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新年在家过团圆~!22 道年菜食谱


的 22 道年菜食谱吧!学会新菜式,让回到家乡的家人一起享用美味的年菜吧!

15. 金菇豆腐|Enoki Tofu

材料 A:
白豆腐 4 块
Ingredients A:
4 blocks white tofu

材料 B:
鲜金针菇 1 包|白玉菇 1 包|甜豆 六条|红萝卜丝、姜丝适量|枸杞 1 茶匙
Ingredients B:
1 pkt enoki mushroom| 1 pkt white crab mushroom| 6 pcs sweet peas|some juliennes
carrot & ginger|1 tsp Gou Qi

素蠔油 1 汤匙|调味素 1 茶匙|酱油 1 茶匙|盐 1⁄2 茶匙|糖 1⁄2 茶匙|麻油 1⁄2 茶匙|
1 tbsp vegetarian oyster sauce |1 tsp vegetarian stock granule| 1⁄2 tsp soy sauce| 1⁄2
tsp salt |1⁄2 tsp sugar| 1⁄2 tsp sesame oil|Some corn starch

1. 烧热 1⁄2 锅油,把豆腐炸至金黄色捞起,摆盘。
2. 材料 B 放入沸水中川烫片刻,捞起沥干水备用。
3. 锅内热 1 汤匙油,放入川烫过的材料 B 及 1 杯水煮滚。
4. 加入调味料和生粉水勾芡即可淋在豆腐上。
1. Deep fry tofu in hot oil until golden brown, arrange on serving plate
2. Blanch ingredients B briefly in boiling water, drain.
3. Heat 1 tbsp oil in wok, add in blanched ingredients B with 1 cup of water; bring
to boil.
4. Add seasoning and then thicken with starch, pour over fried tofu to serve.
16. 风果年华|Splendid Greens

材料 A:
青、黄及红灯笼椒各 1⁄4 粒(切片)|马蹄肉、莲藕、芦笋、西芹 各 50 克
Ingredients A:
1⁄4 each of green, yellow & red capsicum|50g each of water chestnut, lotus root,
asparagus & celery

材料 B:
Ingredients B:
some macadamia nut(blanch in oil till golden brown)

调味素 1⁄2 茶匙|盐 1⁄2 茶匙|糖 1⁄2 茶匙|素蚝油 1 茶匙
1⁄2 tsp vegetarian stock granule|1⁄2 tsp salt|1⁄2 tsp sugar|1 tsp vegetarian oyster sauce

1. 把所有材料处理好,切块,然后放入滚水中川烫一下,捞起沥干备用。
2. 烧热锅,下 11⁄2 汤匙油,把所有材料和调味料一起倒入炒一下,大约 2 分
1. Cut all ingredients into pieces and then blanch in boiling water briefly, drain.
2. Heat 1 1⁄2 tbsp oil in wok, add in all ingredients together with seasoning, stir-fry
for about 2 minutes, dish out, top with macadamia nuts.

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