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Life Is a Challenge

There are so many people living on this planet, and all of them have their
own views on what life means to them. There are optimists who choose to
see the bright side of this world. There are pessimists who might enjoy
constant grumbling as to their difficult and unfair fate. Every person
decides for themselves. I want to examine differences in how people
perceive our world and what both groups miss out because of the way of
thinking they select.
No one can deny that there are many different moments in our life when
we are sad or disappointed; often there is injustice and various events that
are bitter and very unpleasant. We cannot totally avoid these aspects of
our life, as it is always interrelated with the other people and everything
can drastically change any moment. A lot of people, namely pessimists,
find these challenges to be too hard for them and in such situations they
just choose not to interfere in the course of affairs and complain about
their life as if someone sympathizes with their misery. But as for me, it is
too easy of a way out. I choose to perceive these challenges in such a way
that they polish my character and make me a better person.

Is Life a Challenge or a Bed of Roses?

On the other hand, I sometimes catch myself thinking that being an
optimist is a harder way, but at the same time has much more benefits
than the one of pessimism. It is indeed much easier to always complain
about everything and grumble that there is nothing good left around us and
everything is filled with disappointment and sorrow. In order to find
something positive in each and every aspect of life, it is necessary to
apply certain effort, analyze the situation and think of the ways you can
benefit from it. Often, it requires much effort, but it is totally worth it.

In fact, if you try to perceive our life as a bed of roses, you will be
fascinated by the number of opportunities that will open for you. Moreover,
life will become so interesting and engaging that you can even forget how
to complain – there will be no need for it. Maybe it can seem too idealistic
a picture, but I believe that a hard and consistent work on your character
and world view in order to achieve such a mode of life helps very much. My
friends who choose this way of thinking say that the main thing here is to
remember it is totally worth all the effort.
As for me, I would say that life is a challenge. But this doesn’t necessarily
mean that I perceive the world in a dull way – I understand that life is not
always a piece of cake, but in this feature, there also can be seen
the beauty of life.

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