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Structuralism is an ideology or view which states that all societies and cultures have the same and fixed

structure. Structuralism is a relatively new idea spawned by Ferdinand de Saussure (a linguist who
defended his thesis on Sanskrit in 1880). In social science, structuralism is the application of language
analysis to social phenomena as the most important contribution of Claude Levi-Strauss. The hallmark
of structuralism is the focus on the description of the actual state of the object through investigation,
the disclosure of its intrinsic properties that are not bound by time and the establishment of
relationships between facts or elements of the system through education. Structuralism reveals and
describes the core structure of an object (the hierarchy, the interrelationships between elements at
each level) (Bagus, 1996: 1040).

Structuralism figures

Ferdinand De Saussure in linguistics

As the founder of the structure of language, Saussure argued against the victorious historians who took
the philological approach. He proposed a scientific approach, which was approached from a system
consisting of elements and rules in its creation aimed at helping communication in society. Influenced by
Emile Durkheim in a social fact, which based on objectivity in which psychology and social order are
considered. Saussure views language as a storehouse (barn) of discussion signs shared by a community.
Language for Saussure is the main interpretive capital of the world, and demands a science called

Levi-Strauss in society.

Strauss's method is anthropology and linguistics simultaneously. The elements he deals with are myths,
customs, and his own society. In the process of his analysis, humans are then seen as a portion of the
structure, which is not constituted by the analysis, but is dissolved by analysis. The change in emphasis
from human to structure is a common feature of structuralist thought.

L.S Vygostsky, Jacques Lacan and Jean Piaget in psychology.

Jacques Lacan (Freudian) in psychology describes the work of Saussure and Levi-Strauss to emphasize
Sigmund Freud's opinion with language and arguments that, as a coded order, language can express the
person's unconscious. This is the problem, that language is always moving and dynamic, including
metaphors , metonymy, condensation and displacement. Jean Piaget himself described his
Structuralism as an unified structure, that is, whose elements are members of a system outside the
structure itself. The system is captured through the cognition of community members as collective

Frege, Hillbert in meta-mathematical meta-logic.

Roland Berthes applies structuralist analysis to literary criticism by considering various kinds of
expression or analysis of language as different languages.

The task of literary criticism is translation, which is to express the formal system that the author has laid
out in a language. This is related to the conditions of the era.

Michel Foucault in philosophy.

Modern structuralism or poststructuralism in the field of philosophy is to approach the subjectivity of
generations in various epistemic discourses from their imitation and disclosure. In this discipline,
Focault suggests, in the changing theory and practice of madness, crime, punishment, sexuality, that
collection of records can normalize individuals in their own sense.

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