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Choose Islamic Senior High School or Senior High School

Islamic senior high school is good alternative to choose. Islamic senior high school more
dominated by religious subject but also not lost in general subject. Students are taught about
Islam more deeply and can be applied in daily habits at school or at home, like Dhuha prayer.
In addition, the uniforms used by Islamic senior high school are more closed and must wear
hijab. It seems more polite in Indonesia that has an eastern style. Finally, In Islamic senior high
school more limiting interactions between men and women so it may more preventing students
from dangerous thing in friendship. In contrast, Senior high school not too dominated by
religious subject so the students not too understand about Islamic religion and the time to study
Islamic religion is very limited. In addition, the uniforms style used in senior high school more
free. The student are free to wear the uniforms model that they want, there is also the freedom to
wear or not to wear hijab. Finally, in senior high school there is no limit between men and
women in friendship. For Moslem students, choose Islamic senior high school is good alternative
to choose.

Word count : 208 words

Name : Dzurriyatul Khofifah N
NIM : 18320110

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