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Task 5 – Final Exam


Dago Néstor Ropain Martínez

Code: 77017789

Group: 551011_14


Juan Camilo Pérez

National University Open and Distance "UNAD"

Faculty of Education Sciences


Bachelor's degree in English as a foreign language


Santa Marta, mayo 23, 2019

Activities to develop

Watch and listen to the video:

2. TASK:
Take notes and prepare the answer for the following questions:
1. Why did Candy decide to create this presentation?
Candy decided to create this presentation because where she lived in the United States, there was
an abandoned house nearby and she thought of how it could make it a more pleasant space for her
neighborhood, and she also thought of something that changed her life forever. In 2009, he lost
someone he loved very much. Her name was Joan and she was a mother to her. And his death
was sudden and unexpected.
2. What has been the scope of your idea?

The scope of my idea of this presentation has been to reflect on sharing more with our neighbors
in the public space, sharing more of our hopes so that our community can reflect our needs and
The scope of realizing how powerful our public spaces can be if we are given the opportunity to
have a voice and share among ourselves.
The scope of being able to understand that there are two most valuable things we have, our time
and our relationships with other people.

3. What countries have you visited?

You have visited only the country of the United States

4. What does Candy want to achieve before he dies?

Before dying Candy wants that anyone who passes can pick up a piece of chalk that is reflected
in their life and share their personal aspirations on the giant blackboard of that abandoned house.
Candy wants to make our neighbors understand in a new and enlightening way; how can we try
to make a public space for reflection and contemplation and remember what really matters most
to us, and that all this makes us grow and change.

5. What does Candy hope to achieve with this campaign?

Candy wants to achieve with this campaign that the people around us help to improve our lives,
transmit wisdom, share more with neighbors the public space, get a better understanding of our
landscape, that our communities can reflect our needs and dreams today.

Task 3.
Now that you have listened to the entire presentation, look at the questions below, reflect and
1. How did you feel doing this practice?
By doing this practice I felt strengthened in the ability to listen after practicing it several times
obviously, I felt more responsible and committed to my own learning, since autonomous learning
implies responsibility in oneself and passion for what is done. Doing this practice I felt more
enthusiastic to reach a higher level of listening to fluent English, I felt that I would like to give a
public lecture on an interesting topic, and at the end of listening to questions and being able to
understand without any fear or difficulty.

2. How many times have you listened to the video to understand the main ideas?
To understand the main ideas, listen to the video two or three times.
3. How many times have you listened to the video to get the answers?
To get answers, listen five or six times.
4. How much did you understand about the entire video? (Between 1% and 100%)
I understood 80% of the video
5. And you, what do you hope to achieve before dying?
Before dying I hope to have taught many children, youth and adults to write, speak and listen to
fluent English, where we can share stories, anecdotes, cultures, and customs of different countries
to be more united and a more globalized world.

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