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1. Text as the unit of human verbal communication. Text and discourse.

Different approaches to
defining text and discourse in modern linguistics.
2. Main lexical transformations applied in the process of translation as a result of text analysis.
3. Cohesion as one of the main features of text and its importance for translation. Types of
4. Main grammatical transformations applied in the process of translation as a result of text
5. Classification of texts: fictional and non-fictional texts; artefact and mentafact texts: common
features and differences and their relevance for translation.
6. Special literary vocabulary used in the texts of mass media discourse and peculiarities of its
rendering in the process of translation.
7. Repetition links as means of lexical and semantic cohesion in texts. Main types of repetition
links and their importance for translation.
8. Simple lexical repetition and complex lexical repetition as means of ensuring lexical and
semantic cohesion in texts and their importance for translation.
9. Practical “steps” of analysing fictional texts in the process of translation.
10. Simple and complex paraphrase, as means of lexical and semantic cohesion in texts and their
importance for translation.
11. Expressive means and stylistic devices used in the texts of fictional discourse and peculiarities
of their rendering in the process of translation.
12. Specific features of mass media discourse and their relevance for translating texts of this type.
15. Lexical and grammatical features of the style of official and business documents and their
relevance for translation.
16. Special colloquial vocabulary used in the texts of mass media discourse and peculiarities of its
rendering in translation.
17. Peculiarities of analysing and rendering idioms (set-phrases, proverbs, etc.) in the process of
18. Lexical and grammatical cohesion in texts. Primary importance of means of lexical and
semantic cohesion for translation of texts.
19. Peculiarities of translating non-fictional (artefact) texts in comparison to translating fictional
(mentafact) texts.
20. The language of mass-media (newspapers, magazines, radio and TV programmes, Internet).
Peculiarities of analysing and translating mass-media texts.
21. The language of legal documents (international agreements, treaties, pacts, declarations;
documents of the domestic law: constitutions, laws, statutes, decrees, orders; business contracts and
letters; military statutes, etc.). Peculiarities of analysing and translating texts of legal documents.
22. “Binding words” as a specific feature of texts of legal documents and possible ways of
rendering them in Ukrainian and in English.
23. Co-reference repetition and pro-form substitution as means of lexical and semantic cohesion in
texts and their importance for translation.
24. The language of scientific and technical documents. Ways of rendering scientific and technical
terminology (subject-field words) in translation.
25. Text as the main object of translation and interpretation.

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