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1. Phan Thi Thu Thuy_10180055

2. Phan Ngoc Anh Thu_10170339
3. Tran Dieu Linh_10170429
4. Tran Thi Phuong Anh_10170004

I. Role
Name Role
Tran Dieu Linh Linh HR manager
Phan Ngoc Anh Thu A.Thu Secretary
Phan Thi Thu Thuy Thuy Candidate 1
Tran Thi Phuong Anh P.Anh Candidate 2

II. Subjects
 Hiring process.
 Different situations in Interviewing.
 Focus on relationship recruiting.

III. Interview script

 SCENE 1:

Linh & Thu are discussing about job requirements to recruit for teller position of
Techcombank. Hand over the task to the functional staff to post basic recruitment
information on the website of the company or Vietnamworks because this job does not
require too high expertise.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 SCENE 2:

Filter CV and check test results (because Techcombank has recruitment test before
interview). Since then, the decision to select two applicants is Thuy and P.Anh for

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next week~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 SCENE 3:
The interview starts. P.Anh comes in first. However, he is late.  Thuy comes in instead.

*Candidate 1 (Phan Thi Thu Thuy):

1. Introduce herself.
2. Why she quit her last job?
3. Her strengths and weaknesses.
4. Where does she see herself 5 years from now?
5. Situation question.

Thuy finishes her interview  Thu invites Phuong Anh come in.

*Candidate 2 (Tran Thi Phuong Anh)

1. Introduce herself.
2. How well he knows about the job.
3. Being turned down because having no experience. Ask her to change her hair

 SCENE 4:

Linh and Thu discuss about who they will hire. Manager (Linh) not believe about Thuy
because she looks dishonest although Thu thinks that she is appropriate for this position.
P.Anh is Thu’s nephew and Thu wants to give this chance to her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 week later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Linh accept Thu’s recommendation of hiring Phuong Anh and Thu calls her to go to work.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The end~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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