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Vibrations: - When an elastic body (like shaft, springs etc) which is fixed at one end
and is displaced at other end from its equilibrium position by the application of an
external force, the body starts to move to and fro (or up and down). Then the body is
said to be in vibrations. The vibrations are due to internal elastic forces within the

Main Causes OfVihration

Ans. The main causes of vibration are:
I. Unbalanced centrifugal force in the. System due to faulty design and poor
2. Elastic nature of system.
3. External excitation applied on the system
4. Winds may cause vibration of certain system such as electricity lines, telephone
lines etc
Disadvantages of Effects of Vibration

Ans. Disadvantages harmful effects vibration:

1. Vibration causes excessive and unpleasant stresses in the rotating system.

2. Vibration causes rapid wear and tear of machine parts such as gears and
3. Vibration causes loosening of parts from the machine.
4. Due to vibrations locomotive can leave the track causing accident or heavy loss.
B. Earthquakes are the cause of vibration because of which buildings and other
structures (like bridges) may collapse.
6. Proper readings of instruments cannot be taken because of heavy vibrations.
7. Resonance may take place if the frequency of excitation matches with the natural
frequency of system causing large amplitudes of vibration thereby resulting in
failure of systems e.g. Bridges
How can you eliminate/reduce unnecessary vibrations?
Ans. Unwanted vibrations can be reduced by:
I. Removing external excitation if possible.
2. Using shock absorbers.
3. Dynamic absorbers.
4. Proper balancing of rotating parts.
5. Removing manufacturing defects and material in homogeneities.
6. Resting the system on proper vibration isolators.

What are the advantages of vibration?

Ans. Advantages of vibration
I. Musical Instruments like guitar.
2. In study of earthquake for geological reasons.
3. Vibration is useful for vibration testing equipments.
4. Propagation of sound is due to vibrations.
5. Vibratory conveyors are based on concept of vibration.
6. Pendulum clocks are based on the principle of vibration.

What is the importance of vibration study?

Importance of vibration study. The imp of vibration study is to reduce or
eliminate vibration effects over mechanical components by designing them suitably.
Proper design and manufacture of parts will reduce. Unbalance in engines which
causes excessive and unpleasant stress in rotating system because of vibration,
roper design of machine parts will reduce and tear due to vibration and loosening
parts. The proper designing and material distribution prevent the locomotive
leaving the track due to excessive vibration which may result in accident or heavy
loss. Proper designing of structure buildings can prevent the condition of resonance
which causes dangerously large oscillations which may result in failure of that part.
Terms Used in Vibratory Motion

(i) Periodic motion: A motion which repeats itself after certain interval of time is
called periodic motion.
(ii) Time Period: It is time taken to complete One cycle.
(iii) Frequency: No's of cycles in one sec, S.I. units, the frequency is expressed in
hertz (briefly written as Hz)
(iv) Amplitude: Maximum displacement of a vibrating body from mean position is
called Amplitude.
(v) Simple Harmonic Motion (S.H.M ..) : The motion of a body "to" and "fro" about a
fixed point is called S.H.M.
(vi)Resonance: When the frequency of external force is equal to the natural

frequency of a vibrating body, the amplitude of vibration becomes excessively

large. This is known as "Resonance". At resonance there are chances of machine

part or structure to fail due to excessively large amplitude. It is thus important to find

natural frequencies of the system in order to avoid resonance.

Explain different methods of vibration analysis?

Ans. Different methods of vibration analysis are:

Energy method : According to this method total energy of the system remains

constant i.e. sum of kinetic energy and potential energy always remains constant.

K.E. '.
="2 m~
P.E. ~ 2" kx2

KE.+P.E. -e
I m

1 1
-2 nt r~ + -2 1cr2 - e L-
FIg. ---'

Differentiating w.r.t. x

nd i'+ l<x j -0

mi+ Kx-O

Let x - A slnwt

x ~-AaJ2slnwt
x --w2x
Putting in (1) we get

m" (- w2 x) + Kx .. 0 .

OJ = ~ rad/s
Rayleigh Method : This method is based on the principle that maximum kinetic
energy of the term is equal to the maximum potential energy of the system.
(KE)mllX =< (PE) max •

2 max =< GKx )-.x

x .. Asinwf
Xmax =A

• X = A UJ COIIlUf
(i)max "Aw
"PendlAl.m •
1 1
• - m (Aw)2
= - J(A2
2 .

(I) = ~ rad/s Flg.

According to this method the sum of forces and moments acting on the system is zero
if no external force is applied on the system.
Consider fig. I

. mi+ci+Kx=O (If no external force is applied)

mi+c.i+Kx=F (If external force F is applied)

What is damping?

Ans. Damping is the resistance offered by a body to the motion of a vibratory


Classify different types of danlping.

Ans. Types of Damping
I. Viscous 2. Coulomb 3. Structural 4. Non-linear, Slip or interfacial damping 5.
Eddy current-damping

Tvpes ofVibratorv Motion

The following types of vibratory motion are important from the subject point of view
I. Free or natural vibrations. When no external force acts on the body, after giving
it an initial displacement, .then the body is said to be under free or nail!ral
vibrations. The frequency of the free vibrations is called free or natural
2. Forced vibrations. When the body vibrates under the influence of external force,
then the body is said to be under forced vibrations. The external force applied to
the body is a periodic disturbing force created by unbalance. The vibrations have
the same frequency as the applied force.
3. Damped vibrations. When there is a reduction in amplitude over every cycle of
vibration, the motion is said to be damped vibration. This is due to the fact that a
certain amount of energy possessed by the vibrating system is always dissipated in
overcoming frictional resistances to the

Types of Free Vibrations

The following three types of free vibrations are important from the subject point of
I. Longitudinal vibrations, 2. Transverse vibrations, and 3. Torsional vibrations.
Consider a weightless constraint (spring or shaft) whose one end is fixed and the
other end carrying a heavy disc, as shown in Fig. 23.1. This system may execute one
of the three above mentioned types of vibrations.
I. Longitudinal vibrations: When the particles of the shaft or disc moves parallel to
the axis of the shaft, as shown in Fig (a) , then the vibrations are known as
longitudinal vibrations. In this case, the shaft is elongated and shortened
alternately and thus the tensile and compressive stresses are induced alternately in
the shaft.

i Shall

A th_.
B . J

Taking the value of g us 9.8\ mls2 "ml ain metres.

natural frequency =

Stress", E IV ( 0= W.l
or -x-=E or
Slmin A 1\ I:'.A

Ii = Static detlection i..,. extension or compression of the cOlis!Cailll,

W= Load attached to the free end of constrnilll.
/ = Length of thc cQ/lStraint,
E = Yotmg's modulus for the constramt. and
A. = Cross-seclionill mea Df Ih~ cnnslminl.

2. Transverse vibrations: When the particles of the shaft or disc move

approximately pezpendicular to the axis of the shaft, as shown in Fig(b), then the
vibrations are known as transverse vibrations. In this case, the shaft is straight and
bent alternately and bending stresses are induced in the shaft.

Taking lh" ,,,tlle of g "s 9.8\ mf"lUlt! S in melres.

I = .Ll·81 = OA98~ Hz
natural frequency = " 211 I) .,ffi,

1V/ 3
15=---· (in metres)
IV = Load at Ih~ fr~e end. in n~WIOlb.
I = Length of the shaft or hcam in melres.
E = Young's modulu:; for the maluial of the sharr or beam in
N/II1~. alld
1= l\\omenl of inertia of Ih.: shaft or b':<llll in m4 .
3. Torsional vibrations: When the particles of the shaft or disc move in a circle
about the, axis of the shaft, as shown in Fig(c), then the vib.rations are known as
torsional vibrations.
In this case, the shaft is twisted and untwisted alternately and the torsional shear
stresses are induced in the shaft.

Frequency (f) = -
IW-I Where, q= Torsional stiffness = T
= GO




Problem(l) A cantilever shaft 50 mm diameter and 300 mm long has a disc of mass
100 kg at its free end. The Young's modulus for the shaft material is 200 GN/m 2 •
Determine the frequency of longitudinal and transverse vibrations of the shaft.
Solution. Given: d = 50 mm = 0.05 m ; I = 300 mm = 0.03 m; m = 100 kg ; E = 200
GN/m 2 = 200 xl09 N/m2
We know that cross-sectional area of the shaft,
1t.,n.., '~"l
A= xd- = (0,05)- = 1.96xlO . 111~
4 4 .

and moment of inertia of the shaft,

Frequency of longitudinal vibration

We know that static deflection of the shaft,

... l": ~\I =m.g}

Frequency oflongitudinal vibration,

f" = 0.4985 = ,0.4985 575 Hz
.. ~ .)0.75IxI0-6·

Frequency of transverse vibration

We lmow that static deflection of the shaft,

0= Wf' = IOOx9.Rlx(O.3)3 U.147XIO-3 m

3E.l 3x200:x109 :x0.3:x1O-6
Frequency of transverse vibration,

I = 0.4985 = 0.4985
n .J3 JO.147xIO-3
=41 Hz

Problem(2) A shaft of length 0.75 m, supported freely at the ends, is carrying a

body of mass 90 kg at 0.25 m from one end. Find the natural frequency of transverse
vibration. Assume E = 200 GN/m2 and shaft diameter =50 mm.
Solution. Given: 1= 0.75 m ; m = 90 kg ; a =AC = 0.25 m ; E = 200 GN/m 2 = 200 x
109 N/m 2; d = 50 mm = 0.05 m

A r-_----'-l.=.c -, 8
• a.75m •

We know th,ll moment of inertia of the shaft.

It -Ilt ~~
I =-xd =-(().(l5) 111
64 64

and static deflection at the load point (i.e. at point C),

w,-/,­ 90x9.81 (O.25)2{O.5)2
0= l,.
3£11 9
3x200x10 x0.307x 1O-f'xO.75
... i': b = Be = 0.5 m)

We· know that natural frequency of transverse vibration.

I = ll.49K5 ll.49H5
• .,ffi
JO.lxlO­ 3=4~.85Hz
Problem(3). A flywheel is mounted on a vertical shaft as shown in Fig. 23.8. The
both ends of the shaft are fixed and its diameter is 50 mm. The flywheel has a mass of
500 kg. Find the natural frequencies of longitudinal and transverse vibrations. Take
E=200GN/m 2
Solution. Given: d = 50 mm = 0.05 m ; m = 500 kg ; E = 200 GN/mz = 200 x 109
We know that cross-sectional area of shaft,


IT "1 Jt _'J . ,; 2
!\=-xd~=-(O.O:)r=1.96xIO m
4- 4
and moment of inertia of shaft,

Natural frequency of longitudinal vibration

1 = Mass of nywheel carried by 1I1c [englh 'I"
11/ - 11/ ,.., ~'1ass of tlywlwel carried by length 12,

We know that extension of length '.

== WJ./, = nrt·g·/l
11.1: II.I; -------------------(i)
Similarly. compression of length '7.
= (W-H't) 12 = (m-IIl,)g12
liE II £ ---------------(ii)

Since extension of length II must be equal to compression of length 12, therefore

equating equations (i) and (ii),

111 11. == (1/1-/1/1 )/1

Ill l xO.9=(500-ml )O.6=300-0.61111 or /1/1 =200 kg

Extension of length II'
3= 1Il,.gil 200x9.8IxO.9 4.5xW-6 m
A.E 1.96 X JQ-3 x200x 109

We know lbal natural frequency of longitudinal vibration.

r..n--- 0.4985 0.4985

.J8 -~4.5xIO-{l
= 2.,5 Hz
Natural frequency of transverse vibration
We know that the static deflection for a shaft fixed at both ends and carrying a point
load is given by

50o" 9.81 (0.9)3 (o.6l

3 3
(5 == Wa b ==
1.24x10-3 111
3£ tP 3x 200 x 109 xO.307 X 10-6 <1.5j3
... iSubstitllling W = III .•~ ; a = I,. and" = '7)

We know Ihat natural frequency or trall'wrse vibration.

0.49gS 0.4985
.f" = = -- ---. -- 1 = 14.24 Hz
..ffi ~ 1.24 x I0-'
Natural Frequency of Free Transverse Vibrations For a Shaft Subjected to a
Number of Point Loads
Consider a shaft AB of negligible mass loaded with point loads WI , W 2, W 3 and W.
etc. in newtons, as shown in Fig.. Let mlo m2, m3 and m. etc. be the corresponding
masses in kg. The natural frequency of such a shaft may be found out by the
following two methods:

1. Energy (or Rayleigh's) method

Let yl, y2, y3, y4 etc. be total deflection under loads WI, W2, W3 and W4 etc. as
shown in Fig.
We know that maximum potential energy


=->:"'1. 0 .)'1 +-)(lIl,.g.l'. +-"'3.,fi.V, +-)(m•. g.)'.,

2 " 2 -"- 2'"' 2 .,., + .....

= 2 Em."."
and maximum kinetic energy
2 "r.
.2 1. .
2 - .- 2 . .
=-XTTl110l".) +-xm,(lILh) +-X11I,(rn\,) --Xfl/4(Clll',) +......
2 .,

= ~ x (,il:m./ ... ( where 00 = Circular frequency of vibration)

Equating the maximum kinetic energy to the maximum potential energy, we have
I z ,1
-x OJ I.m.)'" = -Lm.... V
2 - 2 b_

• = r.mBY.,
u' or (11=
....· :
Em)' Lay' \L~Y
Natural frequency or transverse vibration.

gEm. )'
r. In Y-
Z. Dunkerley's method


The natural frequency of transverse vibration for a shaft carrying a number of point
loads and uniformly distributed load is obtained from Dunkerley's empirical
formula. According to this
1 I I I I
--~::-= 2+ 2+ 2+····+ 2
(f'1 )- (fnl) (f//2) (f1/3) (f,lS)
f. = Natural frequency of
trall~ver~evibralion of the shaft
carrying (Xlint load~ and uniformly distributed load.
1. 1 , /.1' I.~· etc. = NatuT'dl frequency of Imnsversc vibration of each poinllQad.
In.' = Natuml frequency of trans,'erse vibralion of the unifomlly
dislributcd load (or due to the ma,s of the shaft).
Now, consider a shaft AB loaded as shown in Fig.

f. I ,1

Shaft carrying a number of point loads and a uniformly distributed load.

Let 8. ,8 2 • 83 etc. = Static deflection due to the load W h W 2 • W 3 etc. when

considered separately.

8 s =Static deflection due to the uniformly distributed load or due to the mass of the

We know that natural frequency of transverse vibration due to load W h

. U.4YS5
1., - .j6; Hz

Similarly. naluntl frequcncy of tnulsvcrsc vibra­

(i('l1 due 10 load IV,.

anci, n&lnml rm'llJ(~n('y of 'ran~v('rsc vihralion "II~ 10 Itlf,c1

"'" O..J.9R5
c- Hz


Also natural frequency of lransvcn;e vibration

due to Dnifomlly distributed load or weight of U1e sbaft,
0.5615 Hz
flU .jS;
Therefore, according to Dunkerley's empirical formula, the natural frequency of the
whole system,
~=1-t- 2+ .. 3+·· .. + ,2
l/. , UnlJ (/,,2) I},,3) (f... 1

~ B.- ~ ~
=_--!.e--.,+ 2+ ,+ ..,.+ 2
(0.4985l~ (0.49B5) (0.4985)- (0.5615)

I [0 I
I .... I Os ]

. 0.4985

III = ~ ~

0. + 02 + 0, +.... + ­
. 1.27
Notes : 1. When there is no uniformly distributed load or mass of the shaft is

negligible, then (j s =0 .

2. The value of 0 O2 ' 03 etc. for a simply supported shaft may be obtained from

the relation
Ii= Wa"l}
3 Ell
l\ = SIalic uCllcclion UllC 10 load W,
a and b = Distances of IhC' load frolll the C'nds.
E = Young's modulus for Ihe m"led,,1 of Ihe sh"l"L
1= Momcnl "I' incni" Ill' (he sh"l't. "nd
I = Total Ie nglh Dr the shall.
Problem(4). A shaft 50 mm diameter and 3 metres long is simply supported at the
ends and carries three loads of 1000 N, 1500 Nand 750 N at 1 m, 2 m and 2.5 m from


the left support. The Young's modulus for shaft material is 200 GN/m2 • Find the
frequency of transverse vibration.
Solution. Given: d = 50 mm = 0.05 m; 1 = 3 m, W,. = 1000 N; W 2 = 1500 N ;W3 = 750
N; E =200 GN/m2 = 200 x 109 N/m2

The shaft carrying the loads is shown in Fig.

1000 N 1500 N 750 N

!c to ~E
A 1=1 B

~~ . 1
We know that moment of inertia of the shaft,
J =~Xd4 =~(O.05)4 = 0.307 X!O--fi,,,11

and the static deflection due to a point load W,

~ Wa'b'

Static deflection due to a load of 1000 N,

IOOOxl 2 x2 2
iii = 7.24xI0-· m
3x200x 109 xO.307x 10-6 x3
... (H.,..... {/ = I 111. and b = 2 nn
Similarly, static deflection due to a load of 1500 N,
2 2
" -
1500x2 xl -Iii) 86 xl".-.-3
. 3X 2UlIx 1U9 x 0.3U7 X 10--6 X 3 .
.. . (Her.., 1I = 2 m. and b = J III I
and stalic deflection due to a load of 750 N,
2 2
v,=' 750[).:'iJ (051 "I'~X I (I-.\ m
. 3x 200x I (j'J xO.307 X 10--6 x3
... IHer.., Q =1..1 m. and !J =(.'.5 m,
We know that frequency of transverse vibration,
. 0.4985
OJ +° +°
2 3

= 0_1422 = 3.5 Hz.

Critical or Whirling Speed of a Shaft

In actual practice, a rotating shaft carries different mountings and accessories
in the form of gears, pulleys, etc. When the gears or pulleys are put on the shaft, the
centre of gravity of the pulley or gear does not coincide with the centre line of the
bearings or with the axis of the shaft, when the shaft is stationary. This means that the
centre of gravity of the pulley or gear is at a certain distance from the axis of rotation
and due to this, the shaft is subjected to centrifugal force. This force will bent the
shaft which will further increase the distance of centre of gravity of the pulley or
gear from the axis of rotation. This correspondingly increases the value of
centrifugal force, which further increases the distance of centre of gravity from the
axis of rotation. This effect is cumulative and ultimately the shaft fails. The bending of
shaft not only depends upon the value of eccentricity (distance between centre of
gravity of the pulley and the axis of rotation) but also depends upon the speed at
which the shaft rotates.
The speed at which the shaft runs so that the additional deflection of the shaft
from the axis of rotation becomes infinite, is known as critical or whirling

/ ..!:~:-+++--1
Shalt axi,s t

~ Fe
lIZ! When .hafT ,. Slatwnmy. (1)) When <hafT ,. mraling.

Critical or whirling speed of a shaft.

Problem(5). Calculate the whirling speed of a shaft 20 mm diameter and 0.6 m long
carrying a mass of I kg at its mid-point. The density of the shaft material is 40 Mg/m3
, and Young's modulus is 200 GN/m 2 • Assume the shaft to be freely supported.
Given data: d = 20 mm = 0.02 m ; I = 0.6 m ; ml = I kg ; P = 40 Mg/m3 = 40 x 10·
g/m3 = 40 x 103 kg/m3 ; E = 200 GN/m2 = 200 x 109 N/m2
The shaft is shown in Fig.
1 Kg


We know that moment of inertia of the shaft,

f = it X .1 4 = it (O.02)'l m'l
(i4 (}4

= 7.~S5 X I rr9 m 4
Since the density of shaft material is 40 x 103 kg/m 3 , therefore mass of the shaft per
metre length,
IllS"'" Area x Jengthxdensity ~ ; (0.02)2 X Ix40x IO) = 12.6 kg/m

We know that static deflection due to I kg of mass at the centre,

S= W/ lX9.81(O.6)3 _28xI0-6 III
9 9
48£1 48x200x10 x7.855x 10-

and static deflection due to mass of the shaft,

" _ 511'/4 5x 12.6x 9.81 (0.6)4
us- 0.133xlO-3 III
. 384£1 384x200x 109 x7.855xlO-9

Frequency of transverse vibration,

. 0.4985

0+ ;

28x 10-6 + O. [ 33x 10­


--------,- = 4J.3 Hz
11.52x 10-.1
Ne = Whirlin~
- sn.·cd
,.­ or a shaft.
We know that whirling speed of a shaft in r.p.s. is equal to the frequency of
transverse vibration in Hz , therefore
Nc = 43.3 r.p.s. = 43.3 x 60 = 2598 r.p.m.


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