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Comparison between stratified and cluster

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Choice based sampling
 Choice based sampling is conducted by identifying the
decision group of interest and then choosing individuals
from this groups at random.
 This sampling method has been used in transporation and
marketing where a sample is drawn from a choice
process, such as a purchasing or travel decision.
 Example:
 Roadside interviews of car drivers,
 On-board interviews of transit or airline passengers
 Interviews of housewives purchasing a given product in a

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Example: calculating sample size based on
choice based sampling
 Choice based: car vs transjakarta
 Error level: 5%
 Prior knowledge on the population proportion: car : 90%,
Transjakarta 10%.
 Knowing that statistically, at 95% level of confidence, Z
value = 1.96. With 5% error level, the B value will be 0.05.
p = 0.1; q = 0.9. Then n = 138 person

Samples then can be

𝑍 𝑝𝑞 2
𝑛=[ ] draw based on stratified
𝐵 or cluster sampling.

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Systematic sampling
 Method of sampling that approximates a random sampling
 The method is to draw a sample consisting of every mth
element from a list of elements in the population.
 Example:
 Selecting people entering a shopping mall, by stopping every
twentieth person as he or she enters the main entrance of the
 Selecting vehicles at a border crossing, by stopping every tenth
vehicle that approaches to the border crossing.

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You need to avoid these methods if you want to produce
population estimates from the data

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Types of non-random sampling
 Quota sampling: giving survey personnel quotas to apply
to field sampling
 Quota sampling proceeds by defining a number of samples to
be taken from specific subgroups of the population
 But leaves the actual selection of the individual sampling
elements to the discretion of the surveyor in the field.
 Cheaper, but contains bias in selection
 No accepted method to compute population values or
standard errors.
 Judgmental or expert samples
 Haphazard samples

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Types of non-random sampling
 Judgmental or expert samples: samples that rely on the
survey researcher’s expertise to pick subjects for the
 Highly non-random, even when the expert tries to pick a
representative samples, the result is a non-representative
 They maybe useful during developing hypotheses in research or
developing survey design. i.e. to test the survey design.
 No accepted method to compute population values or
standard errors.
 It may be used for focus groups.
 Haphazard samples

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Types of non-random sampling
 Haphazard samples: those samples taken when a survey
researchers attempts to replicate a random sample but
without using strict random procedures.
 Highly non-random
 No accepted method to compute population values or
standard errors.
 Reduced efforts required to draw the sample
 Close field supervision of strict random sampling may be
required to prevent strict random sampling from becoming

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Thank you very much

Terima kasih

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